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Messages - Kristal

Pages: 1 [2]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Query letter question
« on: September 04, 2007, 12:10:53 AM »
I mentioned that idea--of going to fantasy conventions--to a writer's board, and they thought it was a bad idea. They thought I should go to the writer's workshops instead.  The problem I foresee with that, is that most of the agents at a lot of those, don't represent fantasy.  And I guess Brandon is an example of one of these attempts working. 

So how does one approach an agent at ones of these without coming across as rude?

And I am curious, how many other writers visit this board and try and catch some of Brandon's author germs.  ;D  And how many of you are just fans?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Query letter question
« on: September 03, 2007, 06:50:26 PM »
Thanks Brandon!

I'm not sure if I'm happy that you wrote  bad query letters.   (sigh)   I might have a chance, that is if I can find someway to rub elbows with the right agents.  Which, unfortunately, I don't see happening any time soon.

I'm nearing the end of my 3rd draft, and I'll take a break from my manuscript at that point and work on my...gulp...query.   I keep feeling like I'm going to have an anxiety attack every time I think of this query thing.  The whole publishing industry is so vast and daunting, and there is so much that rides on one simple page.

Anyhow, thanks for the advice/input.   


Brandon Sanderson / Query letter question
« on: August 31, 2007, 04:38:04 PM »

I know you have better things to do besides humor aspiring authors, but I'd thought I'd ask anyway.

From what I understand, you didn't write a query letter to get your agent?  I'm in the last stages of finishing my book (probably in the next couple of months), and every time I sit down to work on a query, I feel completely overwhelmed.

How does one write a nice, concise query when their plot is so entwined.  And if I break it down to really simple, all I am left with is something very generic sounding.  The uniqueness of my novel is more based on the power system I use.  If I skin it down to the bare bones it is just another hero trying to defeat a powerful and evil king.


But it IS a unique story.   I just can't figure out how to get it in a paragraph or two.   

I'd love to see your query, if you ever wrote one.  In many respects I feel our writing is similar (except you are much more experienced and god-like compared to me right now  :))

Thanks for you time...whenever you get some.  No rush.  I know you are working on your book tour stuff right now. 

I'm looking forward to reading Mistborn 2.  I have your other two books already, and you have become both mine and my husband's new favorite author.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: August 16, 2007, 04:22:10 PM »
I just wanted to drop in and say Hi.  After reading Elantris, I became a fan of your writing right away.  It took me a while to get to reading Warbreaker, as I am in the middle of writing a novel myself, but I have now, and I must say, I enjoyed it very well.


I don't know if this is mentioned anywhere else in this thread, but I wanted to poke my opinion in--as I like to do unfortunately--concerning the relationship between Siri and Suesbron (I love his name and character, by the way).  I must say, as a woman, I was a little disappointed in their first union.   ;D  I'm not necessarily into graphic sex, by any means, but the fact that he wasn't used to being touched and was so innocent, I was looking forward to his reaction when she touched him intimately  for the first time, and he finally figured out what she was doing on the bed all those weeks.

Their relationship was my favorite part of the book, by the way. 

Another great plot.  I love the way you twist and weave the stories you do, interweaving everything until the right moment.

On a side note:  I smiled when you described how she didn't notice the size between them so much anymore.  My husband is 6' 7' and I am 5' 6', so I knew exactly how she felt.    ;D   

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