Author Topic: The Way of Kings : pre-release  (Read 42725 times)


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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #60 on: May 08, 2009, 12:46:52 PM »

Does your work as an assistant to BS include Editing or critique and how does that affect any writing that you might be doing?  Assisstant is a vague term and I was just curious.  If you are editing, are you doing copy edits on WoK?
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2009, 02:49:32 PM »
Even though I am one of the WOT fans he is talking about.  I am glad that he is taking the time to do his own books as well.  I would hate to see him get burned out on doing WOT and he needs to worry about his own fan base as well.  I will definitely be picking up WoK when it comes out too.  People think keeping track of WoT plot lines was confusing. Now I have to keep track of 20 different magic systems and dozens of POVs.  This will definitely have a lot of discussion points on the forums.

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2009, 04:15:18 PM »
Yes, I will be working on MB RPG stuff. That just hasn't been assigned to me yet.

My full title is Personal Editorial Assistant. My work does include critique, and I'll handle inputting the copy edits (like Maria's doing for Wheel of Time). I'll be one of the first people to read the new revision of Way of Kings. (I read the first version years ago.)
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2009, 04:19:45 PM »
Even though I am one of the WOT fans he is talking about.  I am glad that he is taking the time to do his own books as well.  I would hate to see him get burned out on doing WOT and he needs to worry about his own fan base as well.  I will definitely be picking up WoK when it comes out too.  People think keeping track of WoT plot lines was confusing. Now I have to keep track of 20 different magic systems and dozens of POVs.  This will definitely have a lot of discussion points on the forums.

See, this is exactly what I have been waiting for from Brandon - something that puts him at or above the scale and complexity of Erkison, Martin, or Bakker. WoT isn't confusing in the least to me (pretty straight-forward really), so this is the direction I am glad Brandon is taking.
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2009, 05:44:57 PM »
I don't think it will be dozens of POVs and 20 magic systems in the first book. I think this is the series as a whole.
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #65 on: May 08, 2009, 05:46:35 PM »
yeah. 1 book with all that would be...chaotic...
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #66 on: May 08, 2009, 07:05:49 PM »
I don't think it will be dozens of POVs and 20 magic systems in the first book. I think this is the series as a whole.

True but is each book going to be neatly tied up at then end or are the story lines going to continue through the books.  From his current books I expect arks to get tied up more then they do in WoT but the major story arks will probably span through most of the books.

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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #67 on: May 08, 2009, 07:38:48 PM »
I'm guessing the series will be a bit more continuous than Mistborn (Mistborn has year gaps), but I expect Brandon will continue having a definite beginning, middle, and end to each book. He's less likely to just stop and call it a book than some authors out there. But yeah, there's no reason to call ten books a single series if there aren't overarching plots that don't get resolved in one book. :)
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #68 on: May 08, 2009, 10:06:37 PM »
Wooo Hooooo! Way of Kings update!

I just have to say I love how open and upfront Brandon is about his progress, how he spends his time, his personal goals, and whatnot. It's a huge contrast from most other authors. What a stud! He actually gives us more information than I would if I were in his shoes, but I think it's awesome he feels comfortable revealing his self-imposed deadlines to us. But, maybe telling people what his self-imposed deadlines are helps him reach them.  :P

THE WAY OF KINGS is a massive war epic of legends, mythology, and magical revolution. It's intricate, complex, and was a bit daunting for me when I thought about readying it for publication.

That sounds AWESOME! I'm stoked! When I first read Elantris and Mistborn I enjoyed them, but they didn't have the epic scope I love about WoT and other long series. Then when I learned that Brandon was finishing the WoT, the most exciting aspect of it for me was that he'd get the experience and practice of writing in that huge epic world.  Now my wildest dreams are coming true and Brandon is publishing his own huge series. And he's young enough that this could just be his first big series, he could go on to write additional ones!

Brandon says he's been planning and working on this book for 8 years. I'm sure some of that was spent in world building and outlining the overall series, and we all know Brandon has pumped out MANY other books in the last 8 years. I'm curious how long Brandon expects the second book in the series to take him.

Oh, and congrats Ookla! That's very cool. Now you can really give us the nitty gritty (that's nitty gritty with a Nacho Libre accent).

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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #69 on: May 08, 2009, 11:25:27 PM »
Actually I can talk about less (plotwise) than I could before, since I am under NDA. Though I think I did pretty well before—I only ever let one thing slip that I didn't mean to, and it was pretty minor.
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #70 on: May 10, 2009, 05:50:57 AM »
I'm now jealous of everyone who's read all of Scribbler. All I ever read was the first like 5 chapters.

And I'm now more excited than ever for Way of Kings. After reading Steven Erickson, I kept thinking, there's nothing that can top this. If there's anyone that can pull off something more complex than the Malazan books it's Brandon.
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #71 on: May 10, 2009, 05:56:09 AM »
Actually I can talk about less (plotwise) than I could before, since I am under NDA. Though I think I did pretty well before—I only ever let one thing slip that I didn't mean to, and it was pretty minor.

Darn it! You mean we can't have you give out cryptic clues anymore? That was where all the best stuff came from! Silly Brandon having you on contract. What is he thinking?

Hahaha... just kidding. :P Congrats on being hired!

And I'm now more excited than ever for Way of Kings. After reading Steven Erickson, I kept thinking, there's nothing that can top this. If there's anyone that can pull off something more complex than the Malazan books it's Brandon.

That's the third time this week Steven Erickson has been mentioned to me... I think fate wants me to read them. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.

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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #72 on: May 10, 2009, 06:27:25 AM »
I don't think "more complex than the Malazan books" is something Brandon's aiming for or would want to aim for. He's got some interesting things planned, but let's not get carried away.
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #73 on: May 11, 2009, 06:42:23 PM »
more complex? doubt it. i don't even want to read something that crazy, and i love Erikson. I actually want Brandon to be more complex than his current works, more complex than Jordan (not really difficult), but more accessible than Erikson (probably on a Abercrombie or Lynch level but more epic).
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Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« Reply #74 on: May 11, 2009, 06:47:14 PM »
If anyone aimed to be more complex than Erickson I wouldn't read it.  I like Erickson but it is too much to ask for me to learn some goofy system to understand books.  I don't have tons of time and I don't want to try to spend it figuring out the timeline of some make believe world where certain peoples use Omatose Limp-noodle and other peoples use Kurald Viagra but someone who is an inbreed can weild 3/4 of the and 1/8 of the other while being partially immune to magic.  It is too much to ask.  Erickson should spend a little less time making up weird crap and reading his own material to see  if even he understand what he has written.