Author Topic: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?  (Read 14897 times)

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How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« on: January 27, 2008, 03:07:49 AM »
Brandon wrote in his blog that to his surprise he found that Nynaeve was his favorite character when he read the Eye of the World again for the first time in a few years...

I recently started to read the books again and just as Brandon I sympathised more with Rand, Mat and Perrin during my first read through of the series.. I might even go so far as to say I disliked the chapters with Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne...

however now that I'm reading it all again for the fifth time or so, the latest not longer than a year ago, I found that I find all the characters very interesting... and I sympathise a lot more with Moraine, Nynaeve and Siuan Sanche for example... I also think Rand, Mat and Perrin to be Wool-headed fools sometimes (especially Mat, whom I also find very selfish and whiny before Lord of Chaos)

but the thing that surprised me the most, I absolutly love Faile! She is the greatest, every chapter with her is a pleasure to read, I can't believe I ever found her enoying and boring.

So I wonder, how have all you others sympathis altered with the years? Which character makes more sense now than they did before?
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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 01:59:16 PM »
Strictly speaking, this is less about Brandon's views, and more about books he didn't write, so I'm moving it. Please continue discussing it.

Comfortable Madness

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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 05:08:43 PM »
I got to say that the one character that my thoughts changed the most on I as read was Mat. Especially, as I read through the series the first time. In the first couple of books he wanted to just be away from any form of responsibility and as far away from Rand as humanly possible. Then as I read on I realized that even though he really did want to do those things, in the end he would do what he had to. In the beginning I used to think Perrin was the coolest character in the book. However, as  I read on Mat began to slowly replace him as my favorite character, besides Rand, in the whole book. Perrin use to seem like the one that would always be there to help Rand out but after he finds Faile that begins to change in a hurry. Now it's Mat that leads the Dragonsworn armies for Rand and it is Mat who does, pretty much, does whatever Rand asks of him. Now as I finish reading the books for a second time Mat has nearly replaced Rand as my favorite character. As I read I find myself eagerly anticipating the next chapters that deal with Mat even though I already know whats going to happen...

A character that I have really begun to dislike is Elayne. I really could not stand the how mad she was that Rand thought he could "give" her Andor. I'm sorry I understand that she is the rightful queen and all but she would not have been able to take it back without Rand. There was kind of little problem of the Forsaken running the place until Rand stepped in. There is no way Elayne would have been able to beat Rahvin. So, I believe, that there is a thank you the Rand deserved but never got. She is also one of the many Aes Sedai whom are putting way to much energy into things not regarding the Final Battle....

As for a character that a lot of people don't like that I think is really awsome is Galad. I'm constantly defending how awesome he is to many of my friends who have read the series. Everyone just see's him as some goody-goody tattle. I however, think he is one of the coolest characters in all of the books and the scene with him dueling Eamon Valda is just fantastic!

“I will never serve you, Father of Lies. In a thousand lives, I never have. I know that. I’m sure of it. Come. It is time to die.” Rand al'Thor

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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 08:56:37 PM »
I used to really like Rand, and I thought Min was funny and enjoyable to read about.  I since have hated them more and more with each book that comes out (even though I somewhat feel bad for Rand).

In the early books, Mat was selfish, but now he is my favorite character. 

I actually like Elayne and think Rand is a bit cocky and stupid to give her back Andor.  Yes, he did help her immensly, but the throne of Andor is something she has been raised her whole life to have, and then to have an outsider say "I give you back Andor" -- rubbed her the wrong way.  (Also, the politics of looking like a strong Queen to keep the country together would be thrown off by her saying "I accept your gift, thanks by the way," instead of showing that she always was the rightful owner.  He put her in a bad situation by insinuating that he could give her back her country.  I'm sure she is grateful for him helping her get rid of Rahvin, but politically, acting dependent on the Dragon Reborn would be a BAD step).

Considering Elayne was "dating" Rand first out of the three, I think that she treats him well considering the situation.  I, personally, would be enraged at him for sleeping with two other women before me, but oh well. 


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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2008, 07:32:04 PM »
Years ago I had started reading the WOT series but stopped after book 3 because I was tired of waiting for the next one and then having to read them all again just to get caught up.

I am now reading the series completely through (Just finished EotW), since I only have to wait for 1 book. It has been about 15 years since the last time I read Eye of the World. I don't even remember what happens through the books, but I do still get flashes of memory while I read. Like I will remember the look of a city before Jordan describes it in the book, or what a character looks like before they are introduced.

It's interesting to say the least. It is one thing to recognize someone you have met in person but you can't remember who they are or what their name is and when you do it all comes back in a flash. It is another to finally put a name to a face, a face constructed by descriptions in a book that you remember long after the events fade from memory. I guess that shows the kind of author Jordan is, that he paints the portrait of a person I would recognize if I saw them walking down the street.

Anyway, for me Rand, Mat and Perrin are exactly the same. Keep in mind, I have only finished rereading book 1. I still relate to them even though I am considered an 'old man' by comparison. I guess it's because I aged but did not grow up. I still put my foot in my mouth, skydive even though it scares me to death and fail to understand women. You would think after turning 35, having 2 knee reconstructions and 1 back surgery, I would stop living much of my life like a teenager. I didn't change, my responsibilities did.

The only person that really changed for me was Moraine. She's no longer the controlling older woman, she's the nagging know it all wife. <roflmao>
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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2008, 10:38:04 PM »
I actually have come to like Moiraine a lot more whenever I go back and read WoT. Especially after reading New Spring. when you finally understand her and her motives a little bit more.

And I also agree with Comfortable Madness about Elayne. *gag* I just can't stand her... I seriously hope she gets killed off in the last book. I need vindication for all the torture she put me through.

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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2008, 04:24:24 PM »
I really don't agree with moving this topic.  Its an issue Brandon brought up on his own blog.  Wouldn't it make sense to discuss it in the Brandon Sanderson forum?  Plus, he's made more than one post about it and he is finishing the Wheel of Time, like it or not to those fans/friends of his, some of whom obviously don't seem to like that fact.

As for characters who have changed my feelings about them, there are several, but the boys especially.

Rand:  Started as sympathetic, but his close minded nature makes him less likeable.  Of course, it could be the taint changing his personality along with the stress of leadership, so I'm willing to cut him some slack.

Mat:  Gone from my least favorite of the boys, to my favorite character period.  He did his best to shirk responsibility in the beginning, but the transformation for me took place in the fifth book.  It wasn't until we got into the later books when Mat was readily accepting responsbility that I noticed thats where the change in attitude started happening.  He still had immature moments in book five, but from book six foward, he's the best.

Perrin:  Almost the opposite of Mat, but can't stand him now.  He has become too whiny for my taste.  He's no longer the slow thinking, deliberate acting person.  Before he was almost like Loial, the gentle giant.  Faile has brought out the worst in him.  Now he almost loses his temper as fast as Rand, and without the taint to blame.  When I re-read the series now, I now have future knowledge of what he's going to do, and it makes it more frustrating to read him early.


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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2008, 02:19:01 AM »
Am I the only person who disliked Egwene after the first book?  The only thing she does for the first few books is berate other characters (especially Rand) for their arrogance but gets to be worse than they are.  It's not so much that I hate her, but people that self-righteous bug me. 

Also, I would say that Mat is probably the overall favorate character of the majority of people.  The lovable rogue with unexpected talents is always a popular character.


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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2008, 09:24:24 AM »
I have a general disdain for the majority of the female characters, largely because of the way Jordan writes them, particularly Egwene and Nynaeve. I can't really stand either of them. Elayne gets on my nerves when she's in the ANDOR IS MINE mindset, even after events had proven that the only reason she held onto it was because of Rand and his actions. Beyond that, she's not too bad. Aviendha is OK, and Min isn't that bad either. On the whole, though, they all seem incredibly 2 dimensional as characters. Perhaps part of it is that I found the majority of their PoV chapters to essentially be fluff, and never paid too much attention to them - especially during the later part of the series. I'll admit I largely just skimmed those chapters in every book past 6.

I like Rand, in the sort of disconnected "I wish I could have insane powers and blow stuff up" way. Mat, in my opinion, is probably the most fleshed out of any of the characters, with the exception of Rand - who isn't fleshed out in a way that really lets you relate to him. Mat you can look at, and see an ordinary guy thrust into extraordinary circumstances, who rose up to the challenge. Rand, you see a somewhat ordinary guy thrust into extraordinary circumstances, who then became even more extraordinary than the circumstances themselves. You can't really relate to that.


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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2008, 04:48:34 AM »
When Elayne started pouting because Rand had reclaimed Andor for her, I was seriously tempted to burn the book. My glass was suddenly overflowing from all the whining these women do. Try being thankful for Light's sake! I know it possibly isn't supposed to fit her personality, but at some point you gotta think: "Hmmm.. He really cares for me, and he risked his life to secure something I need\love", right?

Having said that, I really love most of the female characters in the books (most of the time). Avi is great, and Min is my favorite female character (because of the comfort\healing she brings Rand). Nyn is great, gotta hate the braidpulling, gotta love the way she acts around Lan and the way she cares for the "kids".

Rand - From just having a simple love for the character in the beginning, to the immense pity I feel for him as he sinks deeper into madness, his mistreatment by the black sisters and the horror I felt when he had his hand blown off.
Nyn - Went from hatred to love on that one.
Lan - Haven't really changed my view at all.. The guy's a mountain. He never changes (or veeery slowly) and that's what I like about him).
Mat - from laughing at him, to respecting him (although he still is a fun character)

I need to re-read the series; it's been years since a complete readthrough for me now.


ps. Don't judge me by my english please, I'm not from an english speaking country :) [and it's 4.39 am (if am is very early in the morning)]

Comfortable Madness

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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2008, 02:27:29 PM »
As far as female characters go, I have to say Nynaeve is my favorite. After she cleansed saidin with Rand it was pretty much sealed. I also love how she takes control in most situations by sheer force of will but then there are characters that she , sometimes unconciously, will defer to.

Another really cool female character, I think, is Berelain. I think it's really cool how everyone sees her as a useless tramp but she really is an exceptional leader for Mayene. Also, I like how the wise ones treat her like an equal when not even Aes Sedai are treated that way...
“I will never serve you, Father of Lies. In a thousand lives, I never have. I know that. I’m sure of it. Come. It is time to die.” Rand al'Thor

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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2008, 12:36:14 AM »
After reading through the posts here it was a little annoying to hear all the 'hates' and 'can't stands'.
I might like a character less than another; find one more interesting or have features that appeal more to me, but I don't hate a character (well..... the forsaken I can understand).
For me when I first read the books several years ago I really liked Rand, however as time drew on and I matured I drew away from him, I understood his pain and suffering but I prefered to read of the lighter characters.
I've always found it hard to choose one character to say is my favourite.
I like Mat, he's funny and a good hearted rogue whoose character developes well over the couse of the story and Perrin I enjoy for the strong, warm friendship that he gives and the down to earth (most of the time) feeling I get from him though I find he can be a little static sometimes.
With the girls it becomes a little harder. I've always liked Nynaeve, it was interesting to see how she interacted with the other characters particularally when she was leading her little group black ajah hunting.
Elayne I like but after never to the same extent of the others, I can often relate to her but I don't find her quite as interesting. I really like Egwene, she's probably close to being my favourite especially in the last book. One of my favourite chapters is 'Honey in the tea'. I can't wait to see her do well in the Tower.
Faile was a little irritating in the first few books but she matured into a very interesting character, in the last few books when captured I felt it dragged a little but her strength and hope, and leadership qualities made a peson who I enjoyed reading.
Back when I first starting reading the books and began going online on the rpg's or reading posts on the WoT I almost always chose Aviendha as my character, she was always most exciting and close in looks to me, though far hardier. She had a spirit especially against Rand which was fun to read and striking against the fairer other main women of the books.
I've missed out other characters as my post is getting too long and a little repetitive and it's late and I want to go to bed, I might write something on them another time. ^_^
In general I've found the characters changing, adding more to their personalities and growing with the books I can't wait for the last book!


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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 06:58:23 AM »
Way back when I first read the books, and then as I was rereading them, I always liked Rand the best.  I sympathized with his "I'm a normal, practical person whose world has been turned upside down and now I have to be responsible for it" attitude.  Then he started going crazy.  Granted, he can't help it, but he just gets so mean and moody in the later books... it reminds me of Harry Potter in book 5 *shudder*.  If I hope for anything in book 12, it's that Rand can regain his sanity.

I was never a Perrin fan.  He's too responsible, a little too "I'll always do the right thing" for my taste.  I hate how he has to deal with the prophet.

Mat is a character I've grown to respect.  At first, I disliked his impulsive nature that always seemed to put everyone in a pickle.  Gradually, he started to take responsibility for his role in the turning of the Wheel, like when he blew the horn.  I find it funny that Mat is now a genius military commander and a newlywed.  I can't wait to see the culmination of his storyline.

If I keep going on my analysis of major characters I'll have my own novel, so I think I'll just stop here for now.
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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2008, 04:48:19 PM »
Mat will and always be my favorite charater of the seris. the way he came from village prankster to a rouge who trusted in lusk to an unbelivable general was just amazing. i can't wait to see what circumtanices makes him give up his eye.


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Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2008, 07:00:25 PM »
Mat will and always be my favorite charater of the seris. the way he came from village prankster to a rouge who trusted in lusk to an unbelivable general was just amazing. i can't wait to see what circumtanices makes him give up his eye.

i definately have to agree with this. after reading the whole series and knowing what mat will become i love watching his progression through the series.
i think one of my newer favorites though is egwene. i know some people tend not to like her because she's stuck up. but she has to be to stay in power as a renegade amyrlin. and the scenes of her in the tower as a captive are just great. i liked how the first time i read KoD i thought those scenes took up a big part of the book but when i reread it i realized it was a few pages in the prologue and like one other chapter and thats it. RJ packed a lot into those pages.
but i want to mention a non major character and say how much i LOVE Rodel Ituralde. he's such a badass. maybe it helps that we learn about the outcome of his plans through the eyes of the seanchan after they get they're ass kicked.   :D