Games > Table-Top Games

Arg! Crimson Skies (A Lament to Wizkids)

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Hey, I love Crimson Skies and I am having to resist mightily not to succumb to the Dark Side and spend insane amounts of money on it.  So far I just have the basic box and two sets of minis, but I have a feeling this will grow.  I'm not sure of the aces, but I am willing to give them a try before I say yea or nay.

Now all I want is a custom made Fokker triplane.

Mad Dr Jeffe:
I bought the rules and a pack of planes (the Broadway Bombers, cause those Grummans just look so cool)
Playtest results and review forthcoming....

I'm glad I decided not to jump back into either Mechwarrior nor Mage Knight as WK just screwed up what, to me, was one of their biggest selling points...their campaigns.

Things are really geared now to the people who play WK games non stop at all expenses.  

Sad, really.  Read about it here:


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