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Messages - Comfortable Madness

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: UK Mistborn Cover Art
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:04:22 PM »
Yeah I like the US versions better. Now the new WoT cover on the otherhand....yeah I'll go with the minimalist take that the UK used.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 10, 2009, 03:31:39 PM »
Belief and knowledge are to entirely different things now that doesn't mean that you are not right it just means that you have no undeniable proof...and saying his influence is is BS because that is subject to interpretation... and i am not agnostic because i do not accept the possibility of atheism as it lacks substance

You have one thing correct you are definately not agnostic. Agnostic's are those who believe that the very idea of God is too much for the human mind to comprehend. They believe that there quite possibly could be a God or an afterlife but they won't know for sure until they get there. They pretty much play Switzwerland in any religious debate. You on the other hand seem to be pretty angry at the whole idea of Christianity. This, I believe, comes from your bad experiences, with those close to you, where the Chrisitans you knew were intolerant zealots. Thats only your own personal experience. Grant it there is plenty of history of Christians doing very bad things in the name of Christ ie the Crusades. This however should not tarnish the religion in any way. It is not the religion that demanded that these things be done. Yes, it was those who were "high" up in the church that demanded them to be done but that is not nearly the same thing. They simply misinterpreted or mislead to push for something to be done in God's name. My point is that you shouldn't try to burn down a religion or call those whom believe in it crazy simply because there are those who have simply misrepresented what Christianity is.

Not wanna read Jordan? Does.Not.Compute.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 01, 2009, 06:29:27 PM »
I'm reading Elantris for the first time ever.

All I usually read is 40k fiction, but then I took a break to reread all the Wheel of Time before Novembers release of the 12th book, but then I took a break from that to read all of Brandon Sandersons books. Hopefully I can read all of them and get back to the Wheel of Time before I something else catches my attention and makes my pile of books to read bigger.

40k fiction? Fiction you say? As far as I'm concerned Ibram Gaunt and his merry band of Guardsmen are as real as the keyboard I'm typing on.....

On a serious note how is the 40k fiction? I enjoy the table top game and the brief stories in the codex's are pretty interesting.

Movies and TV / Re: Avatar
« on: June 29, 2009, 08:08:09 PM »
Since this was bumped has anyone else seen the preview for the MOVIE!!?!?!?!?  Like the REAL movie????

OMG I'm so excited! ha ha.

The Last Air Bender? I Saw the teaser-trailer before Transformers 2. It looks pretty neat. M. Night Shayamalan is directing.

Movies and TV / Re: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
« on: June 29, 2009, 02:47:45 PM »
I gave it a B+. When going to see a movie based on a children's cartoon I don't expect anything but a servicable plot. I went to this movie expecting to be entertained and in the end I was very entertained. The Transformers themselves, the mass amount of them this time, were awesome and really how could they not be. Michael Bay did a good job this time in using slo-mo in during the robot fights to better let us see what exactly was happening. The entire fight scene in the forest is just amazing. Also, Shia LeBeouf, adds a ton of comedic moments. The scene where after getting choked by the "fembot" where he then proceeds to scream like a little girl had me in tears. Anyone knocking this movie for its plot is just putting to much thought into it.

Books / Re: Favorite author
« on: June 24, 2009, 10:01:36 PM »
ok, 2 million volumes...   2 million different volumes? 2 million titles?

@Bookstore Guy
I read you loud clear. I was just informing mtlhddoc2 what the ratio was actually concerning.

As far as what "2 million volumes" is referring to I assumed that it meant 2 million different titles.

Books / Re: Favorite author
« on: June 24, 2009, 08:58:18 PM »
key phrase in the USA Today article - 16% of all book sales tracked by the list

so, out of how many different books are they tracking? 50? 500? 5 million?

The "list" they are referring to is the USA Today Best-Selling Book List.

Taken from

Included are more than 2.0 million volumes from about 6,400 independent, chain, discount and online booksellers.

Reporting stores include:, B. Dalton Bookseller, Barnes &, Barnes & Noble Inc.,, Books-A-Million, Bookland and Books & Co., Borders Books & Music, Brentano's, Davis Kidd Booksellers (Nashville, Memphis in Tenn.), Hudson Booksellers, Joseph-Beth Booksellers (Lexington, Ky.; Cincinnati, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh), Powell's Books (Portland, Ore.),, R.J. Julia Booksellers (Madison, Conn.), Schuler Books & Music (Grand Rapids, Okemos, Eastwood, Alpine, Mich.), Target, Tattered Cover Book Store (Denver), Waldenbooks.

Books / Re: Favorite author
« on: June 24, 2009, 04:53:03 PM »
Sorry guys and gals it appears to have some truth to it. According to USA today anyways.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Casting for Warbreaker
« on: June 23, 2009, 03:20:58 PM »
How dare you suggest someone for a part that Salma was nominated for that would mean less movies for me to ogle her would be made!!! the atrocity!!! :P

Lawl! I'm not going to argue against either Bellucci or Hayek for the part. They both are......ummm....perfect for the part. ;)

Books / Re: My readthrough of WoT (**Spoilers**)
« on: June 22, 2009, 02:13:28 PM »
but in 15 years she will be at Lanfear level

And because every time I read something about her, I think something along the lines of, "Wow, Nynaeve is pretty much useless right now. Despite being stronger in the power than pretty much all of the other Wondergirls, she has been outdone by all of them. And she still hasn't really done much that was all that productive that couldn't have been done by others.

*Gasp!* Just think back to a scene where her and Rand go back to Shadar Logoth/Aridhol! >:(

A far more ann0ying character, imo, is Elayne.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Casting for Warbreaker
« on: June 22, 2009, 02:09:05 PM »
Monica Bellucci as Blushweave is pretty close to perfect!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Casting for Warbreaker
« on: June 19, 2009, 04:26:55 PM »
Hmmm how about Ryan Reynolds as Lightsong?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Casting for Warbreaker
« on: June 19, 2009, 02:25:20 PM »
Couple of suggestions off the top of my head....

Siri- Natalie Portman
Blushweaver- Salma Hayek

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: June 16, 2009, 02:19:22 PM »
Did he pull the Stephen King Dark Tower style ending? Because I love that series but the ending was just unsatisfactory.

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