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Messages - Shuez

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 18, 2007, 07:09:40 PM »
I was really worried about Armadius for awhile, I thought that this was going to turn ugly! I detest religious debate on forum boards that are not about religion.

Armadius, I agree with Brandon, your responses are NOT those of a sixteen year old. Very well written.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I want info about Goodkind/Brandon's comments
« on: January 18, 2007, 02:10:43 AM »
Wow, what peremptory garbage.

What a haughty and arrogant jerk. It is just boastful and self-important blather, cloaked in the appearance of high-flown ideals.  >:(

So many people are afraid of certain things that might label or lump them with the 'geeks' of the world. He reminds me of certain musicians (like Wilson of Porcupine Tree) that fight so desperately to denounce themselves as Progressive Rock. Like Fantasy fiction, Progressive Rock is considered 'geeky', but I love them both  : ;D

I have a paperback of Wizards First Rule (bought used). I will still get around to reading it someday.

You know, it is not surprising that--given Goodkind's attitude--that he is also a violin maker. It seems oddly pertinent somehow...

Brandon Sanderson / I want info about Goodkind/Brandon's comments
« on: January 16, 2007, 11:25:15 PM »
On the forums, Brandon made this comment:

"I refuse to give any money to Goodkind in any way, through any of his novels, because I don't like the way he treats his fans. "

I want more info (the gritty dirt). What does he do to his fans?

My impression of him is that he is haughty and pompous (I have not read any of his books though). Am I wrong?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: for Brandon - What is your proccess?
« on: January 16, 2007, 10:38:01 PM »
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Brandon, it is awesome that you do not need mountains of notes to work from. Why change when it is completely obvious that you do not need another link in the chain.  ;)

BTW, here is a link to the product tour for TexNotes. This is what I use for my word processor.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: for Brandon - What is your proccess?
« on: January 12, 2007, 11:21:33 PM »
I loved keynote for a long time; too bad it is not supported anymore  :(

I made the move to a piece of software that does about everything you could want for a tree outliner - it is called TexNotes. You can add annotations to the page you are working on, links to other notes, bookmarks, anchors, and more. It has all the text formating options of Word, gives you word-count and other document information, and so many other things. When you export your project, it creates clean (without annotaions, highlights, embedded-notes) .rtf documents. I am able to write entire books in this software from beginning to end.

I have been playing with Mindjet recently for mindmapping my ideas. I like it so far.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: for Brandon - What is your proccess?
« on: January 12, 2007, 09:57:01 PM »
Awesome. That is 95% what i was looking for! Thank you.

The only specific question I have is what tools you employ for your proccess. Do you exclusively use Word? Do you use any other software for notes or outlines? Do you tend to have alot of scrap-paper and stickie-notes lying around?

I try to keep all of my notations on the computer, but I always seem to have a pile of stickies, napkins, and torn bits of paper with idea's, names, and places.  :)

Brandon wanted our opinions, well the short answer is that I detest this Mistborn paperback cover! I'm sorry, but covers DO sell books to the naif consumer. Every so often I like to randomly purchase a book from an author that I know nothing about. The criteria I use is:

1) Book cover (I know don't judge a book by it's cover).
2) I read the first page.
3) I open it to the middle of the book and read another page.

If the cover impresses me AND I like the prose and stye of the writer, then a purchase is made.


I find the Mistborn Hardcover resplendent. My wife loves it, my baby girl stares at it everyday - wide-eyed and fascinated. The Mistborn 2 HB is wonderful as well.


Things I hate about the paperback cover:

1) Vin is flat-out ugly. Very peculiar angles and dimensions.
2) Crows? Cliche. "Oh nooo, it the crows!!!"
3) Reaper = cliche x 2. What chapter was the grim reaper in again?
4) The lines (in my opinion) should be long waves, not jagged lines like lightning.

I don't know if Tor know this, but Mistborn is NOTHING like Harry Potter in style. Lets not disguise it with a poor knock-off HP cover. It will only misrepresent and depreciate Brandon's hard work.

Well, that's my 2 & 1/2 cents worth.


Brandon Sanderson / for Brandon - What is your proccess?
« on: January 10, 2007, 09:37:52 PM »
Hello Brandon,

It was very enjoyable to meet you in Seattle, I just wish there had been more people in attendance for you three. Also, I cannot wait to purchase and read Alcatraz!

I have a question that I failed to ask you, what is your writing process? Do you brainstorm on paper or a particular program? Do you outline? What tools do you employ (including any specific software). Thank you for your input in advance.


R. Schuyler Devin  a.k.a  Shuez  - (I was the guy that had the three panel bookcover page for signing)

Writing Group / Re: Help me name a book
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:16:45 PM »
I just told him tonight at his Seattle reading that I posted in this thread...he did not seem mortified  ;)

Writing Group / Re: Pen names
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:53:10 AM »
I like:

Stacey Winter

Writing Group / Re: Help me name a book
« on: December 08, 2006, 01:20:29 PM »
Hello Brandon,

Just finished Elantris and was profoundly delighted by your book. As a writer myself, I strongly agree with the sentiments about using a 'guttural' or 'masculine' name for Wryn's capital.

Here is my 2 cents worth:



Valenkell or Valtenkell


Rostgatha, Rugatha, Vrogatha

That is all for now. I hope to see you at the Seattle signing tomorrow.



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