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Messages - Hanami

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Video Games / Re: Phantasyrpg
« on: March 19, 2009, 01:02:31 PM »
Seems okay. Doy you have to download anything, or is it web-based?

Video Games / Re: Golden Sun
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:59:55 PM »
Yeah, I know you are expected to use psynergy. But I didn't, so the sequence was pretty... absurd.

Years because they 'want to do it right'? I am starting to think that hours and ours of sleeping and talking to each other is their idea of 'doing it the right way?

By the way, did you have to transfer your old characters by the awfully tedious method? I truly hated that @_@ Had to copy the code thrice, because there were symbols that seemed letters and vice-versa.

Everything Else / Re: Interesting stuff found on the Internet
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:53:59 PM »
Are these real??

I don't think so. The way the Mercedes moved... is impossible (impossible given the forces that act in there), you can just try to make a simple scratch with the red thingy, the man and the car and you'll see soon enough.

Video Games / Re: Golden Sun
« on: March 18, 2009, 07:38:39 PM »
I believe they probably will... I mean, there's a lot of people out there who want a third GS game for the DS so, even if they didn't intend to do it in the first moment, they'll do it just for the money. After all, the world functions that way.

About the choices, the thing that annoyed me the most was the Colosso. I understood that psinergy shouldn't be known out of Tale, so I never used it in battles when there were people nearby. I didn't want to participate on the Colosso, but I wasn't really given any choice, so I battled without using psynergy at all. So I won and then they come and say: 'your psynergy is so cool!', and I was like- what? And then I had no choice but agreeing to help Babi and I didn't want to! Thet really pissed me off.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mormon Doctrine & Sanderson's Writing
« on: March 17, 2009, 04:24:48 PM »
read the Book of Mormon, something I seriously doubt you'd try.  If you are worried about changes in the text, you can always find a copy of the original; they cost more but they are still being sold.

After all this talking, I am interested in reading it. Is there any edition you'd recommend?

[Sorry for the huge offtopic]

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mormon Doctrine & Sanderson's Writing
« on: March 17, 2009, 12:43:26 PM »
This is the very same man who ordered the massacre by Mormon militia of 120 non-Mormon settlers--men, women and children murdered in cold blood--on their way to California, a singular event in American history known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre.

Honestly, couldn't you find a better example?

I don't really know the facts, but judging a religion or its teachings by the acts of a single person is... absurd. So, what if there are people that considers themselves Mormon and do bad things? Does it mean everyone will do the same? Then I will go to the prison and will look for catholic murderers, muslim murderers, budist murderers, agnostic murderers, atheist murderers... and so on, until I will be able to consider all people are murderers by the acts of a handful of people.

... I believe you get my point...

I know many Mormons. They tend to be very nice people. They also tend not to ask many questions. And that's the problem.

Honestly, I believe that you should read some of Brandon's articles. The one who talks about Dumbledore's homosexuality, for example. I believe it will give you a better understanding of Brandon's beliefs than a biased oppinion in LDS's doctrine.

a singular event in American history known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre.

... which was more than a century and a half ago. If we are going to see what happened in the past, then I believe we have to equally condemn Catholics and Muslims for the 'holy war'. Oh, and I have forgotten Anglicanism, add that one too, there was people killed because of being Catholic in the name of it. And... well, I'm sure we can continue, and get something bad for any religion... or politic views, for example. You have mentioned other religions, so... why exactly do you believe Mormon faith to be the most despicable one?

Video Games / Re: Golden Sun
« on: March 16, 2009, 01:28:24 PM »
I found Golden Sun to be an entertaining RPG, but I don't like you couldn't make any decisions, it was almost all prepared whatever you answered. What bothered me the most was the fact I agreed with the main party's ideals, and getting the other team in the second game and having them convicing the first ones was... well, I didn't feel it quite right.

What I didn't like was dungeons. I've always found them as the most boring parts of a RPG, and in this game they were specially long and boring.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« on: March 16, 2009, 01:00:11 PM »
* What's your favorite part/most anticipated element of a Mistborn RPG? (1)
* What are some character concepts you were hoping to play/see at the table? (2)
* What parts of the game world do you most want to see done "right"? (3)
* Are there aspects of the Mistborn setting you would like explored further, beyond what the books covered? (4)
* Are there any particular elements that you have a tough time visualizing or would like to see an artistic treatment of? (5)


1) Uh... the fact we will all get to play it? Okay, seriously... I have to admit I'm an RPG-addict, and I believe Mistborn's world to be one of the best to hold an RPG.

2) Mistings of the allomantic metals that didn't appear in the books! That, and the fact I don't want any Mistborn as a playable character, or everyone will have Mistborn powers. Mistings are fine, though, and Terris people and hemalurgic "mistings" are, too.

3) Skaa plantations or villages. I believe thay should be a nice scenario for holding the RPG.

4) Terris people. Definitely.

5) Yes. I would like to know how exactly Atoum and Larasium are Ruin and Preservations's bodies, and whilst Preservation goes well with Larasium's effects, why Atium doesn't sound anything riuned.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mormon Doctrine & Sanderson's Writing
« on: March 16, 2009, 12:51:18 PM »
With that said, I was troubled to learn that he is a devout Mormon. While all religious faiths rely on rather absurd premises, core Mormon doctrines enshrined in their sacred texts are especially pernicious, particularly those that elevate racism to the status of divine judgment of a people's intrinsic worth as human beings.


Honestly... I find your message quite offensive. I mean, you are critizising not only mormon, but... all religions? Come on... what the hell is this about? Okay, so you have found similitudes and things Elantris characters may be based... so what? What's the problem with that? Besides, Brandon has already explained (in a rather interesting way, to be precise), how his texts are influenced or not by his personal beliefs. And honestly, I can find it in almost every sacred text... get the Bible, for example. People who suffered of leprosy were thought to have sinned... and leprosy itself is quite similar to the Shaod. I mean, religious texts aren't a compendium of a few pages, or anything like that, so you can get almost everything that may be convenient to you, especially if you remove the context.

And, even if it was true, what does it matter to you? You don't believe in any religion? Then took it as it is, a fantasy book, with fantastic things that happen there. My... What troubles you about Brandon being mormon? Are you trying to save his soul (difficult, since you've proved to be an atheist) or what?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I finally converted someone!
« on: January 01, 2009, 12:12:54 AM »
Maybe he'll be interested in it a couple or two of years later.

Everything Else / Re: 10-Dai
« on: December 31, 2008, 04:03:54 PM »
I want to participate!

-Changed my pschiatrist.
-Met some friends I only knew by internet. We had a good time.
-Found a best friend.
-My faith grew on me.
-We could go celebrate my cousin's first Holy Communion to her grandfather's house. That grandfather is having problems with alcohol and so, and it' difficult to see him.
-My cousin Marta found a boyfriend and they will marry next year.
-My great-aunt died (negative, of course)
-My suicide attempts went significatiblly down.
-I started to realise that studying might be worth it.

Okay, there are only nine, I know... sorry if they're so boring.

Everything Else / Re: Happy holidays, everyone!
« on: December 31, 2008, 03:55:25 PM »
Merry Christmas! And happy new year too! May happiness stay alwayds in your heart, and be the key of your home!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn series (HoA) ending. Major *SPOILER* (duh)
« on: December 31, 2008, 03:42:17 PM »
I, too, liked Elend's last words in the speech he made a lot. It was like "ok, so you weren't sure you would fit as an emperor or as a king... thewre you have your answer".

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Who was the Announcer? (Spoilers)
« on: December 30, 2008, 09:44:32 AM »
It's fascinating to see how the prophecy changed over the course of time, which I believe it might have even without Ruin's influence.  For instance, the church of the Survivor had the "Holy First Witness" (or something like that, I don't have the books in front of me), which sounds very much like "Announcer".

That's the other thing about prophecies too.  So many ways to interpret (and misinterpret) them.

Well, the Kandra had it written, so it couldn't change that much (probably not at all) since Kwaan and Alendi. But, before that, yes, I really believe they changed depending on the ones who believed in it. But again, with Ruin being before most changes, it's difficult to know which ones would have happened anyway, even if Ruin hadn't existed.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn series (HoA) ending. Major *SPOILER* (duh)
« on: December 30, 2008, 09:41:54 AM »
Well, the thing I seems strange to me is the ending itself. The last pages, that is. I mean, they were in a building, they go out and... grass wherever they can see? No buildings, no... anything? I mean, that's going to be hard on them. It just seemed to me... strange.

For the rest, I really loved it. Brandon is really good at writing both logical and unexpected en dings. When Elend died and Vin said he should have been dead since the end of book two, and it had been just a present the time she had with him since then... I wanted to cry. But well, Elend is my favourite character, so no surprise there. And I think Vin's actions were the... well, what they should be given Vin's life.

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