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Messages - Comfortable Madness

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« on: September 11, 2009, 06:41:50 PM »
Oh I realize that less time has passed. I don't, however, feel that it absolves the need for character change and development. Time changes people slowly, events change them quickly. Static characters are boring to me.

I agree wholeheartedly that static characters are boring.  However, I would not agree that Perrin has become static and underdeveloped.  I think that is what we are discussing here.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Perrin has reacted to the events in his life.  He has been pushed the entire way into becoming something he never wanted to be.  The major change in his life has been Faile.  He loves her.  A deep, blind love that changes a man into something he normally doesn't even understand himself.  Nothing else matters to Perrin but Faile, be it Rand, Tarmon Gai'don, or the Dark One.  With Faile by his side he has the courage and will to deal with those things.  However, if he loses Faile then there is no point to go on and he won't.  In all likelihood he would either kill himself or retreat to within.  That is the reason he spends so much time trying to get her back.  It does add to the plotline.  It shows us just how much Perrin is infatuated with Faile and where his loyalties really lie.  We are a very short jump now from Perrin as he is to a Darkfriend Perrin who is forced to the follow the will of the Dark One because Faile is in danger or because Faile leads him astray.  She has more influence over him currently than anyone else and it has taken all this to show just how strong those bonds are so if something like the aforementioned were to happen it wouldn't seem out of character for him to suddenly be willing to give up the world for his love.

I have no knowledge of the coming books and haven't even read chapter one, for that matter I'm about half way through CoT and can't even remember what else happens in this and the next book.  I'm not saying either of those things will happen, just that something like that could be where the current character development of Perrin could be leading.  Was the chase in the books boring to read when compared with everything else that is going on in Randland?  Without a doubt.  Was it necessary.  I'm going to say probably.

Good point. But what you're really trying to say is.......

Down with Faile, up with Berelain! ;D ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« on: September 08, 2009, 10:36:12 PM »
I suppose I can see what you're saying and I a point. You summed up Perrin pretty acurately with "grr". Maybe that's why he started off as my favorite character but now not so much. Mat on the otherhand has definately become, far and away, the most interesting/complex character out of the group. I agree the death of Tylin kind of got shoved aside and buried but that in no way diminshes his complexity. Some of my favorite scenes are of him stumbling his way through his attempted relationship with Tuon and Aludra(for a little bit). He is steadily going from the reluctant hero to a full on hero. His steadily increasing awareness of his importance/responsibility in stopping the Dark One is IMO the best character arc in the story. As, for Rand he is conciously trying to become a "one-trick pony". He actively tries to avoid feeling anything. So, his attempt to become more emotionally wooden is well....making him wooden.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« on: September 08, 2009, 10:05:30 PM »
Of course the character development seemed a tad front heavy. The main characters were teenagers that never ventured any further than the outskirts of their tiny village. Thus, after leaving the village and growing up they changed very rapidly and quite a bit. The changes the characters go through now are just way more subtle by comparison. There is just too much substance (ie the hundreds of side-characters) for any more rapid or highly noticable changes in the any of the main characters.

Rants and Stuff / Re: OH #@!! NO! NO! Not Disney!!!!!!
« on: September 01, 2009, 07:06:39 PM »
Remember when DC and Marvel did Amalgam comics and had characters from each side fight each other? Well instead of Wolverine vs. Batman they could do Beast(via Beauty and the...) vs Wolverine or Jafar vs. Mr. Sinister. Or how about Aladdin vs. Gambit? The possibilities are endless.....

Rants and Stuff / Re: OH #@!! NO! NO! Not Disney!!!!!!
« on: September 01, 2009, 01:48:07 PM »
No need to panic. Although, I could see , at first glance, why one would think panic is necessary. However, Disney also owns Miramax and has been pretty much hands off with that. Some titles that Miramax has released, that are good, and you would never think it was associated with Disney:

Resevoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
The Crow
Gangs of New York
Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2
No Country for Old Men

So, as long as they stay hands off not much will change at Marvel.

Everything Else / Re: Don't Taze Me Bro...
« on: August 26, 2009, 08:07:28 PM »
I wouldn't take you on that bet C.M.  Some lawyer is probably salivating over it already.  And it doesn't matter if you can't afford a lawyer; there are plenty of Plaintiff's attorneys who work on commission.  They won't charge you a cent unless you recover, but then they can be compensated for 25% (or a lot higher percentage dending on the state) of the damage award.  They'll probably sue the taser manufacturor as well.

Of course, I'm not so sure how successful Mr. Idiot would be.  He did run from the police and then try to kick and bite the cops tackling him.

Exactly. Of course they may be able to buy him off with a lifetime supply of spray paint.... Wow thats sad.

Everything Else / Re: Don't Taze Me Bro...
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:57:55 PM »
Who wants to bet me that this intelligence-deficient gentleman sues for a boatload of money?

Everything Else / Re: Obama's Health Care plan
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:13:26 PM »
Yes, that would work, because everyone is full of compassion and will be standing in line to pay the government more than the government says they should.

So, then the government should force us to pay into anything they say is "good" for us then?

Everything Else / Re: Obama's Health Care plan
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:06:41 PM »
So you think they should just die?

I definately do not think that. Maybe there can be an option on your tax form that allows for you to contribute to some sort of universal healthcare for those less fortunate or down on their luck. The key there is the option part. Noone should be forced into this type of plan. Look I don't claim to have the final answer to the healthcare problem that hounds the U.S.. I do however disagree with the plan that Obama is pushing forward.

Everything Else / Re: Obama's Health Care plan
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:01:10 PM »
I already explained how it benefits you. When you get sick, someone else pays for you.

I also responded that it wouldn't work that way. There are simply those who will never contribute to the pool. Thus, never paying for me in return.

Everything Else / Re: Obama's Health Care plan
« on: August 26, 2009, 05:56:47 PM »
The problem of he "one big pool" you speak of is that not everyone in said pool would be contributing. And why would they when "everyone else" has it covered. Sure on paper great idea! Everyone that's healthy and has money pays for all the sick people. Great. Problem is that without any incentive of being a contributing member of society many simply won't contribute.

I suppose I shouldn't insist that my neighbor pay for my police protection, or my military protection, or my roads, or my gradeschool education.

The difference is you actually want and get benefits from those things. Whereas being forced to pay for someone elses healthcare does not benefit you in any way.

Everything Else / Re: Obama's Health Care plan
« on: August 26, 2009, 05:20:21 PM »
I am not entirely confident in the government's ability to make it work, but the free-market healthcare system has FAILED.
As I have said more than once in this thread, with examples, we haven't had a truly free-market healthcare system in DECADES.
It's laughable to blame the current healthcare woes on government intervention when executives and stockholders are making enormous amounts of cash.
Can't quite see the connection here.  Sounds more like class envy/warfare than anything else.  People are making enormous amounts of cash therefore those people are evil?
People are getting hurt, but no one's breaking the law, so we should leave the law the way it is and not change it? No. The law must be changed.

Agreed.  The law should be changed.  In fact, I couldn't agree more.  Several thousand federal regulations on healthcare should be stricken from the books. Take it back to an actual free market system and you will see prices for medical procedures as well as insurance plans drop and the range of care and types of insurance plans available multiply a thousandfold.

Thinking that shareholders and corporate execs will make life better for everyone if left to their own devices is foolishness beyond the extreme.
Agreed. Fortunately for me, that's not exactly the point I'm trying to make.  That point is this:  If you connect covering everyone directly to making money, which is the very definition of a true free-market system, then everyone gets covered. In the current state of things the government has made it expensive and in many cases illegal to offer plans tailored to high-risk or special cases.

I do believe Healthcare should be an inalienable right.
We'll have to agree to disagree here I suppose.  I simply can't in good conscience insist that my neighbor pay for my healthcare.

I think technology and society have progressed to the point where that's possible and practical. Many countries are making it work.

They're not actually.  Every case I've looked up, Canada, England, France, etc... are unsustainable financially.  Why they are unsustainable is wide open to debate, and they aren't actually working.

The underlying problem with giving everyone something for free is that nothing is actually free.  Everything costs something.  Putting the government in charge of a 'healthcare for everyone' system simply means that you're extracting the money for the system from private citizens at the point of a gun and then filtering that money through the government and lying about it being free.  Insisting that the government is the only entity that can run an intelligent healthcare system flies in the face of every single bit of my life experience.

Even if there is no government-run plan, we need to ban making a profit on health insurance. Everyone should be forced to buy coverage, and insurance companies should return all excess profits beyond a reasonable buffer to their policyholders at the end of the year.
Wow.  Just, wow.  This philosophy didn't work in communist russia, it didn't work in china, it hasn't worked anywhere. But I suppose we could try again with starry eyes and hearts full of hope.

Conclusion:  Yes, it would be possible to create a state-run health insurance/health care system that paid for itself and encouraged innovation, efficiency, and customer service.  The nature of government and bureaucracies themselves work against it though.  And the current plan on the table does none of the above.

Who ranks...? the world health organization, a part of the UN
First, keep in mind that places like Oman and Colombia rank above the US.  That says something about how they run those rankings does it not?  And have a look at this.

Skar, You. Are.My.Hero. I was going to respond in similiar fashion but you beat me to the punch and said much better than they way I had it down.

Everything Else / Re: Obama's Health Care plan
« on: August 25, 2009, 10:03:04 PM »
This administra...regime?...gets scarier as time goes on. Stalin indeed. How many Czars do we have these days? Well we didn't elect any of them but we sure the hell pay for them. Insanity.

Rants and Stuff / Re: All Things Username
« on: August 24, 2009, 04:39:26 PM »
The username I use here and everywhere else was created by myself. It's in reference to the feeling you get after being awake for an unhealthy amount of time. You know that your mind just isn't right and you begin to bable about nonsense but it just doesn't matter. I created the name after me and a buddy of mine stayed up for 56 hours straight. Not a record by any means but I could literally sense my sanity beginning to slip but I was Comfortable in my Madness.

Movies and TV / Re: Coolest movie scenes of all time
« on: August 18, 2009, 08:28:42 PM »
I 100% agree with you on the D-Day scene of Saving Private Ryan. You can pretty much cut away any scene from that movie and add it to this thread.

I'll also throw in the scene from The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford(Yah way too long of a movie title) where Robert Ford...well...assassinates Jesse James. It's one of the most intense scenes I've ever watched. The way the scene builds is just brilliant.

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