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Topics - Sminja

Pages: [1]
Movies and TV / Garden State
« on: September 05, 2004, 10:29:56 PM »
Ok...anyone seen this movie? It is seriously one of my favorite movies of all time. I highly reccomend all of you go view it now. I got the feeling that it was one of those movies that some people would be touched, and others would just go "that was sooooooo stupid, man!" Anyway, it's very...emotional, shall we say, and (hehe ;D) I know T.F.O. is going to make fun of me for saying that, but it's true. After seeing it, I thought Zach Braff (writer of the movie, and star of the hit show Scrubs) was a genius. I thought I would share this with you, if you want.

P.S. The soundtrack rocks.

Movies and TV / 28 Days Later...
« on: May 06, 2004, 08:48:34 PM »
Anyone seen this movie? I honestly thought it was very good. It's not so much about horror as it is about human nature, and maybe family values could tie in there a little bit. Sure, it was gory at some parts, but it wasn't like the new Dawn of the Dead (which, by the way, had massive amounts of blood in every scene, and, also by the way, was the lamest movie I have ever seen). I think 28 Days Later started as one of those small independent art house films in Europe somewhere, but it was very popular so it got released here. So, thought, ideas, opinions, etc? Please share.

Music / Just got an iPod!
« on: May 05, 2004, 01:25:20 AM »
I just got an iPod for my birthday....and I'm happy! So does anyone who has one want to share any thoughts, advice, info, anecdotes, etc. on having one?

Movies and TV / Donnie Darko
« on: April 22, 2004, 12:14:03 AM »
I recently saw this movie at TFO's house on television (3rd viewing) and it's pretty trippy...has anyone seen this movie? I don;t understand most of the plot, but hey, it does make you think. I bet if I watched it a couple more times I'd understand, but for now...meh. Ideas, opinions, thoughts, etc. on this movie? Share them!

Eeriest line from movie:

"Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?"
"Why are you wearing that stupid human suit...?"

Rants and Stuff / Pompeii!
« on: April 20, 2004, 09:14:42 PM »
TFO and I are doing a project for school...we have to build a model of Pompeii. Now, we have already built the paper mache Mt. Vesuvius (soon to be "exploded", hehe), but does anyone have any suggestions for anything we could do?  Info on materials to use, info on Pompeii in general, etc. would all help.  ;D

Video Games / Castlevania...
« on: April 12, 2004, 09:12:27 PM »
Has anyone played any of those Castlevania games?
I'm sure some of the older gamers on this site have, and I jus want to chat about them. Lately there's been an uprising in the quality of the recent games, but the old ones are still fun too. This came to my mind because I got an old playstation game, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, as an Easter gift, and now I can't stop playing it. Old school (well, not that old school) rocks! Anyway, share any opinions, insights, etc. you may have on anything in this series.

Movies and TV / Dawn of the Dead
« on: March 28, 2004, 01:32:29 AM »
Ok, so there's this new movie out called Dawn of the Dead. Seen it? Let's talk about it. In my opinion, it was one of the worst horror movies, probably even one of the worst movies altogether, that I have ever seen. The main character has no scene in which she says a total of like more than 6 or so sentences, and all the one liners are so cheesy that I think the writers took them form a big book called "The Big Book of Cheesy One-Liners." Anyway, It's very disturbing at parts, too, but not in a "Oh my god I'm scared" sort of way, but more in a "What were the producers on when they made this" disturbing. Seriously. Don't see it. Unless you want to see it to know what I am talking about, or just to laugh at the hilariously funny parts that are supposed to be serious. There's a bloated zombie girl, and I thought she was pretty funny...and the movie has no closure at the end. If y'all would like, I'll spoil the movie for you since your probably not going to see it. Anyway, post your thoughts, opinions, etc. on this movie here...

Rants and Stuff / Pablo and Miguel...
« on: March 26, 2004, 12:03:15 AM »
Turn away unless you want to hear a stupid story about a Snowman. If you read it, you will most likely call me a "stupid newb who's just spamming" or something like that. I want to get this energy out of my body, and writing these stupid little stories is, for me, a good way to do it. Thank you. The story starts somewhere down this page, or the next, so scroll down and you should find it...

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