Author Topic: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)  (Read 2126 times)


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MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:26:02 AM »

I got your Mistborn book for free Mr. Sanderson.  And I read it.  I got it from the TOR promotion both on the Kindle and on the website.  It was good.  It was good.  I also downloaded your Warbreaker book.

I am wondering if you got any plans on releaseing the current version of Warbreaker on the Amazon Kindle, for free download.  That would be cool.

Anyways, Mr. Sanderson, your Warbreaker book isn't perfect.  And I think I saw someone on Wikipedia that suggested to me that you are Mormon...

What I want to ask is Mr. Sanderson, is being a writer good income?  Like can you estimate on average imcome per year for a writer as good as yoiurself?  Is it livable?

I don't know if I will read the second book of yours because of some reviews I read on Amazon regarding it.  Is the third book any good, and if it is better than the second and first, does the second need to be read to understand the third?

In addition, about your books and belivability.  Some people have criticized Dan Brown books because they are far fetched and unbelivable.  I am wondering if you understand the physical properties of elements such as metals.  I may not be a professional chief, but I believe metals melt, not burn.  And wouldn't ingesting metals, even pure, be bad for the body?  And what about other metals?  Is silver supposed to be atrium?  What about platanium?  Will there be more metals in third book?  How about a rare nuclear fissure metal, that blows up Iran or something?


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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 02:48:33 AM »
Well, well, well, this is an interesting little post. ;)
First of all (and let's just get this out of the way), it's Brandon Sanderson.  His name's on the board, look up above the name of the thread and you'll see it there, "Brandon Sanderson."  It's also on the book you read.
Next up there are many differences between Dan Brown's and Brandon Sanderson's books.  I'll just get into one.  Genre.  Brandon writes FANTASY.  Mr. Brown writes HISTORICAL FICTION.  Dan Brown's books are supposed to be believable because he sets them to take place in our world.  Brandon, makes up his own world, and thus, things don't have to follow the rules of our world.  It's called magic.
Thirdly, it does mention in the book, that if a Mistborn does not burn away the metals (magically), before sleeping, they are indeed poisonous and can be very bad for you.
It also says in the book that not all metals are allomantic ones.  What you spelled 'atrium,' (I shouldn't be talking, I'm pretty much the worst speller on the board  ;)) should be called atium, and it is in fact atium, a metal created by Brandon, and not silver.
I hope this answers most of your questions Utopia, welcome to the boards. ;D

EDIT:  Oh, and I believe Warbreaker downloads are free from his website  People have been reading it, and giving him suggestions, before it goes to publishing, at least that's what I think.  I haven't actually read warbreaker yet, but I think that's what is going on.  I think he's on draft 6?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 03:03:24 AM by Comatose »
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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 03:10:22 AM »
Perhaps if Mr. Sanderson did this for the Amazon Kindle, people who own a Kindle and know about this, may try it out?  Kindle is an ebook reader, and yes I got one.  In case you don't know some people prefer e-ink technology to read on because it may be easier to read on.  Also, in my opium, I think the wireless Whispernet is pretty cool, too.


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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 04:17:30 AM »
You can still read it on the computer screen, is that e-ink enough for you ;)?
Anyways, I don't know much about Kindle or anything, so I'm probably not the person to be answering that question, sorry.

And I'm sort of curious about this, so what about kindle makes it easier to read on than a book?
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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 04:38:40 AM »
From what I've heard from everyone I know who has one....nothing. In one of my friends words, "It sucks. You sit there and read off this little screen and it doesn't even feel like you're really reading a book." This is the first I've heard of someone actually liking it better.

And the thing about the metals's a magic system. It's allowed to be different from our world. So what if the metals shouldn't burn? They do, and that's that. It makes it much more fun.
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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2008, 05:00:00 AM »
I think what happens with the metals is that they go directly from being a metal to a force in your system.  I've always imagined them rather then melting and going into your system depenishing... simply just getting smaller.  Also, Kelser says somewhere in the book to make sure you burn off the last of them at the end of the day because they can harm your system.
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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2008, 07:42:31 AM »
Anyways, Mr. Sanderson, your Warbreaker book isn't perfect.  And I think I saw someone on Wikipedia that suggested to me that you are Mormon...

I'm not quite sure how these two points go together.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that a person's religion doesn't really affect his ability to achieve written perfection, and I don't believe that I've ever seen Brandon lay claim to said perfection.

What I want to ask is Mr. Sanderson, is being a writer good income?  Like can you estimate on average imcome per year for a writer as good as yoiurself?  Is it livable?

Obviously you can make a living wage as an author of Brandon's capabilities.  Since he's doing it.  If writing didn't pay a living wage, there wouldn't be nearly so many books out there.

I don't know if I will read the second book of yours because of some reviews I read on Amazon regarding it.  Is the third book any good, and if it is better than the second and first, does the second need to be read to understand the third?

I can't answer this one because a) I haven't seen the reviews on Amazon and b) I haven't read the unreleased book.  I personally like Misborn 2 better than 1, but that's my own opinion.  I'm sure that you'll be able to understand the third without reading the second, but it won't be as full an experience.

In addition, about your books and belivability.  Some people have criticized Dan Brown books because they are far fetched and unbelivable.  I am wondering if you understand the physical properties of elements such as metals.  I may not be a professional chief, but I believe metals melt, not burn.  And wouldn't ingesting metals, even pure, be bad for the body?  And what about other metals?  Is silver supposed to be atrium?  What about platanium?  Will there be more metals in third book?  How about a rare nuclear fissure metal, that blows up Iran or something?

Not that it makes any difference to the stories, but metals do burn.  Take a basic high school chemistry class, and you'll get to burn some copper and some aluminum to see the different color flames they create.  Many flares are made with Magnesium because of its exceptionally bright flame.  The different colors you see from fireworks are created by mixing metals into the explosive.  However, the way Brandon uses the word, he isn't necessarily saying that they literally catch fire, rather they are consumed during the act of transferring their properties to the allomancer, as if they were being incinerated.  I imagine that having metals in your belly catch fire would tend to discourage allomancy.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 07:46:51 AM by schneb »


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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2008, 04:04:08 PM »
I beleieve I've read the review you're talking about, and I have some things to point out.  First of all, ANYONE can write an amazon review.  A preschooler could write on if he knew how to work the computer.They aren't the most reliable source.  I believe the review you are referring to said something along the lines of the second book not being as good as the first?  Well, when reading trilogies, this does happen sometimes, where the first and last books are the strongest.  I think that is no reason to skip the second book.   I definately think you SHOULD read it.  The three books are really one story, just separated over three volumes or parts, that's why it's a trilogy.  What you are proposing would be sort of like reading a 30 chapter book, and only reading the first 10 chapters and the last 10 chapters.
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Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2008, 05:06:24 PM »
So yeah, what schneb said.  Read that through a time or two.

I'm not gonna bother with debating the coolness (or lack of) of the Kindle.  That's a personal preference. 

The thing that really has me going, "huh?" is the fact that you are deciding on whether or not to read the 2nd Mistborn book based off of some random person's opinion on Amazon.  I mean really, you read the first book right?  And you like it right?  So why the heck would you doubt your own tastes and NOT read the 2nd book.  I've read all 3.  The 2nd book is better than the 1st in my opinion.  The 3rd book is the best of the 3.  I'd say the $8 investment in the paperback of Mistborn 2 is more than worth it.  I used to manage a bookstore, and people tended to really like book 2.

Remember, Brandon was a finalist for the best new fantasy author (the Campbell Award)...TWICE.  He is a great author, and his books are great.

Please dont get me started on comparing Brandon to Dan Brown.  Brandon writes Fantasy (aka. Does what he wants in a world he made up), Dan Brown writes garbage.

You are right, Warbreaker isnt perfect.  It also isnt through the last rounds of editing, nor is it published (it hits the shelves next year).  His whole purpose for putting it up there for free download at its early stages was so that people can see how he works, and so he could get feedback in a different way.  Also, it never hurts to self promote, and give people a free taste of your work so they get excited about what you do. As far as putting it on the Kindle, I'm not sure he can at this point due to his contract.

From a different standpoint, I might add that no book is perfect.  You can always pick out things.  I'm glad there are no perfect books, because then there would be no incentive for authors to write if they couldnt be 'perfect.'

Brandon makes a good living as a writer.  He also is very smart with his money (or should I say, his wife is very smart with their money lol).  I'm not quite sure what your intention is for that question, but Brandon has put in a lot of hard work to establish himself so he doesnt have to work a "real job" like me.  lol.  He does fine.
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