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Messages - Lord_Fancywrists

Pages: [1]
Everything Else / Re: Best food lately
« on: June 12, 2006, 08:26:20 PM »
Oh man... broccoli and goat cheese sauce on angel hair pasta with pine nuts.

Writing Group / Re: Lefty
« on: June 01, 2006, 01:39:37 AM »
Complete opposite right here. Because now that I have a more grandiose vocabulary than I did as a child, rhymes are a lot more fun.

Movies and TV / Re: Advent Children
« on: May 31, 2006, 03:21:01 AM »
Eva and FLCL have very linear plots, as far as the plot itself is concerned.

Eva is an elaborate representation of too many things. The show's writer admits that he intentionally tried to make everything symbolize something different to many viewers, so that it would be impossible for too many people to arrive at the same conclusions. Basically, it's full of religious/philosophical/psychological themes.

FLCL is a much less complex and much more comical metaphor for growing up and what path you take to maturity.

Go for the spicey food.

Advent Children did indeed have very little plot, despite the Japanese version making a tad more sense. The animation quality was better than anything else I've ever seen but I've noticed that the people at SquareEnix have issues with rending hair when it's wet in everything they do. They don't even try apparently. Either that or everybody has waterproof hair.

And it's totally possible to make the masamune just appear like that, especially since it's FANTASY we're talking about here. When you're super powerful like that, you can probably just absorb material from around you to manifest the sword like that. After all, he's standing in a crater, and the sword does appear in a flash of green flame.

But you know what? The best voice acting in the english version was Zack. All 20 seconds of Zack. That's just sad.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Role Player in public.
« on: May 31, 2006, 02:34:50 AM »
You talk about it like getting looks from random people is a bad thing. I love attention, and I don't think I'd get nearly enough of it by talking about RPGs.

Now, dancing around while singing along with the DDR version of Circle of Life like I was earlier today, that's a good attention grabber.

Everything Else / Re: Disturbing stuff found on the Internet
« on: May 31, 2006, 01:52:29 AM »
The fifth element required to summon Captain Planet is not actually Heart but rather Mullet.

Seriously what the hell kind of crappy power is heart anyway? All he ever did was talk to monkeys.

Now Mullet, there's all kinds of stuff you can do with that. It's actually the core of all of Captain Planet's powers.

Everything Else / Re: New Geek Mutation.
« on: May 29, 2006, 05:59:25 PM »
That's the thing, being a geek isn't a condition, it's a quality. Everybody has varying levels of everything, including geek-i-tude.

Everything Else / Re: I love my Ipod
« on: May 29, 2006, 05:57:17 PM »
Marvin Gaye + Kingdome Hearts II = Comedy.

Video Games / Re: guild wars faction (2)
« on: May 29, 2006, 05:55:38 PM »
I play Guild Wars semi-regularly. Main character is called "Vicks The Vice", senior officer of the [PMS] Luxon guild. Hehe...PMS. Gotta love the pink cape with the angry monster face on it.

Look me up if you feel like a good fight, either against or alongside me. I'm pretty sure if you add one character to your friends list, all other characters on the same account are there too.

Right now I'm trying to save up enough faction and materials to get some wacky combination of the 15K Luxon, 15K Kurzick, and Obsidian (Fissure of Woe) armors for my Warrior. My other characters look better in cheaper armors anyway, and it's not like you can't get the cheap styles with max stats anyway.

Everything Else / Re: I love my Ipod
« on: May 29, 2006, 05:45:00 PM »
Non-conformists are just fooling themselves into thinking they're doing something BESIDES conforming to the other side of the spectrum. Just take what you like from anywhere on the social spectrum, it doesn't matter how much you are like or unlike other people, as long as the persona you build is perfectly you.

Personally, I hate iPods. iPod backwards is doPi (dopey). Not that I would have any qualms with using one if I got it for free. Well okay I might sell it, but there's nothing innately wrong with them. They're quality machines. It's just that I'm looking for very specific things in an MP3 player that I buy with my own money, which is why I ended up buying a Zen Microphoto. It has a great signal to noise ratio, storage capacity, and all the features I was looking for with very few I wasn't looking for.

Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: May 29, 2006, 05:34:53 PM »
BOY HOWDY! I'm Noa(h) Satoru Lombardo, and I'm here to have epic battles with sir Raden.

I'm just your average fancy lad. My interests are flexible to say the least, but I've been trying to maintain a constant interest in electronic entertainment (everybody loves video games), health and fitness (diabetes runs in the family, and I don't want to end up a house like uncle Keith), and music. Yeah, I tend to listen to a lot of classic rock and jazz. Usually if it's old, I like it, since most of the stuff MY generation puts out there is crap. My dad called me a "throwback" to his time when he heard some of my CDs, so I called him OLD. Then I yoinked his Boz Scaggs collection to rip to my Zen player. Right back at'cha, pops.

Here's a quick fact list:

1. I like puppies.
2. I like kittens.
3. Okay I just like animals in general.
4. There is no 4.
5. River otters are my favorite, but don't tell my dog or cat that. It's okay to tell the fish, they don't like me anyway.
6. My favorite video game is Megaman II, way back on the NES.
7. I'm not much for movies... you tend to get desensitized to them when your dad owns a video store. But um... I guess I like 2001: A Space Odyssey.
8. I like books. Reading is funducational.
9. I sometimes make greyscale ASCII art. Pixel density is the true sight.
10. If you ask me something, I'll probably tell you.

I look like... um... well here's a current photo from the time this was posted.

Everything Else / Re: Disturbing stuff found on the Internet
« on: May 29, 2006, 04:55:27 PM »
No. Everybody loves Captain Planet so why not Tunak Tunak Tun?

Everything Else / Re: Worst Food Lately
« on: May 26, 2006, 02:35:10 AM »
I had some Thai food last week.

Could hardly stand up the next morning and had "explosive" digestive problems if you know what I mean.

NEVER eating Thai food ever again. Even if it's really good, because I'd just keep associating it with that time.

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