Author Topic: Writing Prompts!  (Read 66399 times)

P.J. Becker

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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2009, 03:06:04 AM »
Well, I may be the only one posting these prompts, but I'm having fun.

Give us Winnie the Pooh’s big death scene. On a destroyer in the South Pacific:

     The Captain watched sunlight glint off brilliant cerulean waves. The S.S Hundred Acres drifted lazily in the South Pacific Ocean. Captain Pooh took a long sip of his honey, leaning on the railing and thinking of the past. Little did he know there wasn’t much time left to reminisce. When Tigger burst onto the forward deck, C4 strapped to his chest and madness in his eyes, Pooh reacted without thought. That willy, nilly, silly old bear ran toward Tigger, who was shouting at the top of his lungs,
     "Ill blow you all to pieces, F U double Ka ers!"
     In a final heroic effort, Captain Pooh tackled Tigger, sending them sailing out over the waves. The ensuing explosion only rocked the ship, while the crew stared on in shock. Brave Pooh had saved them all, even his glass of honey, still balanced on the rail.


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #46 on: May 04, 2009, 12:22:44 PM »
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2009, 07:10:27 PM »
That is all kinds of awesome. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.

P.J. Becker

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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2009, 07:43:08 PM »
I was hoping more people would post there prompts. ill just have to  keep posting until someone else does too  ;D


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #49 on: May 14, 2009, 08:35:15 PM »
Please do :D
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #50 on: May 14, 2009, 08:47:56 PM »
If I ever get around to writing any, I'll post them.


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2009, 06:10:50 AM »
The death scene of Winnie the Pooh prompt lead me to writing this. It is a bit long but here it is.

                                                                                                           The Death of Winnie the Pooh

   His shirt was tattered and covered in stains as if it hadn't’t been laundered in years. His covering wasn't’t in any better shape. It was split in several places, and the patches that were so lovingly placed were leaking fluff. No, Winnie the Pooh had seen better days, but he still went about his life with joy and hope.
   On this day, he was busy about a spot of lunch with his friends. This was a joyous occasion since it had been some time since he had gone to see them. It wasn't’t that he didn't’t want to see them more often; because he did. It was just that his joints hurt, and he couldn't’t get around as well as he once had. With that in mind, Pooh decided he had better get along if he wanted to make it to his friends before dark. Pooh reached into the cupboard, minding the broken hinge on the door, looking for his last pot of honey.  Pooh had always meant to mend that hinge, but he never seemed to have the time. “There surely would be time later to do such things,” he would always assure himself. Finally, after much searching, Pooh found the honey pot. So with honey pot in hand, he headed for the door. Before leaving, he took one last glance around the room and decided he had everything. As he left, he walked under the plank of wood that once read “Mr. Sanders”; now that board was blank, washed clean by rain and time.
   Stepping onto the path a chill breeze blew. Pooh hardly noticed the breeze as he walked on thinking about nothing in particular. Nothing except that maybe he should have a taste of honey before he got there, just to tide him over. He reached into the pot and he stopped. He noticed the leaves on all the trees had changed colors. Everywhere Pooh looked, the trees were covered with red and gold leaves. Those same leaves covered the ground as well. In fact, a little further along the trail Pooh encountered a large pile of leaves almost blocking the path.
As he passed the pile he couldn't’t help but think of Rabbit meticulously raking the leaves from around his house. Rabbit would work all morning making a great mountain of color, his soft fur then matted with sweat, and his brow furrowed from the effort. But, before he could even take a break from his task it would all be undone. After all, a large pile of leaves never failed in attracting a Tigger and a Roo. The two of them would laugh as they jumped into the leaves, scattering them all about the yard.  Rabbit would demand to know just what they were doing. He would shake his fist and stamp his feet, and they would reply, “Jumping in leaves is what Tiggers and Roos do best.” This answer never seemed to make Rabbit happy though. After that, Kanga would take everyone home with her and make lunch. That was always Pooh’s favorite part. Jumping in leaves was fun, but nothing could beat a nice spot of lunch. Pooh couldn't’t suppress a giggle at the memory of his friends. He felt a little sad that he couldn't’t jump in this pile, but time was short and it would be dark soon. So with a sigh he left the leaves behind and continued on the path. As he walked, a sudden thought occurred to him. If the leaves had changed color and were gathering in piles, it must be fall.
   “When did it become fall?” Pooh said. “It was only just yesterday that it was summer. I sure hope it doesn’t become winter and start to snow before I get to everyone.”
   Echoing Pooh’s fear, the air grew suddenly colder, and the wind picked up in speed.
   “Oh bother!”
It wasn't’t that Pooh didn't’t like winter, he really did, it was only that snow made walking somewhat harder for the old bear, and he needed to be somewhere.
   “If only I had Piglet’s Scarf,” Pooh said.
   If he had Piglet’s scarf he would be warmer he was sure. It always seemed to make Piglet warm, when he was cold anyways. Pooh began to picture his little, pink friend standing in the snow and shivering. Piglet would always have that scarf tied tight around his neck. It was the only thing that kept Piglet warm after all. Besides keeping him warm, Pooh liked having the scarf around because it made him think of Piglet and that was always nice. In any case, he couldn't’t go back to fetch the scarf and still make it to lunch in time, so without this little memento of his friend, and a little colder for not having it, he walked on.
   As he went on his way, Pooh began to wonder. How many falls had he seen? He knew it must be an awful lot. He wasn't’t sure there was a number that went that far, and if there were, he wouldn’t know it if he saw it. It was at times like these that Pooh really wished he could ask Owl. Pooh could almost picture owl standing there, and doing the figuring for him. He could see Owl’s feathers ruffle in anticipation of the question, and flapping his wings when he had come to an answer. Yes, these types of ponderings were always better left to owl. It had been so very long since Pooh had had any figures done for him and they were really beginning to add up. Pooh had never taken to figuring anyways, he would rather just have some lunch, and then maybe, just maybe, a nap.
   Just as pooh had decided to leave the really hard thinking to someone else, he came upon a little clearing.
   “Oh Hurray!” exclaimed Pooh Bear. “I have come to the place I left to go to, and that is a good place to end up at.”
   All of this thinking, along with the walking, made Pooh very hungry.  So clutching his honey pot he made his way past a row of very small stones. Someone had placed the stones there some very long time ago, but Pooh couldn't’t remember why. As he sat on a small mound of overgrown grass under a very sad little tree to eat his lunch he started thinking again. The tiny tree so empty of leaves made him think of Eeyore. He thought his friend would certainly enjoy this tree as it was so very like him. It was quiet and small and seemed to mind its own business.  It didn't’t reach so high as to block out the sun, nor was it so short that it didn't’t give enough shade. No this tree didn't’t want to get in anyone or anything’s way.  Pooh thought that was very like Eeyore. So he sat under that unassuming tree and munched his lunch.  Warm, thick and sticky honey covered his hands and face, and by the time the pot was empty, most of the bear as well. 
   Just as Pooh had licked the last drop of honey from his hand he realized how very tired he had become. He glanced around at the little stones through eyes half shut with sleep. It had been a very nice lunch with his friends even if he could not see them. He decided to just lay his head down for a bit and take a nap. The cool breeze had stopped, and the sun was warming his belly. This always made Pooh very sleepy. It was only after he closed his eyes that he heard a voice he had almost forgotten.
   “Pooh Bear.” It called to him “Oh Pooh Bear.”
Pooh just knew he had heard that voice before.  Then, all at once it came to him.
   “Christopher Robin!” he shouted opening his eyes and seeing his friend standing over him.
   “Yes Pooh, I have been waiting for you.” Said Christopher Robin
   “You have?” Asked Pooh very puzzled. “But I have been here all along. You have only just come back.”
   “No Pooh,” Said Christopher. “I have been waiting for you for a very long time and you have just now come home.”
   “Really?” said Pooh “I am so very sorry to have kept you waiting.”
   “Oh silly old bear,” laughed Christopher, “come along, and I will take you to everyone.”
   “Christopher Robin?” Asked Pooh bear as he took Christopher Robin’s outstretched hand.
   “Yes Pooh bear” replied the small boy.
   “Do I ever have to leave you again?” Asked Pooh quietly.
   “No, Pooh Bear, we can stay together forever.” Said Christopher Robin with a smile.
   “That’s good, because I have recently run out of honey.” Said Pooh.
   The two walked off together holding hands and laughing, and snow began to fall. It was just then that in a small clearing next to a row of stones, and under a sad little tree, an old toy bear covered in stains and patches finally made it to his friends.

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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #52 on: May 26, 2009, 03:13:01 PM »
Wow, I was expecting something much different.  I like it.  Slightly emotional for me, even though I never got into Winnie the Pooh.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2010, 10:37:57 PM »
Writing Prompt: For some reason, 1000 years in the future the most cost-effective publishing involves writing on human skin…

        Lorelai touched the rough skin of the strange construct. Assymetrical and gangly, The growing structure had strange green thin things... growing from the arms. Arms that split from the thin center post and curved down to the ground. It resembled a large tent in ways. Why someone would design this was beyond her, but it was beautiful. And green. Green had never been used in buildings that she remembered. Always grey or beige or a light blue to calm the "public menace" into somnambulance. Yeah. That always worked. Idiots.
        She took out her needle. Surely this was worthy of the space on her palm. Her mother had sold her entire forehead for a month's worth of rent. Some suicimo poetry about a guy forgoing customs of excersises and hating the sky or hating people. Idiocy. But the man was an Inker, and paid well. Thirty seven etchings. They had sweetbreads that night.
        She cleaned her palm with an alcohol solution, washing the dirt away. She always kept it dirty, especially around her mother. But she was three days gone now. An Inkster didn't appreciate the work she did on his tongue. Apparently, the fire needed to have more prongs. Idiots.
        Lorelai shivered, tracing her palm with reverence. She attached the cartridge to the needle and pushed it into her skin. The pain helped her grey lines stay straight. An upright column with arms that arched high and dropped down to the ground, hiding the column from rain and sun.
        A light brown followed, then light green, then a dark green. Done, but what to name it. Bastion? Tungs?
        Willow. After her mother.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 03:04:08 PM by Valkynphyre »
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #54 on: June 24, 2010, 08:44:01 PM »
It seems I have killed this thread. My bad.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2010, 10:41:05 PM »
Naw, Howard killed it. I saw him. Yeah. That's the ticket!
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2010, 03:09:12 PM »
PROMPT: A man stumbles through the desert and is aided in some way by a headless monkey.

   The man slowly crawled through the blistering sands, the raw heat of the inferno known as the sun beating him down with his every aching move. His skin was dried and cracked; soon his withered form would seem like another wasted feature of the hellish Sea of The Dead.  Yet, he continued to move with the a stoic determination beyond that of a normal man. He was the last hope of his people; the last of the band of heroes that set out from the village so long ago.  The others had fallen many long miles behind him, their bones claimed by the desiccating sands.  He had to go on or his entire tribe would vanish with him. Despite this ever present knowledge, he knew that his will could not continue to fuel his disobedient frame. He knew his time, and that of his tribe, was coming to a bitter end.
   Jarrak, for that was his name, lifted his head for the fist time in the long months of traversing the desert.  Long ago, soon after his last companion fell, he had determined to never look ahead. He knew that if he could see the vast, unending waste before him, he could never continue.  But now, after all the time spent resisting, he had finally given in to the call of the desert sirens, the strange voices singing songs of respite from the long journey. All travelers of the desert heard their song eventually,  but Jarrak knew they lied with every breath. It was not respite, but the repose of death that they lulled men to.  At last, their sensuous song had penetrated into his deepest being and crushed the last remnants of his will - determined though it was - between their steely grip.
   Yet, when he looked up to embrace his doom, he saw in the waves of the unending sea of sand… a figure.
   The small being was swaying from side to side as it came closer to him.  Jarrak thought he was seeing a ghost image. He had seen them before, they all had. Several times he and his companions had ran to a shimmering oasis, only to find the image fading as they came near, a trick of the demons of the desert. But this was different. The closer the figure came, the clearer in was. But, as it came into view, Jarrak wished it had been the trick of a demon.
   The monkey had no head.  It was a normal, lively monkey in all other respects, it only lacked a head. Jarrak had seen many monkeys as they played in the jungles of Gathar. And he tried to remember if he had ever seen one without a head. He tried hard to remember, but, no, all of the monkeys in his mind definitely had heads on their shoulders.
   As he stared at the bouncing creature, he heard a strange noise. It was a steady, repeating  beeping noise. It corresponded to the flashing light that was now coming from the neck of the headless monkey. For where the head would normally join with the torso, was a metal plate with a series of circuits and wires running across it. Among these were a series of colored lights that flashed on and off.  At the beeping, the monkey jumped several times and then proceeded to take off the leather satchel that it was carrying. Jarrak had not noticed the satchel before, as his attention was consumed by the headlessness of the monkey.
   Soon, the monkey was ministering to Jarrak’s wounds. Jarrak thought to himself that the headless one, as he now thought of it, had produced the food, water, and medicine from the leather pouch as easily as a monkey who still had a head. No… better than a head-ed monkey.
  After several hours, Jarrak was well enough to travel. The monkey, though voiceless, made it clear by his gestures that Jarrak was to follow him. “Who am I to argue with a headless monkey?” he said out loud. It had been so long since he had talked that Jarrak was surprised that he still could.
   And so, Jarrak and the headless monkey began to walk, the harsh heat of the setting sun giving way to the cool of the evening. Jarrak wondered who it was that had sent the monkey to rescue him. Was it someone from the Temple of Light? Has my journey finally come to an end?
   The journey of Jarrak had indeed come to an end as the  sandy waves of the Sea of The Dead washed over his lifeless body, covering any trace that he had traversed its blistering torrents.
                                                                                                              The End?

PS What do you think of Jordo the Tech-Monkey as a name for the little headless guy?  ;)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 06:00:01 AM by fardawg »


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2010, 10:12:00 PM »
I'm surprised more people don't post on here. I really like the idea of various renditions of a single prompt.


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #58 on: December 17, 2010, 02:19:40 PM »
Brandon's Dialogue Challenge
(Not sure if this is the correct place, but it seemed to fit the best, and I didn't want to make another topic)

According to Plan
Matthew Wiens
(1483 words)

“A gentleman knocks before entering his sister‘s room.  Especially at these hours.  He also uses the door.”

“I don’t believe it.  You planned this from the beginning, didn’t you.  Mikhail, my date, the wine.  You planned it from the start.”

“Aaron, it’s late, get some rest.  We can talk about this in the morning.  We have a big day ahead of us.  You especially, being the new heir…”

“I didn’t want this!  I never asked for this.  What made you think you could do this?  These are people’s lives we are talking about, Daerra.  This isn’t one of your little games.  Two people are dead!  And it’s because of you.”

“Aaron, I can tell you are upset, but don’t you think we should leave this until morning.  You can rest, think things through.  Then we’ll talk about it, I promise.”

“Damn it Daerra!  We’re talking about this now.  What were you thinking?  How could you… how could you do this?  Stop brushing your hair and listen to me when I’m talking to you!”

“Fine, I’m listening.  What is it you want to say?”

“I want… why?  Why would you do this?”

“Why would I do what?  You’ll have to be more specific.”

“This isn’t a game Daerra… this is serious.”

“And I’m being serious.  What exactly are you so angry about?”

“What do you think I’m angry about?  My cousin is dead, stabbed in the chest by the woman I was dancing with tonight, and you are the bloody cause of it all!”

“You forgot to mention I made you heir.”

“Enough!  You can’t just play with people like this.  Two people are dead because of you.  Does that not make you feel guilty?”

“Not really, no.  What?  In case you’ve forgotten, this has been the plan from the beginning.  You know I never intended Mikhail to inherit.”

“And when were you planning on filling me in on these plans?”

“You’ve known from the start, silly.  Now, I just have to work on father and uncle.  Claudia will be important as well, but I should have her wrapped around my finger soon enough.  I think we should start by…”

“Stop it.  We’re not done with this.  You can’t just walk away from this Daerra.  You killed two people.”

“Did I?  I see no blood on my hands.  Last I checked, your little lady friend…”

“She’s nothing to me.  I told you that as soon as I found out…”

“I know, I was teasing, but last I checked, she’s the one who plunged that dagger into our dear cousin, Mikhail’s chest.  She’s the one who got herself beheaded for her crime.”

“But you made it happen.  You set her up.   I don’t know what you told her to make her do your dirty work for you, but…”

“But what?  You’re free Aaron.  That horrid woman will never bother you again, and she took Mikhail down with her.  She was unstable anyways, she probably would have gotten herself executed before the year was out anyways.  If anyone deserved death, it’s her.”

“And Mikhail, did he deserve to die?”

“Mikhail was an obstacle.  I had him removed.”

“You say it like it’s simple.  Like he’s just a chair or table.  He’s your cousin, Daerra!  Or had you forgotten that?”

“Do you really think he wouldn’t have done the same to me, had our positions been reversed?”

“Mikhail was always loyal to his family…”

“Loyal, yes, but not ambitious?  Hardly.  Had our father not gotten himself stricken from the succession, it would have been him plotting against you.”

“And what would you have been doing?”

“Keeping your pretty little head on your shoulders, dear brother.  What are big sisters for?”

“Last I checked, we’re twins, and I’m at least three inches taller.”

“Very funny.  Now, can we get some rest?  The factions are going to be in an uproar over this, and I’ll need to be fully recovered to deal with things.  I just know father is going to try to have me shipped off again.  He thinks I have too much influence over you already.  Now that you are first in line… well, things certainly won’t be boring.”

“And if I don’t want to be the heir?  Did you ever think, for a moment when you were concocting this brilliant plan of yours that I wouldn’t want what you offered?”

“Of course.  When uncle passes away, you’ll inherit, and when the moment is right, you can abdicate in favour of me.  A faction or two might try something, but I’m sure I can handle them.”

“I still can’t believe it.”


“You.  You’re acting like all you’ve done is reorganize some furniture or something.”

“Sometimes furniture has to be reorganized for a room to work properly.”

“That not my point, and you know it.  It’s like I’m seeing you for the first time.  You know, I always thought you were joking.  I mean, I thought all that succession stuff was just some game, like the kind we used to play as kids.  I knew you were competent, Daerra, but I never thought you were capable of this.”

“You thought my life’s work was some sort of joke?  That I wasn’t serious?  Maybe you are seeing me for the first time.”

“You’ve changed everything, you know.  Forever.”

“I know.  I fail to see why that’s a bad thing.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what?  That I wasn’t joking about my life-long dream?  I guess that just never occurred to me.”

“No, not that.  About the plan.  About tonight.  You played me Daerra.  You played me, just like you played everyone else.  You used me.”

“Aaron, it’s not like that.  I…”

“You used me Daerra.  I thought we were supposed to be a team.”

“We are.  I just thought… I just thought you wouldn’t understand.  That you’d panic.”

“Of course.  Because I’m such an airhead.  Good if something needs to be stolen, but if there’s plotting to be done, I’m just some sort of liability.”

“Aaron, you know I don’t think that.  I… I made a mistake.  I’m sorry…”

“Don’t play me.  You think I can’t see through you?  I’m not some pawn in one of your games, Daerra.  I’m your brother.  I know you better than anyone.  You know you can trust me, so stop keeping me at arm’s reach.”

“This isn’t easy for me, you know.”

“I didn’t think it would be.”

“Aaron… I… I shouldn’t have kept this from you.  I should have trusted you.  I know that.  It’s just, things happened so fast, and I didn’t know what to do.  I had a plan.   After all these years of plotting, I had a plan.  I just wanted it to succeed so badly that I… that I kept it from the one person who could have made sure it went through without a hitch.  I really am sorry Aaron.  I promise I’ll never keep anything like this from you again.  Okay?”

“You know, it’s the strangest thing.  I can’t even tell if you’re being sincere anymore.  I used to see the way you smiled at people.  The way you made your eyes sparkle at someone you couldn’t stand, or the way you could blush or cry on command.  And I would think to myself, man, she’s got them played.  They’ll never see it coming until it’s too late.  But I always knew that at least I knew the real you.  The one that felt insecure sometimes, the one who had my back, and the one that kept me in check.  I knew my sister.  And now, now I’m not sure where she is.  If she’s gone, or lost, or whatever.  Now, all I see is what everyone else sees.”


“You still don’t get it, do you?  Two people are dead because of you, Daerra.  They’re gone.  Forever.  Our lives will never be the same.  And you don’t feel anything.”


“Save it.  Save it for someone who’s still fooled by you.  You know, our father always said there was something wrong with you.  I always thought he was wrong.  Now… now I’m not so sure.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that we’re done here.  If you see me in the morning… how about you just leave me alone.  You have your factions to deal with.  Let them keep you busy.  I’m done with all of this.  I’m going to bed.”

“Aaron I… Fine.  Be a stubborn prick if you want to.  I said I’m sorry.  What do you want me to do?  Bow before you, and kiss your feet?  If tonight has proven anything, it’s that I don’t need you.  I don’t need anyone.  So go ahead and abandon me for all I care.”

“You know what the funny thing is?  If you would have asked just then, even after everything you’ve done, I think I would have forgiven you.”


« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 05:19:29 AM by Comatose »
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #59 on: December 17, 2010, 06:02:16 PM »
Funny, mine has a similar start to the dialogue. I will post it after I decide whether to make it just a snippet or a full scene. I look forward to reading other variations on the theme.