Author Topic: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges  (Read 34842 times)


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Re: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges
« Reply #120 on: April 08, 2011, 03:17:25 AM »
I don't think it's exclusively about that but it most certainly applies.


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Re: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges
« Reply #121 on: April 08, 2011, 03:22:20 AM »
The part that bothers me now is the distance between the crew and the Parshendi shooting at them. From 20 feet away, I don't know how any bridgeman lives through a single charge that isn't fully supported by covering fire.
Maybe the Parshendi have really bad eyesight? Or they're facing the sun?

Nah, they probably have rambo-kinson disease. You know, how the good guy can just stand there and fire away at a huge enemy force and never be hit once?
Example :P

TVtropes references the same thing as the "Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmen Academy"


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Re: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges
« Reply #122 on: April 08, 2011, 07:49:31 AM »
No. 56 on the Evil Overlord List.


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Re: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges
« Reply #123 on: April 08, 2011, 08:41:41 AM »
Here's one that whoever runs the Ghostbloods could learn from:

My undercover agents will not have tattoos identifying them as members of my organization, nor will they be required to wear military boots or adhere to any other dress codes


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Re: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges
« Reply #124 on: April 18, 2011, 02:19:11 AM »
As for the making permanent bridges with soul casting one thing to consider is that the ones who soul cast are very secretive about the process. Therefore they might refuse to create permanent stone bridges for the reason that they could not protect their process. As far as we know that would be a very good reason since they have a strict monopoly right now which really as far as we know generally only requires s piece of specialized equipment or two.