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Messages - guessingo

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Books / Authors and Publishers
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:16:04 PM »
Just curious if anyone knows. It looks like Amazon has pulled the buy button from all of McMillian authors books on their website. Then put it back, but only on used books so the authors make no money. So authors are caught up in the middle of it.

Does anyone know what an authors rights are if they are unhappy with a publisher? When they sign a contract is it for a period of time. So the contract lapses and authors can have someone else publish them or is it permanent?

this is a bit off topic. I'm new here. Is this ok?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon got a blurb in The New York Times...
« on: February 01, 2010, 04:34:44 PM »
According to John Scalzi the buy buttons are back at Amazon, but only for used books. I feel bad for the authors caught up in this. They are collateral damage in a dispute with 2 large companies. I would think most authors make the vast majority of their money off of selling books and not off of e-books.

Authors as popular as Brandon are fine, but TOR has alot of authors who don't sell alot of books.... This is lame.

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:11:45 PM »
I forget where this article was... but the Chinese government removed Avatar in 3d from theaters. They were selling too many tickets and hurting Chinese movies.  Supposedly they limit the release of foreign movies in China to protect Chinese movies.

Movies and TV / Re: Anyone watch Caprica?
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:09:44 PM »
No one likes Battlestar Galactica? And you guys are sci-fi/fantasy fans.

Brandon Sanderson / Brandon got a blurb in The New York Times...
« on: February 01, 2010, 04:04:22 AM »
The article is not about Brandon, but still it is better than being mentioned for something crazy.

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:34:16 AM »
Thanks peter. I have wondered for a while that when people talk about all time gross they talk about domestic first and then maybe world wide. They act like domestic is more important.

I wonder if there is a total world wide gross. It is about how much money you make total.

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:06:29 PM »
The highest grossing film of all time adjusted for inflation is Gone with the Wind and it is the highest by alot. There were alot less releases back then and it ran for a year.

Has the reciepts of movies, but it does not adjust for inflation. I think I saw Roger Ebert come up with the highest grossing films once adjusted for inflation. I think that is where I saw the stuff about Gone with the Wind.

I am a programmer so by nature I really like science fiction. So do alot of the nerds that I work with. None of us thought this movie was that good and people got caught up in the effects. I really did not think the 3D was anything all that special. The story was generic. Alot of the story was just an excuse to show off the special affects. I like James Cameron. I thought the lower budget science fiction film District 9 was much better.

The movie was not bad. I give it a B. It was kind of generic.

I am surpised that Enders Game has not been made yet. I don't think the special effects require will be a problem. It is also the kind of movie that would appeal to kids and that is always a large audience.

Finding the right kids to play in this movie would be REALLY tough.

Books / Re: What is the best and/or worst recent book you've read?
« on: January 31, 2010, 07:42:11 PM »
I live in Northern Virginia. The public library around here has all the sci-fi/fantasy or whatever else books I want. They also have a large number of them on audio books.

So your library doesn't carry a lot of sci-fi/fantasy books?

Books / Re: Good Author websites
« on: January 31, 2010, 07:39:54 PM »
I don't know what I want. I'll know if I like it if i see it. I am a programmer and there are a couple of software blogs I like. I also read Paul Krugman's blog (nobel prize winning economist) even though I am not a liberal (he is a big time lefty)

Books / Re: Good Author websites
« on: January 31, 2010, 02:54:24 AM »
I have never heard of Scalzi. He looks interesting. The amazon reviews of his old man series look good. How are the books?

Books / Re: What is the best and/or worst recent book you've read?
« on: January 31, 2010, 12:07:29 AM »

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet: Takes place in the middle ages and it revolves around a village building a Cathedral. Follet is a mystery novelist and his historical novel is his most popular. If you like fantasy you will love this book. No it is not fantasy, but it is a period of time that Fantasy lovers like.

The Time Travellers Wife (I heard the movie sucked). The audio book presentation is outstanding. It has male and female performers. I am a guy and I do not read romance. So this is partial romance and alot of sci-fi. VERY well written.

Roma by Steven Saylor: Saylor is known for his mystery novels set in ancient Rome. This one is different. It is a series of vignettes that start in 1000 BC and then go to the rise of Octavian (the kid who won in HBO: Rome). This is the first novel I have seen where most of it takes place in very early rome. VERY good book.

The Forever War by Joe Haldeman: This is 35 years old. I went through the sci-fi awards to look for an older book to read and picked this one. GREAT BOOK! GREAT BOOK! It is about a 3,000 year war. People travel close to the speed of light and that causes them to go forward in time (Einstein says this will happen).

The Accidental Time Machine by Joe Haldeman: This was light hearted and fun. A lazy graduate student too lazy to finish his PhD accidentally invents a time machine. However, he can't figure out how it works and keeps going forward in time in hopes that someone else will tell him how to get home. The best part is when he gets to a point where technology is at the point where everyone is rich. An artificial intelligence basically manages things. It is the anti-skynet. Instead of wanting to take over, it finds people so annoying it wants to go through time to get away from them. I laughed out loud at this.

I am reading the second Mistborn book by Brandon. I liked the first one.

The Yiddish Policemen's Union: This actually won the hugo award and the author won a pullitzer prize. I got bored and didn't finish it. This could be a taste issue. I don't like mysteries. I read it because the reviews were so good. I never finished it. It assumes that israel is not created and the jews move to Alaska.

He has the option to make The Forever War by Joe Haldeman (all time classic sci-fi book. GREAT BOOK). Haldeman wrote on his website that he hopes that Avatar will finally get him to make this movie.

Ridley Scott also produced a miniseries of The Pillars of the Earth. I don't know when it will be on or what channel. This is one of my favorite books. It takes places in the middle ages in England and revolves around building a cathedral. It is alot more than that. It is a truly great book. If you like fantasy you should like this book even though it is not fantasy.

Movies and TV / Anyone watch Caprica?
« on: January 30, 2010, 11:44:49 PM »
It is a prequel to battlestar galactica. I do not like the whole "robots that look like people" thing since that has been done in the Matrix and the Terminator. I really like the way they use Sci-fi, but then make the world alot like Earth. I think it is interesting.

Books / Good Author websites
« on: January 30, 2010, 06:58:16 PM »
What are some good Author websites? The two I read are George RR Martin (check out the blog he sounds like he is making real progress on a Dance with Dragons) and Brandon Sanderson?

Any other good sites and blogs? I check out Joel Haldermans board sometimes. In large part because alot of other authors post on it (Elizabeth Moon posts there), but other than his forum he doesn't have alot of good stuff.

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