Author Topic: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown  (Read 9488 times)


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Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« on: June 23, 2009, 09:56:30 AM »
Round 1:

Vin vs. Raoden

Round 2:

Kelsier vs. Dilaf

Round 3:

Sazed vs. Susebron

Round 4:

Vasher vs. The Lord Ruler

Round 5:

Spook vs. Vivena

Round 6:

Denth vs. Marsh

winners of each continue on to next round like so:

Round 7:

winner of Round1 vs. Round 2

Round 8:

R3 vs. R4

Round 9:

R5 vs. R6

and continues with:

Round 10:

R7 vs. R8

and finally

Round 10:

R10 vs. R9

I expect every battle, and show your work. ;P

Let the battle begin.
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2009, 06:52:50 PM »
Before the battle begins, I just want to ask- we are talking mortal Vin and Sazed right? Not shard-Vin and Sazed? And does Suseborn have a tongue, or no tongue?
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2009, 08:02:35 PM »
Round 1:
Speed wins.  Vin throws a salvo of coins before Raoden can even finish his first Aon, disrupting his attempt to draw precise figures in the air, and follows up for the kill.

Round 2:
I'd give this one to Kelsier.  Pewter gives him the strength to at least survive in close combat, but more importantly Dilaf has nothing to stop Kelsier from pelting him with sharp metal objects from range.

Round 3:
Susebron Awakens everything in hearing range and Sazed gets beat on by several dozen assorted animated objects.  Strength and speed only do so much when you have 50 flying carpets trying to wrap around you and your clothes are trying to suffocate you, and whatever stores he has will run out fairly quickly.

Round 4:
Feruchemy + Allomancy + knowledge of how they interact is very hard to beat, especially with the size of feruchemical storages the Lord Ruler routinely keeps charged - he's had to single-handedly destroy entire armies before, and he keeps enough power stored up to do that again at any time.  Rashek burns some feruchemically charged pewter and steel (I think; the one that stores speed) and rips Vasher in half before he can blink.

Round 5:
I'm assuming that we're using the Tin Savant with no spike version of Spook, here.  Vivena has very little experience with both combat in general and Awakening, and not all that incredibly many breaths.  She tries, and has a few awakened objects to help, but Spook sees/hears everything coming a mile away and dodges with ease.  Spook wins.

Round 6:
Marsh the favorite Inquisitor of Ruin, I presume.  Denth is good, but Marsh is The Lord Ruler Lite.  Marsh may get hurt, but only because he lacks experience and Rashek's habit of extreme preparation/paranoia.  Denth dies, and Marsh heals himself with feruchemy - and that's if Denth gets advance warning to strip all metals and find a nonmetal weapon.  If Denth fights with his normal sword, Marsh wins with ease thanks to steel and iron.

Round 7:
Vin vs Kelsier: Tough call.  Kelsier is more experienced, but Vin has more natural talent.  Assuming equal access or lack of access to duralumin, I think experience will win out this time.  Kelsier wins.

Round 8:
Susebron vs The Lord Ruler: Susebron can effectively create an entire army with his voice, but The Lord Ruler regards destroying entire armies by himself to be almost routine.  Rashek bulldozes his way through the animated furniture and Lifeless, re-removes Susebron's tongue, and claims the throne.

Round 9:
Spook vs Marsh: Tin Savant vs Steel Inquisitor Ultra.  Spook is toast.

Round 10:
Kelsier vs The Lord Ruler: Even if Kelsier were trying to win, unlike the time this matchup actually happens in the book, Rashek has 1000 years of experience on him plus feruchemy and exclusive knowledge of their interactions and the properties of several additional metals.  Rashek wins.

Round 11:
Marsh vs The Lord Ruler: The original vs the hemalurgically assembled imitation.  Everything Marsh has, Rashek has better.  Final winner: Rashek, The Lord Ruler.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 08:05:32 PM by douglas »


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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2009, 09:07:22 PM »
I beg to differ.  I think that Sub would win with both fights because all that TLR can do is use the metal things to push away.  With humans you slice off they're head, they die.  With carpets and chairs, you slice through it and you can create secondary set.  So the more you cut at it the more weapons you create.
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2009, 09:23:13 PM »
Using steel to push is very far from the only thing TLR can do.  His two chief trump cards as I see them are a) feruchemical strength multiplied by allomancy, and b) feruchemical speed multiplied by allomancy.  He doesn't really need to destroy Susebron's animated army, he can just plow through it with more speed and force than it can stop - and Susebron himself is human.  Plus, I don't recall it ever being established in Warbreaker that Awakened objects stay Awakened after being torn in half, much less after being broken into many pieces, and I do remember an explicit explanation that Lifeless aren't all that much harder to beat than ordinary humans.  The chief advantage of Lifeless is their lack of need for rest or food, not their durability, and I doubt other kinds of Awakened things are all that much different in that respect.  In fact, the only reason I didn't give Sazed the win is that I don't think he could reasonably store up enough power to keep the burst of strength and speed going long enough at the level necessary.

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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2009, 10:40:04 PM »
Vin has the same expeirence as Kel at the end of book 2 you need to read more would kill kel in a fight... it wouldn't last more than 2 minutes. Raoden is too new to his powers but in a few years i think his intelligence would overwhelm Vin's dexterity and strength
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2009, 04:31:00 AM »
Round 1:
Vin vs. Raoden         

To be fair, you'd have to let Raoden have as much time to get used to the AonDor as Vin has had to get used to Allomancy. Just seeing the skill that he has after the little time he's had it in the book, I'd say if you give him even one more year, he'd be skilled enough to take Vin down. He's already getting pretty fast at drawing the Aons, and he'll only get faster with time. Plus, I can see him getting to the point of being able to draw two Aons at the same time....Doesn't matter how fast Vin is, she wouldn't be able to counter that....She's gone.

Round 2:
Kelsier vs. Dilaf         

Kel wins. There's really no contest to this one. Sure, Dilaf is freaking strong, but he doesn't stand a chance against just iron/steel. That's not even taking into account pewter and tin, not that tin would really be able to do a whole lot, but still. Kel whoops Dilaf.

Round 3:
Sazed vs. Susebron         

Sazed puts up a VERY good fight, but he just can't work his away around all the Awakened objects and Lifeless that Seb has at his disposal to face Seb head-on. Seb wins.

Round 4:
Vasher vs. The Lord Ruler      

Vasher can't even beat Denth in a fair fight (notice I said FAIR....I won't say what's unfair so as to avoid spoilers...). Even if he pulled what he did to Denth on the TLR, he would still lose. TLR would be able to heal from whatever injury Vasher inflicts upon him, he'd be able to take down whatever Awakened forces Vasher uses, and he's really not all that evil of a person, regardless of what Vin thinks, so not even Nightblood would work on him. TLR takes the win.

Round 5:
Spook vs. Vivena         

Doing the same thing with this fight as with Vin vs Raoden, Viv has more time to learn. Not only this, but she's been training under Denth and Vasher, both of whom have extensive knowledge of Awakening. Yeah, Spook's a savant. As we saw in HoA, he can do a LOT. But Tin isn't going to help him with Lifeless....And yes, I can see Viv getting around to Awakening a Lifeless or two sometime....Granted it would take her a while to get to that point, but it will happen, eventually. And when it does, Spook's toast.

Round 6:
Denth vs. Marsh         

Denth is killed less than a minute in to the fight. Yes, he's good. But he stands no chance against a super-powered Inquisitor like Marsh...No chance at all.

Round 7:
Raoden vs Kel            

Again, Raoden has had time to develop his skill. Not more time than he had with Vin, but I think it's safe to say that Vin would beat Kel in a fight, and therefore, if Raoden beats Vin, he should be able to beat Kel. Kel uses his skill with steel/iron finely, but Raoden turns them all the metal to feathers with one Aon he draws in his left hand, while drawing an energy Aon in his right hand.....Kel dies.

Round 8:
Seb vs TLR            

Seb puts up a marvelous fight with all his Lifeless and the other Awakened objects. It doesn't take TLR all that long to get around them. TLR controlled Koloss, which I'm sure were MANY times more difficult to kill than Lifeless. And since there's really only so much you can do with Awakening--since there are only so many viable commands regardless of how much Breath one holds--as opposed to the combo of Allomancy and Feruchemy, the combo takes the fight. TLR wins.

Round 9:
Viv vs Marsh            

Doesn't matter how much training Viv gets. She's not beating Marsh. Marsh has already faced one Awakener, and a pretty good one at that, plus a really good fighter on top of being an Awakener. Viv's not a fighter. She may be an Awakener by this point in time, and she may know a bit of how to fight, but she's nowhere near Denth's ability. Anything she throws at Marsh, he counters. He's seen it before, plus more. Nothing is new. She dies much faster than Denth did, which is really only fair.

Round 10:
Raoden vs TLR         

Raoden's seen and beaten 2 Mistborn, easily. He's ready for more of a challenge. He sees TLR's Feruchemical abilities--like the speed and the healing and the strength even more than the Mistborn--and he's not QUITE sure what to make of it, but he uses his brain, and the Aons to the best of his ability. Keeping up with his "left hand metal-feather-turner, right-hand offense" thing he had going on for him during Kel's fight, he's able to fight off everything TLR sends at him, plus give a few injuries in return. Granted, those injuries heal up fast, but hey, it's using up a good portion of TLR's stores--both of pewter and of Feruchemy. Eventually, Raoden decides to try something new, and adds a modifier onto one of the metal-feather-turner Aons, making it so the metal TLR is wearing also changes....And thus, TLR is beaten.

Round 11:
Marsh vs Raoden
After having JUST beaten TLR, fighting Marsh, although another invigorating fight, is nothing new to our Elantrian friend. He notices right off the bat that Marsh is a little different than TLR. I mean, for one thing, TLR didn't have a metal spike sticking out of one his eyes, and a hole where the other eye should be. Plus, Marsh isn't wearing any metal....well. Other than the spike, that is. But still. Raoden figures out a modifier to put on his trustworthy feather Aon (I can't remember which Aon it is that makes an Elantrian able to shape-shift objects, and I don't have my book, so that's why I keep referring to it as the metal-feather-turner...It's not really. It can do more than just that, but that's all that really matters within the confines of these fights...or at least that's all that I choose to use it for...) that will change that lone spike in Marsh's head to a feather....And as we saw in HoA, when the Inquisitors lose both of those spikes, they become a little dead....

And thus, our Elantrian friend takes the trophy....whatever it may be.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 07:41:25 PM by little_wilson »
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2009, 08:33:36 AM »
wow, didn't see that coming.

ok, my take:

Round 1:

Raoden starts to draw an Aon, when he receives a boxing through the head. Vin's just too fast. he dies.

Round 2:

Kelsier wouldn't stand a chance if Dilaf got close to him, but hey, Kelsier shoots coins as fast as bullets and can practically fly. Dilaf dies whining.

Round 3:

When i made the post i pictured them both in their final forms in the books, trying to make it a fair fight, but the powers of ruin and preservation are too powerful to add to Sazed. therefore, Susebron wins by overwhelming awakenings

Round 4:

Vasher draws Nightblood. TLR uses his Iron/Steel Savantness along with Duralumin and cadmium and slows down time. While shooting a coin through Vasher's head. Sorry Vasher, as much as I like you, Allomancy is too BA for you.

Round 5:

This is gonna be a close one because Vivena seems to be able to awaken nearly intuitively. Spook is however, awesome.
I'd say Vivena, but only because she awakens his blindfold and he gets temprorarily blinded when it comes off.

Round 6:

Marsh. Duh.

Round 7:

Vin vs. Kelsier.
Unfortunately for Kelsier, he doesn't know about Duralumin. That's the deciding factor in this battle. GO VIN!

Round 8:

Susebron vs. TLR.
Sorry, Suse. Time sliding and feruchemy fueled strength, speed and healing along with metal-pushing? TLR FTW.

Round 9:

Vivena vs. Marsh.
Marsh. Duh.

Round 10:

Vin vs. TLR.
I believe this was already played out.  TLR should whip her without blinking, but he just doesn't seem to care to. She mist-pushes his atium bracelets and he dies. Poor TLR.

Round 11:

Marsh vs. Vin.
Marsh. Duh. j/k. Vin wins with Duralumin and Zinc.
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2009, 08:50:42 AM »
Round 1 Vin vs Raoden
This one all depends on the metals at Vin's disposal.  I will assume she doesn't have atium, but I think duralumin has become common enough that we can assume she has it. Now Raoden is a fast drawer, but faster than a spray of duralumin-steel pushed coins? I don't think so.  And so down goes the Elantrian with a newly installed coin slot in his head.

Round 2 Kelsier vs Dilaf
Dilaf simply brings the wrong weapons to the fight. His defenses consist of hard skin and bones and a resistance to AonDor -not very helpful against an allomancer burning pewter. Plus Kelsier has the ability to turn Dilaf's offensive weapon, a metal sword, against him. Another mistborn makes it through to the next round.

Round 3 Sazed vs Susebron
I was hoping Sazed would get an easier first fight, because he is just awesome. But sadly I must agree with previous posters. Susebron simply takes control of the surroundings and encases Sazed in a suffocating coffin of cloth. If only it were a coolness contest... *sigh*

Round 4 Vasher vs The Lord Ruler
In the Battle of the Ancients both would be masters of their specific arsenal. So it comes down to which magic is a superior weapon. I belive that to belong to TLR. The problem is that after a short time duking it out, both competitors would realize this. There is one thing that could give the fight to Vasher and that is that Rashek is cocky. After all he's seen and conquered, the idea of being attacked by ropes and cloth is almost laughable. So when Vasher lobs his metal sword in Rashek's direction, he thinks nothing of it. He did afterall let two spears pierce him without batting an eye. What harm could this STILL SHEATHED sword do? But then, it is a pretty sword. Beautiful infact. It's almost as if its calling for me to pick it up, draw it, kill this scraggily nobody with it... Nightblood sucks TLR dry.

Round 5 Spook vs Vivenna
This is the fastest fight yet. Our favorite tin-savant sees everything the awakener in training throws at him and takes her down with a well placed cane blow to the head.

Round 6 Denth vs Marsh
This one is a tough call because we never get to see Denth's skill in awakening. Denth has the edge when it comes to actual sword play, but the allomancy/feruchemy combo brought to the table by Marsh allows him to stay far away and attack from a distance while healing from whatever wound Denth landed. Marsh wins.

Round 7 Vin vs Kelsier
The epic teacher against student showdown. I give this one to Vin. Even after a few months she gave him a run for his money. Now that she has a couple more years under her belt, it would be no contest.

Round 8 Susebron vs Vasher
Susebron is just too innocent for Nightblood to entrance him. Vasher knows exactly what he's up against though. He draws Nightblood, slashing through the various rugs and ropes and creates a dark cloud of smoke where the God King once stood. Wow i didn't realize Vasher would come this far.

Round 9 Spook vs Marsh
I just can't see Spook ever getting on the offensive. He would be simply too busy dodging the onslaught that would be Marsh to do anything. After a while, he would slip up and get stuck. (The tin-savant would get second in a coolness contest though)

Round 10 Vin vs Vasher
Hmm... This is a tough one. So far Nightblood has been the key to Vasher's success. It killed the two most super powered people in the competition, but Vin is niether TLR nor the God King. She is both paranoid and and has years of  fighting experience. One of the first things she would do would be to push away his sword. With Nightblood out of the picture, Vasher goes down.

Round 11 Marsh vs Vin
Take away Marsh's fellow Inquisitors and Vin's AWESOME Preservation powers that unbalanced the fight in Hero of Ages and I think Vin will come out on top. She is simply a much better fighter than Marsh and has the knowledge of the Inquisitor's weakness. The other head spike is coming out.

Winner: Vin
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2009, 07:12:02 PM »
Hoid wins ;D
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2009, 07:35:46 PM »
"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2009, 03:10:15 AM »
Raoden draws a shield aeon and therefore blocks coins...he also could if given the time like wilson says get much better and discover how to make seons which would help him in a fight if needed... if on Elantrian ground he is unbeatable, and yes if he is even on just another continent he loses badly
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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2009, 03:22:13 AM »
I don't think it necessarily fair that seons, lifeless, koloss can be used, because then whoever has the largest army would win, and there would be no skilled needed.  It wouln't matter how many seons or aeons Raoden could make if there's an army of Koloss or Lifeless running at him.  I think that koloss seons lifeless and even kandra should be ignored in the showdowns.


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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2009, 04:30:57 AM »
1: Vin is just too fast for Raoden. Even if he was able to draw an energy Aon, she would be fast enough to dodge it, or if, as suggested by little_wilson, Raoden turned all of her metal into feathers, she would still win because she would carrying her glass daggers with her, and she would quickly kill him with those.  And this isn't even taking into account atium. One duralumin steelpush forward and either her with glass daggers unsheathed, or a handfull of coins would tear through Raoden. Vin wins.

2: Just like Kelsier's fight with the inquisitor, he grabs all of the metal possible and starts spinning it around his body. Until, that is, Kelsier gets bored of this and pushes all of it towards Dilaf. Instant death. Kelsier wins.

3: Susebron sends everything in the room towards Sazed. As Sazed is being choked by everything, he tries increasing his muscle and his body weight to stop the carpet and what not from choking him to death.  Unfortunatley, there's just too many objects and he's overwhelmed. Susebron wins.

4: The Lord Ruler pulls the metals out of Vasher's body, or puts more metal into Vasher's body.  You choose. The Lord Ruler wins.

5: Vivena is too new to Awakening. Spook wins.

6: Denth pulls out his sword quicker than the eye can see and runs at Marsh. Marsh then pulls the sword out of his hand and catches it, then pulls Denth towrds him using the swords sheath and skewers him with his own sword. Marth never even took a step forward.  Marh wins.

7: Vin vs. Kelsier. The apprentice and her master.  They both push away all of the other's metal and then run at eachother with glass daggers in their hands. As Kelsier gets closer to Vin she pulls her earing out of her ear and fires it through his face.  And if you're not satisfied with that, Vin has duralumin and fires coins at him at a speed too faster than he's ever seen. He dies.  Vin wins.

8: Susebron vs The Lord Ruler. The Lord Ruler burns atium and dodges everything Susebron throws at him, then when he's in close, kills him.  Or you know, he could pull the metal out of his body. The Lord Ruler wins.

9: Spook vs Marsh. Marsh rips through Spook. Marsh wins.

10: Vin vs. The Lord Ruler. Vin beat him last time by comeplete luck, she's not so lucky this time. She dies. The Lord Ruler wins.

11: Marsh vs. The Lord Ruler. The Lord Ruler pulls/pushes the other spike out of Marsh's head. The Lord Ruler wins.

Winner: The Lord Ruler

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Re: Ultimate Brandon Sanderson Showdown
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2009, 04:59:31 AM »
Just to point something out, every single one of these characters would be defeated if their opponent were to catch them at the start of the one character's power. Therefore, to make the fights a little more fair, and more interesting, it's better if we give the newbies (meaning the characters who have JUST come into power, like Viv and Raoden) time to learn. Preferably just as much time as their opponent has had.

So Raoden should get a good 3 or 4 years to learn the AonDor, if his opponent is an HoA Vin. And Viv should have a good 7 years to learn Awakening, since her opponent is Spook, who's had about the same time (if not more) to learn the intricacies behind Tin.

And as for the Lifeless, Koloss, Seon deal. I don't think any of us were involving Koloss in these scenarios. I used them as an example of TLR's extent of power, but not within the actual confines of the battle. Take Seons out? Sounds good to me. And Lifeless? Sure...Makes sense. Severely weakens the Awakeners, who are already at an extreme disadvantage against both the characters from Scadriel and from the Elantris world, but okay....
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