Local Authors > Matthew Buckley

I just found out what my title is...

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Kind of what Fell said - Again I say (because I had to say this to HoM before) - what kind of book is it, and what's it about?

It's fiction.  It's a humorous look at a family with 7 boys, and their adventures one summer.  

The purpose of the title, since nobody is going to know my name, is to at least try to get somebody to stop and take a second look.  Or maybe pick it up.  The title is actually used by a character in my book, though it&#8217;s not prominent.  I was aiming for something that people would walk by, stop, and return just to make sure they hadn't misread.

I&#8217;m not really sold on the title they picked, but don&#8217;t think I have any options, other than throw an unproductive fit.

From what you and HoM are saying about working with Covenant it seems like they need some serious help in the editor/marketer/business department.  All the decisions you two have described sound like they were made by MTC teachers in commitee.  Is it really that bad or are we just hearing the horror stories?

I don't mean to paint them in that way.  In fact I wrote to one of the people on the committee and they seemed open about looking at alternatives...  

We will see.  There might be a better name for it, who knows.  I just don't know if I like the one they proposed...  Maybe it will grow on me.

Too bad The Hoboken Chicken Emergency is already taken. As is The Chicken Heart. (guh-gung. guh-gung.)


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