Local Authors > Robison E. Wells

I'm a bit lost...

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Rob, sorry to clutter up your space here.  I'll delete this message tomorrow.

I'm supposed to do a book signing at the "family center" Seagull Book and I have no idea where that is.  Can you help?

House of Mustard:
I hope this is not too late...

Family Center is in Taylorsville -- Redwood Road and about 55th South.  It's in a huge complex of stores, toward the south end -- kinda across from the Bed Bath and Beyond.

Thank you very much... It's not too late, in fact it's just in time.   :)

I thought I could delete this, but I can't seem to see how.

you should be able to deleate your own posts.  But it;s no big deal Mustard can remove it if he wants.

I found the place.  And it was a good thing.  I sold...  one whole book.

But then at the second signing, I sold...  another one book.

And all the new books are out now, so my book has been pushed to the back of the store.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.  :)


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