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Messages - Discar

Pages: [1]
Okay, this is my first time posting here, so I'll just start out with the usual:  Brandon Sanderson, you are amazing, Mistborn is my favorite series, you make all the rest of us writers feel inadequate, so on and so forth.  Moving on...

I did have a few questions, mostly about allomantic savants.  Sazed talks about it a little, and we see the side effects of tin with Spook.  However, other than that, we don't get much detail.  I mean, I think we can all figure out what a pewter savant would be like on our own, but I am curious about copper savants.  What are the effects of that?  Sazed did mention they were there, even though most people missed them.  And what about iron/steel?  Zinc/brass?  Tin and pewter make sense, but I can't figure out anything for the other metals--except, perhaps, an increased skill while burning them, and withdrawal-like symptoms if not.

Oh, and if this has already been answered, I'm sorry.  I tried reading through the entire thread, got to page twenty six or so, and decided it wasn't worth the effort.

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