Games > Table-Top Games

Someone explain CLIX to me

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I don't see why there would be legal issues. It *IS* a review site, and that would be tantamount to advertising. Sorta like demo games in a store. You're not giving away minis, or anything. I think you should do it.

Mad Dr Jeffe:
If anything they'd thank you.

I've never heard of problems with posting graphical battle reports.  For all I've heard, it's encouraged.

The only problem I forsee is that one of the best part of graphical battle reports (for WHFB, Mordheim, 40K, Battletech) is to show off paint jobs and terrain.  Since both are standard with CLIX games (though terrain need not be), they're just not as entertaining.  Also, you can't see the dials.  THey just don't have the pizzazz of othet bat reps.  Not to say they can't be entertaining, but you've really got to work it to makie it more interesting.

WK have some on their site if you want to check them out, also.

Copyright isn't an issue here, just time and effort (time I have plenty of, but effort...well, it kind of goes against the spirit of the site to put a lot of effort into anything). That said, a graphic report or series of graphic reports would be awesome if I could find a good way of doing it. Mustard and I tried one with Mordheim a while back and the pictures turned out pretty horrible. Heroclix is more forgivig visually, however, because of the standardized look of everything, so we ought to try it again. Who knows? If it turns out to be easy to make and post, we could make it a regular feature.

In the interim, I will get a more textual answer to ElJeffe's question soon.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
It won't necessarily make the most sense strategically, but if you do a visual report, make sure each side has two basic colors that can be seen, that way, even if we don't see details, we can tell what's going on. (perhaps a 2 figure team each or something to keep it simple).


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