Author Topic: WOT Help  (Read 144005 times)


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2008, 12:26:01 PM »
I suppose reading EotW first then new spring isnt too bad... But after i finished KoD i went back and re-read them starting with NS and the story just flowed better and i got a better idea of who the main characters were and what they were fighting for.. Kind of like Eddings Belgarath the sorcerer I absolutely loved getting the full history of who Belegrath and Polgara were prior to starting Pawn of Prophecy... I suppose its all just a matter of what your preferences are, im just a fan of starting from the beginning (even if the beginning came after the first book  ;) )


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2008, 11:15:56 PM »
...Another part of it has to do with RJ's compulsive need to describe where the tea came from, what exactly the collar pin looks like and the intimate details of the relevant family and the contents of EVERY ROOM at a detail level that makes you think we're on Antiques Roadshow "The Westlands" edition.

Ok. I am a huge RJ fan, I love the books... all of them, all the time.. I've been a 'wait for the next book' guy since I finished book 4 for the first time (Perrin's ending in that book is still my favorite set of scenes in the series)...

That said, this quote made me almost fall out of my chair laughing... it is so true! I mean, i love the detail he used but WOW could he describe the slashes of color in a dress!!!


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2008, 12:21:50 AM »
Well this is a long thread after only a couple of days. I figured I would put in my two cents.

Ok so I have read WoT and a couple of other long epic fantasy series. The way I describe it and it pains me to say it but the WoT is like a more involved and better described version of the Sword of Truth. The amount of things in this series that I sometimes think Terry Goodking just outright stole is astonishing. And don't get me wrong I love the SoT. Like many have already stated the scope of characters and their interactions is astounding. RJ's ability to "weave" these storylines through so much termoil and around so many barriers makes his work something special. Now I understand those who may think it wordy but the best books often are. I for one will keep them and read them again and hopefully someday one of my kids can read them and enjoy them as much as I have.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2008, 05:28:37 PM »
Well this is a long thread after only a couple of days. I figured I would put in my two cents.

Ok so I have read WoT and a couple of other long epic fantasy series. The way I describe it and it pains me to say it but the WoT is like a more involved and better described version of the Sword of Truth. The amount of things in this series that I sometimes think Terry Goodking just outright stole is astonishing. And don't get me wrong I love the SoT. Like many have already stated the scope of characters and their interactions is astounding. RJ's ability to "weave" these storylines through so much termoil and around so many barriers makes his work something special. Now I understand those who may think it wordy but the best books often are. I for one will keep them and read them again and hopefully someday one of my kids can read them and enjoy them as much as I have.

This is the best review of WoT I've ever seen. Good job Plantation.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2008, 06:10:27 PM »
I still need to finish the series. I started it about 3 years ago and got as far as The Fires of Heaven. And then I stopped because it never went to Perrin....But I've heard number 6 is pretty much all Perrin. I know that's a lame excuse to stop a series, but he was my favorite character at that point in time, and I hated that it didn't go to him even once.

About a year ago, I picked up EotW, but I remembered most of it, so I got online to read a chapter-by-chapter summary of each book....I never did catch myself up. So I STILL have to finish it. And I will. Eventually....And now I want to even more, since some people think it's even better than Sword of Truth (which is another series I never finished--got through 4 and then got into other brother's reading them and he's told me some of what's going on up in book 10, and I'm really interested, though...), and I loved SoT.

I've heard RJ has a lot of characters, though, and all the characters get confusing. And he has/had a habit of mentioning a name, and then 3 books later that person becomes a major player in the story....
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2008, 09:59:31 PM »
There is one major difference between WoT and SoT, while Jordan is a great writer and can tie many story lines into one, his books have run on and on and on and ON, without a significant end in any of the novels. Where as Goodkind had the forsight to actually complete a story with each book. I look at it like this, Goodkinds books are like steps leading from one to the other, but each has its own specific ending a quest or problem is solved in each book and each book has its own climax within the larger world of the story its self. Where as Jordans books are like climbing a slope, there is no beginning or end to each story, its just the same story chopped up into many books. Yes there were a few small endings, but there was no true end. With goodkinds WFR you could have stopped right there and never read another novel and you wouldnt feel like you were missing some great important chunk of a story. With Jordan if you dont keep reading its like stopping in the middle of a book for years on end then picking it back up 2 years later and having to go back and re-read the first half just to remember where you stopped. Its like one of those series that you need to wait 10 or 15 years for all the volumes to come out and THEN sit down and start reading just so you can get the story from beginning to end without a 2 year wait between sections to dull your memory. Its kind of sad to say this but I thank god that Brandon got the chance to finish the story, I know hes gonna make it fantastic, but truly im just glad that is going to be OVER, so i can finally move on with my reading life and stop wondering IF the story will ever end.

Sorry about my rant, im not trying to detract from RJ or Boost opinion of TG but the difference in writing styles  is great, they are both good authors in their own right. I just personally prefer books that i dont have to sit and wait for years on end to see the end of a story.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #36 on: November 18, 2008, 10:28:12 PM »
There is one major difference between WoT and SoT, while Jordan is a great writer and can tie many story lines into one, his books have run on and on and on and ON, without a significant end in any of the novels. Where as Goodkind had the forsight to actually complete a story with each book. I look at it like this, Goodkinds books are like steps leading from one to the other, but each has its own specific ending a quest or problem is solved in each book and each book has its own climax within the larger world of the story its self. Where as Jordans books are like climbing a slope, there is no beginning or end to each story, its just the same story chopped up into many books. Yes there were a few small endings, but there was no true end. With goodkinds WFR you could have stopped right there and never read another novel and you wouldnt feel like you were missing some great important chunk of a story. With Jordan if you dont keep reading its like stopping in the middle of a book for years on end then picking it back up 2 years later and having to go back and re-read the first half just to remember where you stopped. Its like one of those series that you need to wait 10 or 15 years for all the volumes to come out and THEN sit down and start reading just so you can get the story from beginning to end without a 2 year wait between sections to dull your memory. Its kind of sad to say this but I thank god that Brandon got the chance to finish the story, I know hes gonna make it fantastic, but truly im just glad that is going to be OVER, so i can finally move on with my reading life and stop wondering IF the story will ever end.

Sorry about my rant, im not trying to detract from RJ or Boost opinion of TG but the difference in writing styles  is great, they are both good authors in their own right. I just personally prefer books that i dont have to sit and wait for years on end to see the end of a story.


While I respect your opinion....I completely disagree.  For example, in The Eye of The World, the whole book is about getting the, yet unknown, Dragon Reborn to the Eye and just what will happen when he gets there. Or how about the book 3, The Dragon Reborn, that book builds up the fact that only the Dragon Reborn can pull Callandor and when he does what will happen. The point is in all of the WoT books there is an end of some sort. Yes, the main story line continues on but that is one of the advantages, imo, that the WoT has over SoT. Where WoT continues the main story arc throughout the sereis, SoT creates and finishes one in each and every book. It's like I mentioned before as a stand alone book WFR is fantastic but just how many times can Richard and Kahlan be separated only to be rejoined at the end? Or how many times can Richard save the world from impending doom? It starts to get a tad old.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2008, 10:32:37 PM »
Personally, I highly recommend the WoT series. It is a great epic spanning many a book. And honestly, I thought the first book started out slow, but then it picked up from about halfway through book 2 - book 6 or so. Then it slowed down until book 11, where it picked back up again.

Really, the main reason i recommend these books is because you really feel like it's a living, breathing world. The story is a bit cliche, but told with his own unique twists. It's very grand and detailed in scale, obviously. Really, I think any fantasy enthusiast should make these books (at least the first couple) a part of their read.

Oh, and also, i had the paper back for EOTW, and it, too fell apart. Now I have all of them in hardback.

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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2008, 11:05:29 PM »
LightBlade I also have to disagree. Both SoT and WoT had very definitive things that happened in most of the books. You can't really say that WoT is like one big book with only one climax, that would be ridiculous. You also have to take into account for the Chainfire Trilogy at the end of the SoT. Those three books were possably some of the most important books in the whole series and only the last one had an end to it. The first two were frustrating cliffhangers. Your description was a little hasty. If read through again you would realize that all of these books both WoT and SoT had climaxes and both series had some books that kind of leave you hanging.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2008, 06:49:52 AM »
If we're going to talk about SoT, I feel the need to add my opinions.   To say it simply, I think anyone who enjoys WoT will enjoy SoT.   Keep in mind that there was some communication between TG and RJ at some point and so there are many parallels between their stories.   Unfortunately I think SoT is a great storyline implemented horribly.   TG makes a bunch of very amateur mistakes.   If you want to read more about them, I posted them here: Shadowburn Archives.   I don't want to post them here because they do have some spoilers up to and including the final book so read at your own risk.   In the end I do recommend reading SoT once as it is a good story.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2008, 06:40:32 PM »
If we're going to talk about SoT, I feel the need to add my opinions.   To say it simply, I think anyone who enjoys WoT will enjoy SoT.   Keep in mind that there was some communication between TG and RJ at some point and so there are many parallels between their stories.   Unfortunately I think SoT is a great storyline implemented horribly.   TG makes a bunch of very amateur mistakes.   If you want to read more about them, I posted them here: Shadowburn Archives.   I don't want to post them here because they do have some spoilers up to and including the final book so read at your own risk.   In the end I do recommend reading SoT once as it is a good story.

I was told that because I am I big WoT fan that I would like SoT. I finished the second and refuse to pick up another. It felt like Goodkind purposely used ever genre clique.

Also, from what I've heard, Goodkind denies having ever heard of Jordan.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2008, 09:02:42 PM »
Eh, there is no way that is true. Richard=Rand, Blood of the Fold=Children of the Light, Sisters of Light = Aes Sedai, Sword of Truth = Callendor.   There are so many parallels between the two stories that there is no way they didn't talk at some point.   I've heard claims from as far as they worked together before a disagreement sent them their separate ways to being penpals that just bounced some ideas off eachother. Unfortunately if there is insider information on this, it is deeply hidden on the internet.   It looks like the two of them started off with the same world and took the story in two different directions.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2008, 09:15:00 PM »
I agree with ShadowKiller. Now I dont know if they ever talked but there are too many similarities to think that RJ might not have influenced TG. The only one I disagree with is Sword of Truth=Callendor. Thats a little to far seeing how the SoT is kind of the most important thing in all of the books and Callendor really isnt.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #43 on: November 19, 2008, 11:22:28 PM »
Magic Sword destined to be held by the prophetic male magic user created during the age of enlightenment 3000 years past? It could have been a spear, an axe, or any number of other objects, why a sword?   Why is said sword so important for prophecy?   No they aren't exactly the same, but they hold the same place when comparing storylines.   The fact that Rand barely used it and that it's a major plot point throughout the SoT series(going as far as the series being named after it) is just a difference in storytelling.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2008, 11:41:14 PM »
I agree to a point but still find it different. WoT has any number of angriel and ter angriel and sa' angriel involved in the story. Ok this one is prophesied about being held by the Dragon Reborn and such but it is still one of many. The sword of truth is more of what the seeker is and it has been held by many people in history. Yes if you break it down bare, your right its a prophetic sword destined to be held by a prophesied leader who may either destroy the world or save it. I'm not disagreeing with your comparison between the stories, in that respect I wholeheartedly agree. I just cant put those two in the same category. Especially when your talking about the story lines. I mean if you want to base your comparisons on the stories being similar this point alone should stop you from compairing Callendor and the SoT.
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