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Messages - Andrew the Great

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Rants and Stuff / Re: These Stupid Titles IX: Still Without a Title
« on: November 20, 2009, 05:12:18 AM »
Last I knew little wilson was, but I don't know if she still is.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:12:38 AM »
If we're not too busy, I'll polish up another chapter of NaNoWriMo to submit. I might even be able to work in some editing time so you guys don't have to put up with what I crapped out for NaNoWriMo.

And are we supposed to be naming our files that way too? I was under the impression that was just the subject line of the email. Sorry!

Rants and Stuff / Re: These Stupid Titles IX: Still Without a Title
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:04:37 AM »
I hope so. It will be exceedingly pleasant to watch your fall.

Hmm... I think that just might work. I'll try it in my rewrite, and see if it works out. If not, I could probably trim portions of it as well.

I was going for the brooding reaction, but I easily could have overdone it. Anyone else have any opinions on this? Some of you who read chapter 1?

I love the pacing of this chapter. Very good, made it keep moving along very quickly, but doesn't feel rushed.

I agree with Frog, though. Much of this is confusing. At the beginning of the scene, I didn't realize it had happened before Ch 1, which confused me to no end. I'm going, "Wait, when did he get free? Who's this Jake guy?" Maybe it's just that it's been a week since I read Chapter 1, and missed something at the end of that chapter that queues this one up, but there were other clarity issues too. Frog covered those for the most part, so I'll just stick with her stuff.

I also wasn't completely clear on why Baltier runs to the knights. Is it just because they're the enemy of whoever is attacking him? Is he somehow affiliated with them? If not, how does he know that they're there/have healers with them, and what makes him think that they'll help him?

It was very well done though. Overall an excellent chapter. I happily await the next installment.

Rants and Stuff / Re: These Stupid Titles IX: Still Without a Title
« on: November 17, 2009, 12:25:38 AM »
Would anyone care to tell me what Scretch Bait is? I'm feeling a tad apprehensive, here.

Which is pretty much what I was worried about.

Ok, a few things.
   “Exactly!” the mage said, looking as though his annoyance was approaching open anger now. “You see, if you die, then I don’t get to kill you. Now, hold tight.”

This part really pushed me away. Perhaps it's because I haven't read anything previous to this, so I'm a bit lost, but it's still really cheesy. If Khyus is really that important, than Quinn doesn't really want to kill him (at least not right now). The fact that he's angry suggests that he does want to kill him, for reasons unapparent to me. It feels like he either wants to be a bad mofo, or he's just evil for the sake of being evil. I'm sorry if this is due to lack of prior information.

Pretty sure I'd attribute it to writing this section at about 2:00 in the morning as opposed to lack of prior info. Sorry 'bout that....

The whole thing with Khyus throwing Quinn. Once again, a two in the morning thing (Actually, this one's probably just lack of sleep in general, since I think I wrote this part of the chapter in the afternoon). I noticed it on my skim-through, but apparently forgot to change it to something a little more reasonable.

I envisioned the scene as Khyus standing at the top of the hill, looking out over the valley, which is filled with trees. The hill does have some trees, but not many, leaving Khyus with a view. The mountains are to the north, behind Khyus, behind the castle. Sorry for the lack of clarity in the text itself. I'll catch that on the rewrite.

And like I said, I'm concerned about the magic system infodump. It needs to come here, because if you don't have some basic foundations, the next chapter will leave you totally lost (It's from the viewpoint of an expert Deviator), and yet I have to find a good, interesting way to do it. What I have really doesn't work as well as I'd hoped. I'll have to think about it a tad.

I plan on getting into what is involved in Deviation considerably more in coming chapters, though some of it will still come across as being pretty vague. You have to realize, this is mostly instinctive, which makes describing what a character is doing difficult while maintaining the right feel for the way the characters understand it.

Lethalfalcon, could you provide some examples of details/reflections  that were repeated a lot so that I can work on them? That, and so that I don't keep repeating them. I tend to do that.

The issue with the setting is that this is Khyus' first time seeing the area as well, unless you count the previous night. He's not going to be paying attention to things like how Quinn supplies himself, just how many people live here, etc. He would, however, be surprised by the servant, as you mentioned, and later on he starts to notice other things. Which I would have completely forgotten to do, so thanks for the heads up. I'll add in a little detail.

And Cynic, you also addressed one of my other concerns, that there's no driving plot at this point. The next chapter should introduce some issues, but not on Khyus' plotline. I'll have to up-play the issue with not knowing what Quinn wants, and try to add a little bit more info to give you something of a tease.

As always, thanks for the comments. Keep 'em coming, people. Even though this chapter is ridiculously long.

Reading Excuses / Re: Nov. 16th - Chaos - Rebirth, Chapter 5
« on: November 16, 2009, 06:31:51 AM »
Wow, I've gotten RAFO'd twice in two days while not actually trying to get too deep into the mechanics of the system that Chaos has not yet fully revealed.... I must be getting good at this.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic Systems
« on: November 16, 2009, 04:05:00 AM »
Sounds fun! I'd like to take a look at it, at least. You could always email it to me if you're thinking about ever trying to get it published. My emails in my profile.

And as for some of us around here writing big involved fantasy novels, we never said they were any good...

Ok, here's the latest out of my book. This chapter ran really really long. As in, like, way longer than I ever expected it to. So if you see a place I could split it effectively, let me know. I thought about taking the first section and splitting it off, but there really isn't enough material there for it to stand on its own. Would it maybe work to split it off and attach it to chapter one? Although it really isn't the greatest suspense to end with.

Did I mention that it's long this week? As in, 6,700 words long. **Ducks for cover**
**Smiles Sheepishly** Sorry

I'm a little bit worried that this will feel like an infodump. That, and I still don't really have Khyus' character completely pinned, which makes it a little difficult to write him. I find it a little bit ironic that I know exactly why my side characters are doing what they're doing, but not my main character. Anyway....

Sorry again about the excessive length. I was under the impression that this was only 5k words or so, but then I just checked again and its 6700. Anyway.

Comment excessively. Grammar edits are as appreciated as continuity and other issues, since this is all NaNoWriMo stuff now, and it kind of hasn't had much revision.

Thanks in advance for any and all comments.


EDIT: Just by way of warning, my next submission is 5400 words. I just checked. Consider yourselves warned.

Oh, and as Chaos would say, Eviscerate with Extreme Prejudice! Not really sure where that came from, but it is pretty dang catchy, I'll admit.

Reading Excuses / Re: Nov. 16th - Chaos - Rebirth, Chapter 5
« on: November 16, 2009, 03:03:40 AM »
Overall, this looks really good. I'm liking seeing into Haiden's mind a bit more. There were only a few minor issues I had.

1) Why exactly does Haiden go to Church? You mention that it's the totally logical thing for a near-atheist to do, which made me laugh, but his reasons for going were never really established.

2) The priest is a little weird. Sometimes he reads like he doesn't really believe in all the teachings of the church and such, sometimes he reads like he's the most pious person ever. I'd look at what he says and make sure he doesn't ever come across as being condemning of the church.

3) Why does Haiden think that putting a Khabor guy in the Consulate will help to increase Devidan unity? That really really confused me. One second he's thinking about how to unite the Devidans, and the next he's proposing a solution that seems to me would quite thoroughly piss off most of the Devidan world. At least from what I gathered of the relationship between the Devidans and the Khabor (Khabori? Khaborans?). The only thing I can see working is either a) Haiden uniting the Devidans against the Khabor, or b) Haiden attempting to unite the Devidans and Khabor, which sounds like political suicide. Option a kind of makes sense though, except that he's apparently well thought of by the Devidans.

It's in my line edits, but I feel obligated to mention that nobody looks at a grandfather clock and says, "It's 10:36." That would be 10:35.

There's also a little discontinuity with Haiden - at the beginning, he seems to be discussing how he has to break the empire completely to win, and inspire the people to do.... whatever it is he wants, but later mentions that he will not be a rebel, and hates being called a war hawk.

It seems a little odd for Haiden to be bitter about the Confirmation ceremony itself, when he himself is reflecting on how the cause likely has to be government corruption. I'd think it would be more likely for him to be speculating as to who tried to keep him out.

Also, the obsessive idea that everything Kurick did is inherently wrong is a little annoying. You might want to tone it down just a bit.

I asked this question earlier, but still haven't got an answer, and it's still annoying me. Are "Devos" and "God" interchangeable? If so, I'll stop commenting on it....

Jirald's sermon - He seems to be talking about how good and peaceful the Khabor are, even saying that they're better than the Devidans. Not sure if that's a mistake, or if the priest just holds some unique views, or if I misread it and the priest is actually Khabor. Either way I was a little confused right here. Oh, wait, is he talking about the stars? Because that would make sense, but the mention of the Khabor in the previous line really confuses the issue a bit.

Why does Haiden use Identification on Jirald? What is he worried about? This wasn't particularly clear.

What happens to a soul that isn't strong enough to reincarnate? Does it just like... sit there? Because apparently it still exists....

Line edits are in your inbox. They aren't very picky this week, but I got the major things. I'm assuming someone else will be nitpicky.

I agree with Kaz. Crossroads may be my least favorite book in the series, but it's still necessary to understand KoD and TGS.

And when you're reading straight through, and you know KoD is right after, Crossroads isn't nearly as bad as when you get to the end of it and there's no new material. The plot advances very slowly, but theres some very important stuff in there.

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:24:29 AM »
Just finished another chapter, and this one's a bear (both in terms of size and in terms of how great it was to write). Overall, though, I'm really happy how it came out. It's definitely not perfect, but I think it sets up the new PoV quite nicely.

That, and I knocked another 2,000 words out of my NaNoWriMo deficit. Only 12,000 behind now (I wrote 4k today, but only 2k count toward the deficit)!

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:21:36 AM »
I'm kind of the same way. Though I feel kind of bad because NaNoWriMo has unlocked this extreme wordiness in me, and both of my next chapters are over 5k words. I thought about trying to split them into smaller chapters, but what ends up happening is that one scene isn't substantial enough, and another scene is way long.

Ooooh, that's a thought. In the hypothetical day when we have bunches of people submitting left and right, we could cap it by word count. As in, we'll accept 30,000 words this week. That would ensure never having a week that was crazy busy and as a result, no one getting critiqued.

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