Author Topic: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)  (Read 13880 times)


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Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:28:19 AM »
For years sprens have been abused, imprisoned in fabriels and overworked without pay. Recently, we have had confirmed intelligence relating to the abuse of sprens on Roshar.

The cut and type of the gem determines what kind of spren are attracted to it and can be imprisoned in it.

Action must be taken to stop the abuse of spren. This post will be devoted entirely to bringing rights for spren to Roshar.

Any theories on how spren are captured, and how they are used to function fabriels should be posted here if we are ever going to stop this. Any sightings of spren should also be posted here, along with any theories regarding the type of spren, and where they come from.

If anyone wishes to contribute ideas regarding t-shirts designs that will help spread the word about this mass abuse of rights, please post your ideas here.

However, our first mission is to choose a catchy name and slogan in order to get people interested in recruiting people to help protect the spren population.

I sincerely hope more people join me in my campaign.
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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 04:23:01 PM »
Preposterous! Abuse? It is no fault of ours if spren are attracted to our property. This argument is a slippery slope. What's next? Do we close down windmills* because they rely on windspren to function? Discourage the experience and expression of emotion because emotions attract fearspren or gloryspren? Ban the sale of alcoholic beverages to stop the oppression of drunkspren?

There is no evidence to suggest spren are imprisoned in fabriels against their will. If they are attracted to certain gems, there must be some benefit or profit they hope to receive. Indeed, it may be that the spren that are "imprisoned" are the spren who were fortunate enough to gain exclusive access to the gem.

I move for this petition to be dismissed as frivolous and unnecessary.

*I do not know if windmills are used in Roshar, and in fact I suspect that they are not. Perhaps in the west, in Shinovar or elsewhere, but in all likelihood, they are not practical.


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 07:39:48 PM »
If spren are captive in the jewels, what happens when they break? Do the spren die? I dont think we can go through with this untill we know all the facts


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2010, 12:39:36 AM »
Not another SPEW (from Harry Potter)! Remember that most spren are free to do what they like.


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2010, 05:23:29 AM »
I just really want to see the spren rebel. They are obviously pivotal to the functioning of Roshar, and the conduit of the Knight Radiants powers. Its just not right that such carefree and powerful spirits should be imprisoned so some egotistical bastard lighteyes can have his dinner cooked for him without using a fire.

(P.S. this post is meant to be some light humour as well as a place that people can post theories about different spren. Don't take it too seriously, but please don't be afraid to play along ;))
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 05:26:31 AM by Stormblessed »
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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2010, 05:31:33 AM »
I will be monitoring this thread for the appearance of spren-rights spren. 

The existence of such "meta-spren", could revolutionize the science of fabrial creation.  (Muahahaha.)


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2010, 05:40:55 AM »
I just really want to see the spren rebel. They are obviously pivotal to the functioning of Roshar, and the conduit of the Knight Radiants powers. Its just not right that such carefree and powerful spirits should be imprisoned so some egotistical bastard lighteyes can have his dinner cooked for him without using a fire.

(P.S. this post is meant to be some light humour as well as a place that people can post theories about different spren. Don't take it too seriously, but please don't be afraid to play along ;))

Heh, I was trying my hand at being an evil corporate lawyer. I got that this was supposed to be light-hearted, and I was trying to disagree while playing along.

However, I don't think fabriels are inherently wrong because they "imprison" spren. For whatever reason, spren are attracted to certain things. If a certain type of gem attracts a certain type of spren, that is not wrong. If that spren is then tied to the gem in a more permanent manner, that's not necessarily bad either. After all, we could very well say that Roshar is a massive fabriel designed to capture and use gravityspren to hold things together, and hold people to the surface.

And as for your egotistical lighteyes: if he cooked his food with a fire then he would be using flamespren to heat his meal. Fabriels simply mirror natural processes and forces. They're just much more efficient.


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2010, 05:45:59 AM »
If spren are captive in the jewels, what happens when they break? Do the spren die? I dont think we can go through with this untill we know all the facts

I have already read a theory which postulates that the spren that follow Shallan (honestspren?) may have come from here father's destroyed soulcaster. So it may be possible. Of course if this is the case, we must immediately set out destroying fabriels. We must show these lighteyed Alethi noblemen that we are serious about freedom for spren!

Heh, I was trying my hand at being an evil corporate lawyer. I got that this was supposed to be light-hearted, and I was trying to disagree while playing along.

That statement wasn't directed at anyone in specific. I just wanted to make sure that people who visited this post didn't think we were crazy people that believed that Roshar and spren actually exist, and would actually play along. When I read your post I was like lol this person knows exactly what I'm doing.
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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2010, 09:30:06 PM »
I think it's very clear that spren hate strawberries. The first thing to do if we want to uphold the rights of spren everywhere is to eliminate all strawberries, especially those in a jam form.


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 10:29:59 AM »
I think it's very clear that spren hate strawberries. The first thing to do if we want to uphold the rights of spren everywhere is to eliminate all strawberries, especially those in a jam form.
I don't know ehere you get that one from. A rights for spren campaign would involve banning fabrials bassically...


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2010, 10:59:18 AM »
Preposterous! Abuse? It is no fault of ours if spren are attracted to our property. This argument is a slippery slope. What's next? Do we close down windmills* because they rely on windspren to function? Discourage the experience and expression of emotion because emotions attract fearspren or gloryspren? Ban the sale of alcoholic beverages to stop the oppression of drunkspren?

There is no evidence to suggest spren are imprisoned in fabriels against their will. If they are attracted to certain gems, there must be some benefit or profit they hope to receive. Indeed, it may be that the spren that are "imprisoned" are the spren who were fortunate enough to gain exclusive access to the gem.

I move for this petition to be dismissed as frivolous and unnecessary.

I must concur!
As we have seen spren are "bound" *rolls his eyes in disdain and flashes a quick, mocking smile towards the assembly* simply by observing them.
In fact, I would go so far and say that they benefit from our attentions, and that more funding for the artefabrian community is necessary.


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2010, 08:58:19 PM »
I think we should actively try to trap the spren, what if we were able to trap all the bad spren, no deathspren=no death, no rotspren=no rot, because as everybody knows the spren cause the things they are associated to.  In fact lets go for broke and try to trap ALL the spren, then we can experience their properties whenever WE want to, rather than waiting for spren to show up


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2010, 10:24:55 PM »
I think we should actively try to trap the spren, what if we were able to trap all the bad spren, no deathspren=no death, no rotspren=no rot, because as everybody knows the spren cause the things they are associated to.  In fact lets go for broke and try to trap ALL the spren, then we can experience their properties whenever WE want to, rather than waiting for spren to show up
You assume that they're the cause of these things, rather than a side effect.
There's a difference between what's best and what's right. What's best might be different tomorrow or the day after, but right and wrong will stay the same after a thousand years.


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2010, 07:56:57 AM »
I think it's very clear that spren hate strawberries. The first thing to do if we want to uphold the rights of spren everywhere is to eliminate all strawberries, especially those in a jam form.
I don't know ehere you get that one from. A rights for spren campaign would involve banning fabrials bassically...

What is the only place Strawberries come from?
What is the only place without spren?

Obviously, spren hate strawberries.


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Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2010, 07:58:06 AM »
I think we should actively try to trap the spren, what if we were able to trap all the bad spren, no deathspren=no death, no rotspren=no rot, because as everybody knows the spren cause the things they are associated to.  In fact lets go for broke and try to trap ALL the spren, then we can experience their properties whenever WE want to, rather than waiting for spren to show up

Also don't forget about the circle of life. If things don't die this will cause overpopulation, famine, spread of diseases etc.
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