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Messages - Mister M

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Movies and TV / Re: Superhero reality TV?
« on: May 09, 2006, 05:43:13 PM »
I'm suddenly having visions of these guys doing a superhero LARP on national television.

Man, I've got to figure out which channel will be airing this just so I can see what it's like.

Edit: Well, if the links on are any guide, it looks like Sci-Fi will be airing it. And suddenly it all makes sense.  (I only saw commercials for one of Sci-Fi's previous reality TV shows, "Mad Mad House," which involved people living together and participating in such mundane activities as being buried up to your neck in pig entrails or turning the house into a nudist colony.)

Movies and TV / Superhero reality TV?
« on: May 08, 2006, 06:20:56 PM »

You can be Stan Lee's new superhero

PASADENA, California (AP) -- The creator of Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk is on the hunt for a new superhero, and he plans to find it on reality TV.

Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee said Friday that his new reality show "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" breaks new ground.

"I've never lived in a world of reality," quipped the 83-year-old writer.

Eleven wannabe superheros -- whittled down from 200 -- are set to compete in the show, which is scheduled to premiere July 26 on the Sci-Fi channel. The winning superhero will be the star of a new comic book created by Lee.

The reported catch-phrase for those who don't make the cut? "Turn in your spandex!"

Although this sounds like it would actually be pretty fun to watch, I've got to you think that, at this point, "Reality" TV needs a new moniker? Because it just ain't that real anymore.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Dungeons and Dragons....Satan's game!
« on: May 04, 2006, 01:40:37 PM »
Thanks to the Dead Ale Wives, my wife and I have houseruled that in Munchkin, a Magic Missile does double damage against The Darkness.

Role-Playing Games / Re: review: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
« on: May 03, 2006, 05:13:49 PM » this a standalone game line, or for some other system (D20, WFRP, etc), or what? I couldn't quite glean from the review what it's for. (Actually, it took about 2/3 of the way through the review to confirm my suspicion that this was a roleplaying book at all.)

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 26, 2006, 12:41:33 PM »
Has anyone yet mentioned the honors department?  They could be a place to take this.

*smacks forehead* I didn't even think of them, and I'm graduating with honors.

Hmm...there's an official luncheon tomorrow. I wonder if that would be a good place to gauge their opinion...

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Update
« on: April 25, 2006, 06:49:14 PM »
Congratulations on that. Though I would guess from the wording that you havent' decided if you'll accept or not. Best of luck with the decision; I'm sure it won't be an easy one.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:15:33 PM »
Oh, and I wish you would have let me know as soon as you found out....

However, if you guys do weather this as per Mr. M's plan above, you'll certainly be among the TLE 'greats' when it comes to editors.

We would have liked to, but with things still up in the air and negotiations underway, it seemed like it might damage our credibility if we started bringing others in on it. And we needed all the credibility we could get at that point. (There might also have been specific requests by the departments or college to keep it quiet until things were concluded; I don't know for certain.)

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:10:52 PM »
I'll email you Matt's email address. He's the one who's been the chief liaison between us and the English department, and so he's the one who knows best who you'd need to talk to and what chance of success you have for it.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:04:14 PM »
Oh, and as for print-on-demand, University Print Services seems like they'll still do it, and the price from them is $4 per issue. (Plus we get proofs to look over, which is nice.)

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:02:11 PM »
Okay, I re-read your words a few more times above, Mr. M, and I think that you're doing a very good job.  This is a good plan, and could work very well.  (Are you thinking LuLu for your POD publisher?)

However, I still think that there is more that can be done here.  I feel a little annoyed that, as faculty, I found out about this so late.  My strings are getting thinner and thinner, but I still have a few that I can pull.  Let me see what I can do, though--of course--I won't rock any boats.

Thanks. And don't feel too miffed about not being told; our advisor had to find out from Linda Adams, who found out from us, who found out from the College of Humanities. We're not quite sure when the English Department planned on telling us anything, but they didn't seem to be in a great hurry about it. (We would have told Zina ourselves, save that the department told Matt they would do it.)

And thanks for looking into strings to pull. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 06:58:32 PM »
When did you find out about this?

We were first told around early March; the English Department's decision to not keep us on had occured sometime before then, how long I don't know.

For a time it looked like the Linguistics Department would take us on (and the English Department had even offered to continue providing half-budget, at least for a while, and we determined we could cut costs enough to survive off that), but then they decided not to, either.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 06:36:16 PM »
I think you're ditching BYU a little too quickly.

I think you might have misunderstood. We aren't ditching BYU. We tried everything we could to stay with BYU, including offering to cut budgets, change departments, subsidize the issues out of our own merchant account, etc. In the end, we were given two choices: Go independent, or shut down. We tried other options; they were all closed on us.

Maybe it's simply the inability to convey a semester's worth of work through a simple post. But basically, we aren't ditching BYU, we're being cut off.

Edit: Ditto what Jelly_Belly said about advice. If you can think of any options we overlooked that might work, please, tell us.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 05:42:49 PM »
My curiosity is aroused though, when and why did TLE have non-student head editors?  Seems like a dumb idea and I don't remember it being that way when I was there.

To my knowledge, the only non-student head editor TLE has had is Jelly Belly, who attained that position *checks watch* well, either this week or next, whenever my term officially ends.

It happens when someone graduates and keeps coming. TLE editorship is very much biased toward seniority, after all, so if you keep coming you'll probably end up there. I don't really see it being a problem, so long as the editorship doesn't fossilize in place.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 03:36:05 PM »
Just to clarify, since Jason frequently mixes the two positions up, I'm the managing editor currently and so well be in charge of the magazine for the next issue (not Matt who is the associate and will be managing. A minor detail, but is important to me since it means I will be in charge).  

Blast it! And here I thought that just once I had managed to get it right.

*sigh* This is why I usually call them #2 Editor and #3 Editor.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 02:12:12 PM »
And so it comes down to this: At the beginning of 2007, Leading Edge will become an independent magazine no longer affiliated with Brigham Young University. Since we have seven months to prepare, we’ve already started taking into account things we’ll be changing. Here’s a brief list:

1) We’ll still be working out of the Humanities Publication Center, but since the English Department doesn’t want us becoming a de facto student journal using the facilities for free, we’re working with Mel Thorne (HumPub supervisor) to rent the facilities. He was originally going to let us use them for free, so the rate should be reasonable.

2) We’re reducing our print runs to cut costs. Since we usually have a decent store of back issues, this isn’t going to cut into subscriptions any. We’re also switching to print-on-demand so that, in case we need more issues, we can print them as need be at minimal further cost. (This, among other things, has necessitated a change from our long-time partner MC Printing, to whom I will be sending an apology letter in the near future.)

3) We’re looking into becoming either a nonprofit organization or limited-liability company. Part of this is for tax and other protection in case we need to take out loans; part is to open the possibility of donations to keep the magazine afloat. (Hopefully asking for donations won’t be necessary, but it’s an option to keep open.)

4) Work is also underway to allow subscriptions to be bought online via credit card or paypal. We’re hoping this will increase subscriptions and, thus, revenue.

5) Although we won’t be able to offer Elang 351 (student journal) credit to BYU students anymore, we’re working with Linda Adams to allow Elang 399 (student internship) credit instead. This should help us keep a strong supply of university students coming, since not everyone comes (at least at first) out of love of the magazine.

6) Apparently in Matt’s trying to convince the department that SF&F is legitimate literature, he cited a professor that has since been hired on to BYU faculty. (I don’t know his name.) The English Department has said that if we manage to last two year on our own, and if he (or someone else) is willing to take us under their wing, there is a strong possibility of them taking us back. Whether that happens or not will likely involve financial considerations more than anything else, but it’s a possibility.

And I think that pretty much covers it. Like I said, most of this work was done by Matt Gibbons, so thank him for what help we’ve had. If you have any questions that I haven’t answered, or just want to rant, post below.

HOWEVER, please do not email the English Department with a rant saying how much you disagree with this, what a mistake they’re making, etc. We’re already on shaky ground as it is; a flood of angry emails will only make the situation worse. If you must express your feelings to them, I suggest a carefully written, polite, hardcopy letter sent via snail mail.

Since this post is probably the last thing I’ll officially do as TLE’s Senior Editor, I just want to thank all of you who’ve helped the magazine over the years. The dedication at TLE is enough that I don’t think it will die, and we’ll fight tooth and nail to keep it from happening—even those, like me, who are moving halfway across the country.

Thanks for listening.

(And again, please don’t email complaints about this to the English department. We need as much of their good grace as we can get right now.)

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