Local Authors > Howard Tayler

Schlock Mercenary arrives at TWG!

<< < (4/5) > >>

We can probably forgive you this time.


--- Quote from: Silk on January 17, 2009, 06:43:54 AM ---We can probably forgive you this time.

--- End quote ---

Says who??!! He must answer for his crimes...

Dount Cooku:
Careful.  He may just send Schlock over to answer for him.  And Schlock tends to do his talking with his plasguns. :D

*ominous huuummmm*

This is great!  My two favorite authors on the same basic forum.  (I sorta found Brandon Sanderson through Schlock Mercenary, but I also saw Orson Scott Card's endorsement, and knew friends who were reading Elantris and really enjoying it.  I don't buy books easily.)

If this keeps up, the forum will really live up to its name.

Let the speculation begin!


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