Author Topic: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?  (Read 10444 times)


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2007, 07:06:01 AM »
It's good too see I'm not the only Theorylander to come here.


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2007, 07:43:03 AM »
A theorylander in hiding, or I have just not looked closely enough to the newbies :p

Anyway just here to see what Brandon has to say about wot, oh yeah and perhaps skin him if he says the wrong things  ;D :)


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2007, 06:46:59 AM »
No, not in hiding. i have the same username on both boards. :)


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2007, 08:22:09 AM »
Ah :) just checked, I did saw your name a few times  ;D  ;D  ;D But not that much.
And since I am not posted that actively at theoryland anymore, I didn't register any new users.
Sorry for that :p
(plus i don't come to the newbie board)


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2007, 07:40:15 AM »
Robert Jordan had openly said that Taim is not Demandred. That said, I can see many reasons why people would still think otherwise.

I have always questioned this because if you look at his response to the question he actually doesn't say that at all. The question was:

Week 4 Question: At recent book signing following the release of Crossroads of Twilight, it was reported that you confirmed that the Forsaken Demandred has never posed as the man known as Mazrim Taim, who was introduced to Rand at the beginning of Lord of Chaos. Have you confirmed that Demandred has never posed as the man known as Mazrim Taim, leader of the Black Tower?

Robert Jordan Answers: Yes. Demandred has never posed as Mazrim Taim. All right, those of who fell over from the shock of a simple, straightforward answer can get up off the floor now. Sometimes, simple and straightforward can be the most devious of all, as any student of Aes Sedai will tell you. <Maniacal laughter from the shadows!>

Posed is the key word. Demandred doesn't have to pose as Taim if he really is him. just my 2 cents
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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2007, 08:08:25 AM »
Demandred IS NOT TAIM. >:(


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2007, 08:20:25 AM »
I guess we will all just have to RAFO  ;D
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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2007, 08:28:45 AM »
No, there are many answers in Which jordan has said Taim isn't Demandred.
On Dragon Con I asked Jordan also if Taimandred was a deliberate ruse to let the readers astray and he answered he was really surprised by it.

I have written the whole thing out, but I am too lazy to look it up. The audio tapes will also come online.


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2007, 08:30:46 AM »

[Posed is the key word. Demandred doesn't have to pose as Taim if he really is him. just my 2 cents/b]

that's factually impossible. Taim existed prior to Demandred being freed from the Darkone's prison. Tthere was a Taim that was not Demandred therefore only way for Demandred to be Taim is to pose as him (either through the use of the power to hide his true appearence or because his soul transmigrated into Taim's body) but we have been told that Demandred has not posed as Demadred.  Hence, Taim and Demandred are, and always have been different persons.


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Re: Who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth against the forsaken?
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2008, 11:36:30 PM »
Re: Taimandred

RJ's comments aside, there is sufficient evidence in the books that Taim and Demandred are not the same person.  For instance, at the end of Winter's Heart, Demandred is surprised that Damer Flinn, the very first person Taim tested at the Black Tower, a man who followed Taim to Dumai's Wells, a man selected as one of Rand's bodyguards, in short, a man Taim would recognize, is an Asha'man.
Of course, [Quixote] carried it a bit too far. He thought that every windmill was a giant. That's insane. But, thinking that they might be...