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Messages - Hero of Ages

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn P&P RPG?
« on: May 28, 2008, 06:30:02 AM »
I see feruchemists as rare but costing only 100-125 points as a base but in order to amp up storage capabilities more points would need to be spent (kind of like an obligator advancing in rank).  Ranks for feruchemists would cost 10-25 points depending on the metal affected.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: What happened to Kiin?
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:11:43 AM »
As far as I know, this is just one of those backstories that add depth to the character and EUOL hasn't told the story (if it has been fleshed out) yet.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn P&P RPG?
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:10:02 AM »
The way I see the points working out for an obligator is: 50 points initially to become a misting, add 25 for a base obligator, and then to rank up as an obligator add 25 points for each rank increase.  I see 3 maybe 4 ranks to be achieved beyond the base obligator.  Total number of points to max out an obligator in ranks is 150-175 depending on the number of ranks allowed.  That is 75 points to become a base obligator and an additional 75-100 points to gain rank.

the recruitment to be an inquisitor would happen at the base level or rank 1 maybe 2, ranks 3 and 4 would be a no go because the rivalry between the obligators and inquisitors would be too ingrained.  To transition from obligator to inquisitor you would have to pay enough points to take your total points paid for your class to 175.  So if you are just a base obligator, you have paid only 75 points and would have to pay an additional 100 points to become an inquisitor.

I see inquisitors as being more rare than mistborn, and if mistborn cost 150 points as a base, inquisitors should cost 175.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn P&P RPG?
« on: May 24, 2008, 06:09:53 AM »
Within point-based systems like GURPS and Vampire, the problem of having too many Mistborn is solved easily - just make them cost obscene amounts to run, and have the same be for Feruchemists (Ex.: you start with 200 points to buy attributes, just to be a mistborn with basic abilities could be 150 pts, while mistings are only 50, and feruchemists 100).

If someone could work out a rough ratio between non-allos, mistings, and mistborn, it would be extremely helpful in determining how much the cost would be.

If we were to go along with these general numbers an obligator would cost the base 50 points that a misting costs plus, say an additional 25 points to buy the additional mental discipline feats needed.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn P&P RPG?
« on: May 23, 2008, 06:33:36 AM »
You know you are right.  It was late when I wrote this and I was thinking of the obligators.  So for my previous post please subsitute obligator for inquisitor in every case.  (I could go back and modify it but then other posts wouldn't make sense.)

As for the ratios, the number of obligators would be around that of regular mistings and the mistborn/inquisitor ratio would be more or less the same.  I think we need to include obligators because most (if not all) are mistings.  The only major difference between a regular misting and a misting-obligator would be some kind of mental discipline feat.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn P&P RPG?
« on: May 22, 2008, 08:24:48 AM »
If you are talking about the entire population (skaa and nobles) those ratios seem about right, but If you are only including nobles I would put the ratios at 40-50% Mistings and 5-8% Mistborn.  Because of their "pure" bloodlines the chance of being either one is much, much higher and there are many more skaa than nobles.  Besides who would choose to play a character that is ordinary skaa or noble(neither misting, mistborn, feruchemist, or inquisitor)?

I would probably say that the ratio of inquisitors is about that of regular mistings, since you most likely have to be a misting to be an inquisitor (just the way I see it, not Canon from EUOL).  I came to this conclusion due to the prevalence of inquisitors in the noble society.

EDIT: 22 May 08, 11:36PM MDT
(It has come to my attention that I goofed.  Please substitute obligator for inquisitor in every case in the preceding post.)

Ooooooh.  Nice.  I always pictured the tatoos at red for some reason tho.  Blue just seems too nice, red is much more menacing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Word Counts?
« on: April 25, 2008, 06:17:47 AM »
According to Amazon:

Mistborn- 208,253 words
WoA- Doesn't say.
Elantris- 199,091 words
Alcatraz- Doesn't say.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: CONduit and magic systems
« on: April 24, 2008, 05:38:23 AM »
Just take the bus or the traks train.  UTA goes just about everywhere in the Ogden to SLC to Provo area.

Brandon Sanderson / Hate Mail????
« on: April 19, 2008, 06:33:54 AM »
See EUOL's blog for a very interesting hate mail he recieved.

I love it when people totally blow things out of proportion.  That reader strikes me as some one who is probably between 13 and 16 maybe 17.

To opine on EUOL's comments.

1)  Well said.  Look no further than the book (and movie) "Neverending Story."  The whole premise is that the stories have no start and no end, just places and times where we join and leave the story.

2)  It is called set up.  The loose ends not only let the reader imagine what the characters do next, but they allow the author a springboard for any sequels should the book sell well enough.  (And Elantris has by all measures.)

3)  WE (the readers) would love to see a sequel.  That being said, it needs to be done in the time and matter so as to preclude those unbalanced readers (i.e. the sender of the hate mail) from saying it was rushed and it sucked and they aren't going to read EUOL's books anymore.

4)  Bingo!!!!!

5)  Can't wait for my book to come out.  (A side note to EUOL, you gotta make me and my wife, who hates all Fantasy/Sci-Fi books except yours, alpha readers.  Please!!!!  I even give you my kid's college fund if you do.  Granted there isn't anything in it yet, but it is yours none the less.)

6)  Nice shameless plug!!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Sad day.
« on: April 15, 2008, 06:55:54 AM »
You wait.

But really what is the other option.  It's not like you can find a copy anywhere yet, so......

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: April 02, 2008, 06:55:38 AM »
So OOkla how do you become an Alpha reader.  I so want to be one too.  Of course if you tell me then everyone will know and then you will have to kill us all.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: ***Spoilers*** Poll Question***Spoilers***
« on: April 01, 2008, 08:02:30 AM »
i have to say that i actually saw the reappearance of Marsh coming a mile away, and the forshadowing was indeed there.  in the beginning where Sazed wakes up to find Marsh missing, i knew from then on he was going to reappear at some point later on in the book at an "unexpected" time.

The reappearance of Marsh is from MB1 not MB2.  If you recall everyone thought Marsh was discovered and tortured to death for the information on the crew and its plans.  Then he pops up in Kredik Shaw as a Steel Inquisitor and pulls out the connection spike from the other SIs.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The 16th metal's power--Potential spoilers.
« on: March 29, 2008, 05:17:15 AM »
And not a bad one at that.  I tend to think that the 16th metal will remove any allomantic power tho, since the 15th metal gives it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: ***Spoilers*** Poll Question***Spoilers***
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:52:34 AM »
I agree with Chaos about the Lord Ruler's Identity and the Prophecy betrayed thing.  Another interesting twist, thought not vey important plot wise might be the straff is addicted, and it's amantra, not Zane, who did it to him twist.

I kinda liked that twist from MB2 too.  Pretty funny that he didn't trust many people but the one that he trusted more than most was the one who did him in.

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