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Messages - Snuren

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Writing Group / Re: Writing Prompts!
« on: December 18, 2010, 12:51:47 PM »
Hi! This is my first post on this forum. I didn't even know it existed, but thanks to BS, now I might have the opportunity to improve my fiction in the future.

- Mr. Admiral, you summoned me, sir.
- Yes. Sit down, captain.
- Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
- What is your report on the troops today, captain?
- Tired, sir. And hungry. They've been fighting all day, sir.
- What? I haven't had any report of enemy contact all day!
- I am sorry, sir. Each other.
- I beg your pardon?
- They have been fighting each other all day, sir.
- What? What have they been fighting for?
- The King, the Homeworld and eternal glory, sir.
- Blast it, man! What have they been fighting over?
- I am sorry, sir. Nothing but simple disagreements among the common soldiers, sir. Private Stormrider accused Private Bladefire of treachery, after noting that her performances had been more than just suspiciously lacking in yesterday's skirmish.
- Do we have any reason to suspect such treachery?
- Well, sir...
- What is it?
- May I speak frankly, sir?
- Come with it, man!
- Many of the soldiers are fighting friends and family out there, sir. My reports indicate that Private Bladefire is no exception. Her own brother is among the rebels.
- Bah! What are such misgivings to our noble cause? I myself have two neighbors and a sister among the rebel scum. From this vantage point I can almost see them! Can we suspect Private Bladefire of such weakness of character, Captain?
- No, sir. Her failing on the battlefield yesterday can be attributed to a myriad of of other factors, amongst which is that she had a rather cruel fall that left her with an ugly bruise on her knee, as well as our general unfamiliarity with the area and the rebels' enormous advantage in yesterday's skirmish.
- Captain. I am tired of the officers giving excuses. Yesterday's fiasco can be attributed to nothing but the incompetence of our own tacticians.
- But sir...!
- I have had it, I said! Poo-poo on all of you! We were a grander force and we had the advantage of advanced machinery on our side. There was no reason why we shouldn't have won that battle!
- But sir! The rebels were using dinosaurs!
- What!?
- It's true, sir. They did!
- But how the hell did they acquire those?
- They asked the teacher, sir. They explained their plight, and she bestowed upon them the availability of battle-ready velociraptors. They're armed too, sir!
- How is that fair?
- To be hones, sir, you did lay out the rules so that your force would be nigh unbeatable by the under-equipped rebels.
- But how are velociraptors even possible? Don't they suffocate and die on the zero-atmosphere battlefield?
- Apparently, sir, the teacher told the rebels that they won't die, unless you want to sit with her for the rest of recess, sir.
- Blast! Is there any way we can turn the tables, or at least even the scores slightly?
- Sir, one of our tacticians, Seargant Bloodtrail, has suggested that we request to use our special anti-raptor ninja battalion.
- We have an anti-raptor ninja battalion?
- It seems they were held back during the primary clashes with the rebels, sir. The ninja battalion is almost useless against anything but raptors.
- Excellent! An excellent proposition! Run it by the teacher immediately, and see if we can be granted permission to deploy them. This war might still be over before nap-time!

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