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Topics - Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock

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Everything Else / Hey Spriggan
« on: March 07, 2005, 11:14:42 PM »
Yo, Dan's got some crazy new, rad fadded, board game. He'll be coming over tonight with it. Interested?

Everything Else / Gemm in Utah?! Or Plans Made With an American Fork
« on: March 07, 2005, 04:59:36 PM »
Ok Skar. Brandon said he'd like to do lunch with you too. How's a late lunch on wednesday sound? About 2ish.

Also, I'll include here my thought of possibly doing something with Dan/Rob/Skar tonight while everyone (mostly everyone) is doing their FHE thingy.


Everything Else / The Wireless Area of High-class Societized Men
« on: February 26, 2005, 02:55:59 PM »
MMmmm, I have a chancerouy feeling that this club will be limited to a select number of people. I've just started myself. Mmmmm, yes. Is anyone else a part of this "wireless" techonocraft those able-bodies speak of nowadays? Wifi is it? Yes, mmmm. Very well then, do take your coat to the check. Toodles darling.

Video Games / EQ2 Pizza and You
« on: February 18, 2005, 11:26:54 AM »

Movies and TV / Silly Canada, Coulter Hates You
« on: February 18, 2005, 11:25:54 AM »

That's just funny right there. Yeah... you get the idea.

Movies and TV / BSG 75
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:08:32 AM »
Ok, so here's what I'm thinking. It took too long for this show to get good. I'm watching it tonight and it's actually seeming interesting. I watched a week or two ago and turned it off because it just wasn't very interesting. So, maybe now it's going to be better. But hey, who knows.

Movies and TV / Kung Fu Hustle
« on: February 11, 2005, 10:53:15 AM »

This one looks like it'll be rather entertaining.

Books / Neil Gaiman's Audio Book Collection
« on: February 07, 2005, 11:16:00 AM »
Is on iTunes. And well, I'm having a hard time resisting buying it... Soon enough... I will. Not right now though. Must save money.

Everything Else / That was cool.
« on: February 01, 2005, 04:00:52 PM »
So, I went to my Film and Poetry teacher (classes are not related) to have him look over my poetry and he really dug one them so much so as to say it reminded him of his favorite poet, Stevens. But we had a fun talk that I think I'll be enjoying his company here on campus. So, here's the poem that he enjoyed (and helped me to like it all the more):

A shortage of water,
Shortages of electricity,
But if there's one thing
That's in abundance,
One thing that makes us

In the dead of winter,
Or the peak of summer.
Toiling under the sun, or
Waiting on the frozen lake,
An ox or fish,
A hoe or rod.

The man on the street
playing for loose change,
The woman with her briefcase.
The signs everywhere,
Surround everything.

Music / TMBG News brought to you by Me.
« on: February 01, 2005, 01:07:10 PM »
Here's the latest from the TMBG front for those of you who don't receive the e-mail and would like to know!

The energy of TMBG's live show is finally captured in this unique collection of handpicked, bandpicked live tracks from “The Spine Hits the Hiway Tour” of 2004.

At each stop of the 2004 tour, the band debuted a new song, lovingly dedicated to that evening's venue. These songs were written the day of the show and arranged during soundcheck. The album contains either the soundcheck or gig version, depending on the number of clams in the performance. For the moment, this album is not for sale, but it's FREE with a purchase of $9.99 from the site. So pick up a Live Download, an album, or make your own mix from the single downloads, and the Venue Songs download will be waiting for you after checkout in the "My Downloads" section.

"They Might Be Giants", "Lincoln", "Then: The Earlier Years", "Misc. T", "They Got Lost", "No!", "Severe Tire Damage", "The Spine Surfs Alone" and the album that started the download-mania "The Spine" are all available as full album downloads or individual tracks for just 99 cents at

They Might Be Giants return to the world of family stuff with a brand new CD of original songs along with a DVD of amazing visuals entitled "Here Come the ABCs." Preorders for the DVD and CD are available Feb. 1 at Amazon for startling prices. The MP3 download will be available at on the street date of Feb. 15.

To preorder the CD:

...or the DVD:


2/15 New York City Borders - 10 Columbus Circle, 7 PM
2/20 Albany, NY Borders - 59 Wolf Road, 6 PM
2/21 Braintree, MA Borders - 255 Grossman Drive, 7 PM
2/23 Vienna, VA Borders - 8027 Leesburg Pike, 7 PM
2/24 Towson, MD Borders - 415 York Rd.,7 PM
2/25 Bryn Mawr, PA Borders - 1149 Lancaster Ave., 7 PM
3/8 Ann Arbor, MI Borders - 612 E. Liberty, 7 PM
3/11 Minneapolis/Richfield, MN Borders - 800 W. 78th Street, 7 PM
3/13 Providence, RI Borders - 142 Providence Place, 6 PM

Headed to the West Coast for more - stay tuned for details!

- TMBG perform on Conan O'Brien Feb. 15

Greetings from Flans!

"Hey everybody-
Things might seem quiet this moment on the TMBG front, but we are strapping on our crash helmets for a spring full of free shows. The Lincoln Center show is sold out, but we will be performing in NYC for FREE on Feb. 15 at Borders in Columbus Circle. We are also making our way out to Los Angeles for a regular show and a special all-ages one, so you might want to IM the Blackberrys of any 3-year-olds you know in the LA area. John and I will be accompanied by Mr. Marty Beller at all these free Borders shows, and we will be performing half-hour sets, including new ABC songs as well as personal favorites from our dark, dark past.
Be sure to check out the two new free Venue songs at, for a copy of the much beloved photos and lyrics is now included at the bottom of this message!

Movies and TV / The Final Cut
« on: January 27, 2005, 12:11:42 AM »

Now, wasn't this premise used in a movie some years ago? I faintly recall there being a movie that sort of had this same kind of utility in it. Just seems like it was used before....

Movies and TV / Alone In the Dark
« on: January 21, 2005, 12:41:27 AM »
Ok, is this movie based on that game I've heard of?

Movies and TV / Question about our movie discussions.
« on: January 21, 2005, 12:05:07 AM »
Here's a question. Do "our" discussions about movies ever go into the difference between film and movie? Making distinctions, if any, that exist between that which is known as a "movie" and that which is known as a "film"  taking into account artistry and vision, convention and invention, promotion and marketing, and other considerations. You may cite examples of either word in your response?

Everything Else / A Whole New... Dr. Pepper...
« on: January 18, 2005, 09:28:29 PM »
Yeah, so I found a new pop. It is called "Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper." Yeah, it's very odd. I couldn't find a regular Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper. It only comes in Diet I guess. It has the strangest taste.

Everything Else / Spring "Recess"
« on: January 18, 2005, 03:40:38 PM »
So, I've been thinking. Let's not spend this spring break at home working and just lolling about. So Entropy, mind spending a week with me?  ;) Hahah, but seriously, from March 5th until the 12th I'm off. So, if anyone in Utah wouldn't mind putting me up for the week I could add some spice to your life. This is just spurious thinking. Only put a mindful of salt into this.

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