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Role-Playing Games / Looking for players in Utah
« on: May 18, 2003, 07:58:27 PM »
So, I'm looking for a couple of new players in the Utah area. I was wondering if any of those that come to the forum are interested.

I'm currently running a homebrew D&D 3e campaign on Saturdays from 6-10 pm.

I am also planning to take a break in the D&D campaign to run a short Farscape campaign in June.

If anyone is interested in joining please let me know.

Role-Playing Games / Mature Player?
« on: May 18, 2003, 02:02:39 AM »
So this topic came up on another thread, but I've been recently discussing this with other people quite frequently. What is everyone's idea of a mature RPG player?

I notice not everyone seems to have the same idea. I for one, have been dissapointed by people I thought should be mature players (particularly when I know they have been playing for years), only to find out they really hadn't grown much as a players. I also know people without any experience who turn out to be mature players.

To get things rolling I'll throw out one characteristic I tend to find in mature players: willingness to play a weak character. You know, they type of characters that have a lot of "deadwood" or have a serious attribute penalty or just aren't as spiffy as the other party members. I find that a player who accepts playing a weak character, are often better players over all.

Role-Playing Games / Character Portraits
« on: May 15, 2003, 01:40:24 AM »
So I was thinking that I might nejoy drawing some character portraits for other people. So me your ideas  for character or description of characters you are currently playing or character you used to play.

I won't garantee that I'll draw every request, since my time is limited.

I'm an okay artists, so you are taking your chances.

Here are some small examples of characters I have drawn.

Role-Playing Games / RPG Market
« on: May 01, 2003, 12:04:06 AM »
So I have a theoretical question. If you were the owner/producer of an RPG game, how would you market it to a general audience?

Perhaps it is simply illogical to think that an RPG game could be as popular with the masses as a blockbuster movie, but it would be cool if there was one. Then my enjoyment of lesser known RPGs can be even more elistist.

So according to WotC, there are about 6-10 million RPG players in the world. How could it be a 100 million or more. (That would have to include a diverse demographic of Blacks, Jews, Latinos and girls)

Role-Playing Games / Character Sheets
« on: April 30, 2003, 06:05:18 PM »
So, Spriggan has asked me to post my Palladium character sheet. This is the first draft so I don't expect it to be perfect. It' fairly generic and was copied from various other character sheets. Enjoy.

In the near future I hope to post my D&D 3e character sheet.

Books / WotC open call for novel proposals
« on: March 05, 2003, 09:41:56 PM »
So Wizards of the Coast is placing an open call for novel proposals.

So what does everyone think of this procedure?

Role-Playing Games / Steampunk
« on: February 16, 2003, 02:48:32 PM »
So I've heard a lot of talk about steampunk RPGs, yet no one seems to have a decent source book. What I gather to be part of hte problem is that no one seems to have the same idea of what would constitute a steampunk setting.

For me when I think of steampunk, I tend to think of Jules Verne and Mary Shelley. What I don't think of is League of Extraordinary Gentleman, which I find to have too much comic book camp in it.

So what do other people think of as steampunk and what would you put into a steampunk source book?

Role-Playing Games / Pen & Paper v.s. video game RPGs
« on: February 10, 2003, 05:38:30 PM »
So I've been having a discussion with one of my hologram friends about the difference between pen and paper RPGs and video Game RPGs.

One of the things I notice, is that in pen and paper you have more freedom from the rules of the game. This also leads to less compulsion to maximize statistics.

Course, with video game RPGs you don't have to deal with as many unknown factors or personality conflicts.

Also what do you do with a video game RPG player in a pen and paper game?

Role-Playing Games / Campaign Help
« on: February 02, 2003, 02:06:17 AM »
So the voices in my head have given me permission to return to the board for a while.

So I'm thinking of starting a campaign in the next few months. I've already decided some of th basic setting and story outline, but here are some of my questoins.

1. System rules: I've decided that there isn't a system out there that I completely like. So I think I will just take the DnD 3E system (since I'm familiar wiht it) and get rid of half hte rules and make it the way I want it. Is this a good idea? Does it take away too much control from the players?

2. Players: I'm the kind of player that I like to think can have fun with any character given to me. When make a character I try to think of things that might be challenging. (hmm.. let's a hafling fighter with only a sling sounds like fun). Course, I realize not every one is this way. (One person I currently play with is one of the most blood-thirsty min/max-ers I've ever met and she makes no apologies for it.) So should I limit what kind of players I let into the campaign? Not something I'm very fond of over all.

3. Characters: So I think it is a lot of fun to focus on characters. The dilema here is that, I still want to tell my story. Sometime my story-line and the player story lines don't always come together. This also happens more often when the party is in the GMs custom campaign, but the player is thinking in the world of the premods (Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, ect...). So I've been think of staggering the sessions a little so that I can take time to focus on both. Solution or Problem? I've also thought about asking the players to provide short outlines of where they see their characters heading.

4. Reality: Just how "real" should I try to make the campaign feel? Personally, reality sucks. If you can't pretend in an RPG to be a super-being who can jump off cliff without suffering a scratch or be a lone warrior who can take down a whole orc army then where can you? Despite this I understand that some people want "realistic" feel to the campaign (maybe they just haven't experienced enough trauma to know otherwise). So how much "realism" should I try to include?

Movies and TV / MacGuyver
« on: October 17, 2002, 12:23:12 PM »
So there is a rumor that the WB network is planning on making a new MacGuyver series. It would be retitle "Young MacGuyver." I'm having a hard time picturing this, particularly since MacGuyver was pretty young at the start of the series. So what does everyone else think.

Everything Else / LotR Risk
« on: October 17, 2002, 12:19:02 PM »
So I here that a Lord of the Rings version of Risk is coming out. Has anyone else heard about this and what's different about the game?

Everything Else / Why Zhaan deserved to be in the crew
« on: October 15, 2002, 11:29:08 AM »
To ease the minds of the other voters, I shall now attempt to explain why Zhaan is the best choice for ship counselor/bartender. Basically, she can kick the crap out of the rest of the contenders. To illustrate this is how she would do it.

First, all of the male contenders would go down quickly as Zhaan seduces each of then and then breaks them apart with her bare hands, with the exception of two: Woody, who’s just ignorant, and Moe, who shows an unusual tolerance towards pain. Zhaan would take down Moe, and the thugs helping him, by sending out a cloud of poisonous spores the kill them all. She would then face Woody, who as we all know is a raging psychopath underneath that kind exterior. Zhaan calmness would eventually prevail against the tempest that is Woody.

This leaves the female contenders. Troi’s psychic abilities would quickly be overwhelmed by the intense psychic powers of Zhaan leaving Troi’s brain as nothing but the ashes from the writers early drafts. Then Zhaan would use her invibility powers to stalk down on Ezri, who would be having an emotional breakdown, and blow her away with a pulse rifle. Next is Guinan, whose age and wisdom matches Zhaan’s. Thus, it would come down to whom has the coolest outfits. While it may appear that Guinan has this match easily won, when you factor in Zhaan’s handicap for being BLUE, Zhaan comes out the victor.

This leaves Zhaan with her greatest challenger: Granny. Having developed immunity to Zhaan’s poison spores and toxic brews, being too stubborn to succumb to Zhaan’s psychic attacks, and having equal marksmanship, Granny is a fierce contender. But come on, who do you think the crew would rather have?

Role-Playing Games / Cthulu
« on: October 09, 2002, 12:52:45 AM »

Everything Else / Find your alter ego
« on: September 28, 2002, 08:38:43 PM »
So just to see what might happen I typed my name in a google search.
There is another person with my same name who lives in California and is a wealthy ad executive and is part of an organization to restore Spanish Missions. Very cool.

Books / The Thief Lord
« on: September 27, 2002, 04:30:31 PM »
Has anyone read this book? It's by Cornolia Funke. It was in the news today being promoted as the next Harry Potter.

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