Author Topic: Introduce yourself - right on!  (Read 246520 times)


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #285 on: July 23, 2009, 11:16:08 PM »
My real name is Matthew, but my nick (as you notices, is not conveniently shorter than my name) came about some years ago in a nameless online game or other site that I cannot recall right now. It refers to my piano playing, of which I'm told is very good.

I am seventeen years old, male, and LDS. I got wind of the TWG through Brandon Sanderson's web page (he goes by EUOL around here, right?). I am a fan of his books, as I have read Mistborn 1-3 and Warbreaker. All four were excellent reads. (i have also read Alcatraz 1-2. Very funny!)

I enjoy reading, playing piano, and hanging with friends.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #286 on: August 05, 2009, 12:17:10 PM »
Hi guys!

I'm Desiree, a 21-year-old procrastinating student from Australia, studying solar energy engineering, mathematics and Japanese at university (yes, it is a random combination)  :P My hobbies include drawing, playing piano badly, reading -- mainly fantasy, historical fiction and manga -- and dabbling in a bit of writing.

Like many of you, I stumbled across this forum from Brandon Sanderson's website, after falling in love with his Mistborn series. I'm greatly looking forward to his future work, and WoT 12 of course.



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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #287 on: August 07, 2009, 09:50:36 AM »
My name is Matthew Jones.  I grew up in Salt Lake City (Holiday area) and left for the Air Force when I was 22.  I'm currently 29 (30 in less than a month) and I work as a Software Engineer for Microsoft in Silicon Valley.  Hobbies include writing (fantasy), programming, Japanese stuff (I've applied for a few jobs in Tokyo, so wish me luck.)

Always looking for more friends who will help keep me motivated to finish this book, so feel free to say hi!.
Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations.
  - Orson Welles


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #288 on: October 30, 2009, 10:44:21 PM »
Hi! I subscribed 2 minutes ago, WoT fan from Italy (near Venice) who just got TGS yesterday morning ... right time to subscribe to Brandon Sanderson's forum, right? :)

Nice pretest to visit all these nice forums too  ;D


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #289 on: October 31, 2009, 04:51:47 PM »
A fine hello to the rare forum denizen who reads the introductions thread.

I have a real name when not hiding behind the screen, but you may call me 'fodder; for fodder I am.  Be it fodder for coding or reading or writing or lazing.  I am quiet good at lazing. 

I am an engineer / mathematician who likes rockets and books.  It is not too much of a stretch to think that I might like books about rockets.  Indeed I do. 

I am writing a book, by which I mean that I am hacking at my keyboard, which is my way of saying I should be hacking on my keyboard, therefore implying that I am not really hacking and thus not really writing a book.

I am joining this site with the hope that my future waste of time will more "official" and that any and all questions regarding the status of my book can be met with a more apt excuse.

Thank-you and good day,

My glorious introduction can be found on this forum at


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #290 on: November 03, 2009, 07:59:06 AM »
It seems as though social networking is not going away from the Internet anytime soon, so I figure I can at least join one in the literate field (bonus points because this site frowns on 1337 speak).

My name is Joshua Gardynik (go ahead, look it up... you'll find little for good reason). I've been lurking on this board for some time now, but finally decided I could be a valuable member to some society. I'm 25 (almost 26 now), graduated with a Bachelor's in Business Information Systems from Utah State University. I have a degree that doesn't even exist anymore. Yay!

I'm still living in Logan, Utah, pretending to work and pretending to write at the same time (you'd be surprised how much work it is pretending to get so much done). I'm a web developer by trade, although keeping my clients' computers running takes more of my time than I'd like.

I'll probably spend the bulk of my time on Brandon Sanderson's little corner of this site, although I do drag out the dotted fatespinners and roleplay from time to time (if you're in the Logan area and interested, PLEASE let me know--good players are hard to come by). I also used to play Magic: The Gathering, but my decks have long since been banned from tournaments in th e name of planned obsolescence.

Oh yeah, and I ramble, but this much should be obvious by now.
I don't have good days. I have great days, where I'm a magician ridding the world of all evil, or at least everything I don't like. And then I wake up, and it's back to work for me.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #291 on: November 04, 2009, 07:01:06 PM »

Clarissa, from Nebraska.  I've been a fan of Brandon's writing for a time, and I just stumbled on a link here on his website.  Don't know why I've ever not been here before.

I like writing, I read mainly scifi/fantasy books, and listening to various music types.  Really, my iPod is one eclectic mess of songs that don't follow any trend...
Also, I am very German, for an American.  75% German and 25% European mutt, but I'm also learning the language and history.  I would really like to visit Germany one day, once I can afford it....

Well, that's my autobiographical blurb.

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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #292 on: December 15, 2009, 04:35:38 AM »
Hey all. My name is Josh, and last I checked, I live in a presently undisclosed location.

I found TWG through EUOL's website, and was introduced to his work somewhere between the release of HoA and Warbreaker. Since, I've been shamelessly plugging his work, as he is, with out doubt, the best author I've encountered... well.. ever.

Not really sure what else to say, other than for some strange reason people guess that I'm a lot older than I am when they read my writing. Yeah.. I'm 20.

Guess that's about it. Any questions, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 06:50:49 AM by Mr. J »
¿snoıɹǝs os ʎɥʍ 'ʎllɐǝɹ 'ou no, really, why so serious?


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #293 on: December 23, 2009, 10:11:57 PM »
Real name is Jon.  I've been lurking on this site for a while.  Came across it via EUOL's website.  I am a Software Engineer and aspiring writer who can't find the time to write due to 2 kids, wife, job and college course work (in that order).  I hope that I will be able to be a contributor to this forum, but then again with so little spare time I'll probably be doing well not to forget my username and password.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #294 on: January 01, 2010, 02:18:52 PM »
I'm Bryce. I first came to this site in 2005, but I haven't been active until now. Talk about lurking. Anyway.....yeah.
I like basketball, hanging out with my friends, reading, slamming a garbage can into a pimp or two with magical heavenly powers. You know, teenager stuff.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #295 on: January 02, 2010, 07:45:26 AM »
Hello everyone! After stumbling across this site while looking for more info on the amazing works of Brandon Sanderson The Awesome, I quickly decided that I was obliged to register :). I've actually been visiting here for a few days now, but I figured that it'd more awesome to hold off on registering until January first, so that I could start my official time here with the advent of the new year :P.

My real name is Michael, and I live in the city of Bothell in Washington State. I'm currently 19 years of age. My present occupation is being a student at the University Of Washington, where I'm studying physics, mathematics, and computer sciences/programming. In my horribly limited spare time I love reading works in or on sci-fi, fantasy, philosophy, religion, logic, and strategy (among other genres), going for walks all over the place, talking with my friends and family about anything that catches our interest, and pondering whatever topics come to mind. I also enjoy playing games, both video and "real", and will happily spend an unhealthily long time  on either type if given the opportunity/someone to play with.

The name of this account is derived from my account name on FunOrb (a worthy gaming site, for anyone interested ;)), which for convoluted reasons is the number triad 13 19 16. While I could change it there, I don't really want to, since it's reasonably well-known by now, but I'm just fine with taking this one instead on every new site I register for :P.

Unfortunately, I will probably not be able to post here very often, since I have a LOT of stuff to do during the school year. However, I hope to visit regularly, and with luck I'll be able to get in a few good contributions :).
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 07:54:38 AM by NumbersImmortal »


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #296 on: January 07, 2010, 08:21:33 PM »
My name is Jason Branch.  I'm an emergency medicine resident (physician) in Saginaw, Michigan.

I'm originally from Phoenix and went to Arizona State where I graduated with a bachelor's in psychology.  I went to medical school at the University of Arizona.  The most exciting thing happening in my life right now is that I'm done with training in 6 months and I've signed a contract for a job in Arizona (Michigan winters get old really fast).

I'm married, with 4 kiddos so far.  Even though I didn't go to BYU, I am LDS and served a mission in North Carolina.

I waste time playing video games, my favorites being the Jedi Knight series, the Unreal Tournament series, Far Cry, and Battle for Middle Earth 2.  I love to read and just got a Kindle for Christmas.  My tastes are pretty eclectic, but when I'm reading for fun its usually fiction.  I'm currently reading the last Mistborn novel.

I also love to write, and have managed to finish two novels, both of which have been published multiple times in both my night and waking dreams.
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #297 on: January 12, 2010, 06:49:21 AM »
My real name is Kevin.

I live in Vancouver, Canada. I'm currently 21 and in university studying history, philosophy, and a bunch of things I just find interesting.

I found TWG through Writing Excuses, which has also made me a fan of Brandon Sanderson and his books.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #298 on: January 13, 2010, 04:10:27 AM »
Hey all.

My name is Danielle, and I'm a 21 year old single Christian accountant who lives in Brisbane, Australia.  I found the site through Brandon's website, and decided to register because I love procrastinating on the internet, and if I can do that intelligently, rather than by hitting 'random article' on Wikipedia until I find something that's interesting, all to the better  :) .  And even though I'll most likely just lurk, I registered to be prepared.

Catch you round, Dani


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #299 on: January 17, 2010, 04:51:45 AM »
Hi everyone.  My name is Jacob.  I've historically only posted at IGN, but heck, no reason not to branch out a bit.

I found this site through Brandon Sanderson's website.  I'm 28, and just received my Bachelors in Religious Studies from UNC Charlotte.  I in a year or so, I'm planning on getting a graduate degree in Ancient Near East studies .

I constantly read science fiction and fantasy.  Right now I'm on a fantasy kick, though I'll probably switch back to sci-for awhile fairly soon.   I've recently (very recently) started work on my own novel.  I wrote like a madman in high school; sadly, all of that died with my old 486.  Fortunately, all of it was probably pretty horrible.   ;)   So we'll see how well I do now.

I like anime, though I haven't watched much lately,  and just recently started playing D&D (3.5e) with some friends.  It's surprisingly fun.  Well, perhaps not that surprisingly,  considering how many people enjoy it.   I love gadgets and videogames, and wish I had more money to waste on them.

Seems like a lot of people here are LDS, which is actually a religion I don't know that much about.  I'd call myself a Christian, but I'm about as non-hardcore as you can get, theologically.    Is Christian humanist even a thing?   :P

But yeah,  glad to be here. :)