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Messages - dhalagirl

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Parshendi (WoK spoilers)
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:47:08 AM »
That depends on the motives behind the assassination, which we still don't know.  I know it may seem unlikely, but he may have been killed for an honorable cause.  It was only a few months before Gavilar's death that he became an honorable man.  Before that, he was just as much of a prat as the rest of the Alethi nobility.  If the Parshendi's motive was based on the old Gavilar, they could feel it was just and good without it actually being so.

Writing Group / Re: Random half asleep motivation for steampunk computer!
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:37:54 AM »
I would keep the thwump and 86 the thud.

Writing Group / Re: Random half asleep motivation for steampunk computer!
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:31:09 AM »
I think you've got a good idea going.  I only have a few nit picky things to say, mostly about clarifying and expanding ideas.

tabbed   Isaac walked groggily into the lab, which he had only abandoned a few hours prior.   

Did he abandon the lab or simply leave it?  If he abandoned it then why did he return at all?  Plus, why was he groggy? Was the hour late? Early? He just woke up?

tabbed  The leather-bound briefcase and thick wool jacket made a thud and thwump as they were placed on a desk in the corner of the room.  Isaac rubbed his eyes and turned to the cages that lined the wall containing rats in different degrees of health.  "Good," he thought, "they managed to get me new specimens already this morning.  I'll have to thank Dianne when she brings my lunch." 

Did the jacket bounce when it hit the table?  That's the only reason I can think of that it would make two sounds upon landing.  Unless there's some other reason you haven't stated.  I'd also like to know what he's working on and why the rats are necessary.

I like the idea of a steampunk computer.  I thought the sounds the keys made was a nice touch.  At first I thought the contraption on the table was a separate device.  After a second read through I figured out that it's the same device.  I'm still getting over a cold so my brain isn't as quick as it usually is, so the fault for that misunderstanding is probably mine.  In the last paragraph I assume that this message system takes longer than a hand-written letter.  A little clarification there would be nice.

That's all I have to say.  Keep writing! 

Rants and Stuff / Re: The New Happy Thread
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:01:47 AM »


This could be our last Valentine's Day! 

Now that is a happy thought! 

Writing Group / Re: Best. Word. Ever.
« on: February 06, 2011, 02:14:29 AM »
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned antidisestablishmentarianism yet.  Heck, I'm surprised I remembered how to spell it!

We don't know how the Ghostbloods as an organization treat their Shardplate and Shardblades.  They might have multiple hidden sets.  We know from Dalinar's visions that there is a lot more Shardplate/Shardblades in existence.  The Ghostbloods were willing to lend a Soulcaster to Shallan's father to help their goals, and it's been implied that Soulcasters are nearly as valuable as Shardblades.

They might have thought it was a safe bet to use one of their members to kill Amaram, if it wasn't for Kaladin, the Shardbearer would have easily killed Amaram and been able to get away. 

I forgot to take the Ghostbloods into consideration.  It is quite possible that it was him.  I also agree with andygal about the blade.  It had to be in her father's possession and she definitely killed him in defense, not for personal gain.  Whose defense, I can't say.  It may have been for one of her brothers, but it may have been for herself as well.  He was stifling her passion and creativity (amongst other things). 

Argent, I think you hit the nail on the head about the murder weapon being something more mundane, if it was a weapon that killed him.  Just because there was blood, doesn't necessarily mean that it came from an open wound.  It's been a while since I've read it, but I don't remember a wound being mentioned as the cause of death. 

Rants and Stuff / Re: The New Happy Thread
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:31:46 AM »
I'm going to be an Auntie again!  Yay!

I'm not so sure it was her brother.  If it was, you'd think the loss of Shardplate would've been listed among her family's losses.  That's not something other nobles would overlook.  Also given the value of Shardplate, it's not something another noble would have lent him for the battle.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Fan ..... food? Baywraps!
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:47:25 AM »

1. That is one foul creation.  Howard is a sick man for creating that.
2. Some fan foods should never be made.
3. I can't blame the guy in the vid for wanting to remain anonymous.

Although, maybe if it was fed to inmates they'd stay clean after their release just so they wouldn't have to eat that ever again. :-\

Books / Re: post apocalyptic Sci-Fi
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:43:05 AM »
"Dies the Fire" by S.M. Stirling is pretty good.  But I'm biased since it's set in my neck of the woods.  The Vampire Earth series by E. E. Knight is good.  It's post-apocalyptic with vampire aliens.  You can also try the Remy Chandler books by Thomas Sniegoski.

Books / Re: Steam punk research reading list
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:30:05 AM »

I shouldn't be allowed to buy books in a bookstore, because this is what happens:
Dreadnought  Cherie Priest  (The lady said this one was much better than the first.)
Scar Night Alan Campbell
The Osiris Ritual George Mann
Leviathan Westerfeld
Behemoth Westerfeld.
Grand total = $72.

EDIT:  Oh, and I bought a copy of The Time Machine, I hope to god I don't have to tell you who wrote that one, for my sister, because she has never read it.

Yeah...this is why I got into the review business.  And also why I buy online.  You'd think as a "Bookstore Guy" I'd be all about supporting my local bookstores, but I refuse to buy any novel unless I can get at least 40% off the cover price.

This is why I work at a used bookstore.  I can read anything I want for free and anything I want to keep is 50% off or more. ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Fan ..... food? Baywraps!
« on: January 31, 2011, 10:21:35 PM »
The pie I baked (and slightly burned) last night looked like the shattered plains.  Here's the addy if you want to see the pic.

In my opinion this is why women do all of the writing.  We understand the importance of doing it the right way.  Or in this case the left to right way.

I'm with Shrain and fireflyz on this one.  Art is important, but so is money.  I would love to have my writing read and loved by millions of people.  But I still have bills to pay.  Besides, let's face it.  It's not always easy to find time and/or energy to write when you have a day job.  Getting paid to write is the ultimate win.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: When does Alloy of Law get released?
« on: January 27, 2011, 03:41:06 AM »
I drove from Oregon to Utah this last November and the weather was great!  I had to race a snowstorm on the way home, but other than that it was perfect.  As long as you stay on major roads, you'll be fine.

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