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Role-Playing Games / Plot Ideas?
« on: August 30, 2003, 01:21:44 PM »
Okay I'm looking for some plot ideas for my current campaign I'm running. It's set in the Iron age (that would be around the same time as ancient Egypt or Greece, not neanderthals). I have three players who are trying to establish a new mining settlement. The mining settlement is threatened by psionic goblins. Also, each player has been branded with a symbol that grants them special power, but in tutn makes them insane and will eventually turn them into an evil diety.

Ideas? Suggestions?


Everything Else / Stone Cold Party
« on: August 26, 2003, 10:27:40 PM »
So the ratings are out and once again BYU has taken the top spot as the most stone-cold sober college in the U.S. I love how they make BYU out to be more militant that the military schools.

Also, once again UC, Boulder has taken the top spot as the number one party school in the U.S. of A.

I think UC, Boulder and BYU should get together. They're only a nine hour drive apart. BYU could use some new blood to snipe at and UC, Boulder could use the designated drivers.

Role-Playing Games / PBSDND
« on: August 09, 2003, 02:31:10 AM »
So apparently, PBS is airing a documentary made about D&D. Has anyone heard about this? Anyone know when it's airing.

Role-Playing Games / Eberron
« on: July 30, 2003, 01:17:27 AM »
Doesn't this sound a lot like Dinotopia? Just D&Dized.

I can understand why so much stuff has been included. It has to run for several novel ideas so it has to have a lot for various authors to pick and choose from. Thus the "everything but the kitchen sink" result.

Site News / Happy Pioneer Day
« on: July 24, 2003, 01:53:11 PM »
I just love a State Holiday that gets me off of work while the rest of the country is slaving away.

Everything Else / Unwanted Pets
« on: July 23, 2003, 11:32:16 PM »
So last weekend a sparrow decided that it's home was the backseat of my car. I stayed there the as I went around town running errands and even when I filled up the backseat with stuff that I was moving. I left the windows rolled down, but the bird still didn't feel incline to leave. The bird caught the attention of a biker gang, who proceeded to adopt me into their gang for having made my car one with anature, or at least something alive. I decided to name the bird Clairence. I got to show him to my nieces whe were thrilled by him. But alas, Clairence flew off at the end of the day.

I almost feel like calling a Amber Alert for Clairence, but instead I think I will just have an existential crtisis over the whole thing.

Everything Else / Fishing
« on: July 07, 2003, 01:05:19 AM »
So I went fly-fishing with my older brother and our nephew.

I managed to catch four good size fish, thus proving my ability to provide food for my family if I get turned into a caveman. My brother on the other hand was catching a fish about every five minutes. I attribute this phenomenon to a) his being a grown child-predigy with advance degrees in animal behavior, evolution and genetics; or b) he can talk to fish. In the case of the later, I assume their must be some interesting covesation coming from the fish, or else why would he catch so many. The fish must say something like this, "Help me, I can't breath, but thanks for the free body-piercing."

So is fishing just an insane sadistic pleasure left over from prehistoric ancestors, or is just a good waste of time?

Role-Playing Games / Heroes Unlimited
« on: June 27, 2003, 01:01:56 PM »
While I mostly agree with Fell's article there are a couple things I would like to mention.

First, I have never thought of D20 as a tight system, at least not the way I play it. Also, the snooty artist part of me is screaming that you have become a low-class hick for not caring about art quality.

A second, I guess what annoys me the most about Heroes Unlimited is their setting. It just seem dumb to me, and it wasn't that interesting of a world concept. I would rather that those pages be spent on more stuff for the classes, or more super-abilities, or more cool equipment instead giing me this lame "by the supliment" talk.

Rants and Stuff / Arsenist Wanted
« on: June 26, 2003, 12:37:25 AM »
So I've decided that apartment hunting sucks.

I attribute most of this to living in "Happy Valley" Utah where half of the landlords refuse to rent to me because I'm single and therefor will cause the gates of the netherworld to open-up in any apartment I rent.

I hate being treated like a kid just because I'm not married. This is such a Utah County thing too.

So the best excuses so far are:
"Well, we really would prefer a married couple to live here."
"I don't think you can handle being next to a family."
"The place just isn't ready for singles."

Well, they can jsut take their little breeding-holes and BURN. At least that's what happened in my hallucinatory head.

Books / Future of Comic Books
« on: June 24, 2003, 08:44:42 PM »
So, I saw the History Channel's documentary on super-heroes and comic books. It was interesting, but sort of depressing. They ended by talking about the business problems that comic books currently face. During the golden age of comics, comics sold in the millions and tens of millions. Now they say they they are happy when a comic book sells 150,000.

So I'm wondering where comic books are headed. What I fear is that they will become elitist and unaccessable like modern art.

Movies and TV / Hulk *spoilers*
« on: June 20, 2003, 08:21:30 PM »
So I went and saw the Hulk. It was a lot more cerebral than I was expecting, so I enjoyed it. They also seemed to have cleaned up a lot of the FXs.

The mutant poodle was just a little too banail for me.
The pacing is a little slow, but the dramatic music helps the audience et through some of them.
The over-all acting was good, though I found the rival scientist guy to be sort of annoying.

And finally, comic-book style Russian Montage sequences. Funky.

Role-Playing Games / Teddy Roosevelt was Spider-man
« on: June 19, 2003, 01:07:09 AM »
Okay, I've been playing around with the idea of creating a super hero campaign, but outside of the modern era. I'd like to set the campaign in late-19th century Industrial America.

So I'm having trouble deciding what system to use. I like Palladiums Heros Unlimited, but it's just not working with the time era change. The whole education and equipment sections get too mucked up.

So I'm wondering what suggestions people have.

The systems that I have found don't work, or would be too much work to adapt:
White Wolf

Systems that I'm considering, or haven't yet checked out:
D20 (Drawing a lot from Modern & Cthulu)
Hero 5th
Space 1889

It still seams like a lot of work, no matter what I choose. There just doesn't seem to be any RPGs set in that time period.

Table-Top Games / Huh?
« on: June 06, 2003, 09:11:25 PM »
This article is basicly the source of my confusion:

Role-Playing Games / The 7th Sea
« on: May 23, 2003, 08:04:10 PM »
I'm just wondering if anyone here has played the 7th sea RPG and if so what's your opinion of it?

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