Author Topic: Your Background  (Read 99152 times)


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #240 on: February 23, 2009, 11:40:07 PM »
I just like to talk a lot about writing!
Hear, hear!
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #241 on: February 26, 2009, 05:50:29 AM »
My name is Mathom.  I'm 20< my age< 30. ;D  In life I am Daniel.  I'm a senior physics undergrad at Brigham Young University.

Mathom is what creative writing has been to me---a long-forgotten gift that I never got rid of, but that I never had any real use for.  I loved creative writing in elementary school and would write about all sorts of different things, mostly fantasy of some sort.  I never could finish anything because the beginning was always the most interesting part.  Then in freshman year of high school, my English teacher had us do creative writing for a few weeks after which he said that that was the last creative writing we would do during our school years.  I don't think he meant it to be prophetic, but for me it has been, mostly.  Except for a sort blurb just after high school, I haven't written anything since those early weeks in the 9th grade.

So why am I writing on this forum?  That short blurb just after high school was a transition in my life and I found outlet by writing stories (mostly in my head) to mimic my situation.  I grew up and got over teenage angst and went off to college.  Then I found Writing Excuses through Schlock Mercenary and the weekly encouragement and discussion niggled at me to write the story that was still in my head from those years before.  Today I sat down and used four hours I didn't have to begin the first chapter.  But I'd like help to make this novel the story I really want to tell.

My story was originally conceived as an episodic cartoon and I am in my writing trying to describe the scenes I see in my head.  For once, inspiration came to me with an entire story: beginning, conflict, twist, middle, development, climax, end.  I don't see everything, but I see all the bits that have to be there.  It has many influences from fantasy and animation.  The main idea that was its genesis was, "What would happen if magic and technology grew together in this world? If we had the same industrial revolution and technology boom, but that magic was also a part of that world?"  The second idea was, "What would people do if they could waive their hand a have anything they want (almost)?  What if magic made work as we know it unnecessary?"  Crystal Palaces is the result---a dirty, hedonistic city which floats above a broken, poisoned world.

At the moment I only have one story to tell, but there may be others.  I am most interested in fantasy.  I love the writings of J.R.R. Tolkein, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Patricia Wrede, and Alexander Lloyd.  I'm a fan of graphic novels (BONE by Jeff Smith being one of my favorites) and I love the simplistic artwork of Japanese comics and animation.

I love physics and mathematics and I may not have a whole lot of time for writing with the start of graduate school, but I need to get this story out of my head.  I hope that I can entertain you, though I am afraid you may see deeper into the dark recesses of my soul than I intend.  I may disturb you and that is ok too so long as I can leave you with some sense of hope for the world.

Anyway, that may have been more than was sufficient for an introduction. Oh well.  I look forward to giving and getting criticism.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 06:05:17 AM by Mathom »
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #242 on: February 26, 2009, 06:10:12 AM »
Sweet, a fellow Physics major.

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Re: Your Background
« Reply #243 on: March 06, 2009, 01:05:37 AM »
Finally got to reading through your intro so now I will be officially welcoming you to the mad house. It's great to have you here (and not just because you seem to like my book, though it certainly helps). I love all the authors you mentioned (though I've yet to read Pratchett  :-[ ) and your brief discription of your story so I am really looking forward to reading your chapters. You will be submitting soon, yes?
See ya around! :D
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #244 on: March 17, 2009, 10:02:16 PM »
Hello, all!  You can see my handle to the side, there... I go by Ravenstar, as I'm not really comfortable giving out my real name on the internet.  I'm a waitress by day, and use my B.A. in Music to teach private voice lessons on the side, though not very many of them at the moment.

A little bit about me:  I'm 24, female, married with no children (yet), and at the moment I hail from the south-east coast.  And I like stories.  I always have.  As a child, I would rather sit and watch my sisters play with Barbies, or Playmobile, or other toys of invention and imagination than to be put to the trouble of inventing things myself.  Ergo, I really like books, mostly sci-fi and fantasy, though I won't say no to a good action adventure, a non-smutty romance, or well done historical fiction.  I avoid horror and mystery because, frankly, they annoy me.

Right now I'm working on my NaNoWriMo novel (which will eventually be finished, I swear!), but sporadically.  At this point, I'm laying everything out in my head, playing around with ideas and characters until I find the best fit for the plot.  I find that I do this best in imagination rather than with an actual outline and character portraits- mostly because I'm lazy and don't like putting the nitty gritty details on paper.  There are also two other stories I'm working on which grew out of the aforementioned Writing Contest thread, one of which I will probably be using here.  It's sci-fi, but not hard (I don't have the technical experience or knowledge to make it hard, and I find that I mostly skip technical jargon in the hard sci-fi I read, so you'll just have to bear with me... or re-educate me on the error of my ways ;)). 

There will probably be lots to critique with my submissions, and frankly, I'm looking forward to it.  Please no inane "Yeah... good job... um, I really liked it..." If you're going to say you liked it, please tell me why, with examples.  That goes for negative comments too, btw.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to both reading stuff and having mine critiqued!
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #245 on: March 17, 2009, 10:09:30 PM »
Welcome, Ravenstar.  Always nice to see a new person here.  I'm looking forward to reading your work.  We get a lot of fantasy around here, and not a whole lot of sci-fi, so that will be enjoyable.

Like you, I like to let my stories and characters "stew" in my head for a long time.  And like you, I'm still working on my NaNo novel which ISwearWillBeDoneSomeday. ;-)  One thing I've found to be helpful, and maybe it will be for you, is to write down notes. I hate doing it too.  But jotting them down into a dedicated notebook (even an inexpensive pocket-sized one) might spark an idea later on.  You can still do the heavy plotting in your head, but writing down small elements could be useful later on.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing you around
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #246 on: March 17, 2009, 11:27:02 PM »
Thanks!  It's more of a blend of sci-fi and fantasy, and like I said, it's not "hard."  I'm dubious about the jotting down notes thing for myself though.  Most of the time when I'm "plotting" (heh) it's because I'm doing something mindless at work and daydreaming at the same time, so there's little opportunity for jotting anything down.  I might start keeping a small notebook in my apron, though, just to see if it works out.  Thanks for the tip!
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #247 on: March 18, 2009, 04:06:45 AM »
Ravenstar, welcome!  I'll go ahead and add my voice to say it always great to see (or read) new faces.  My current novel was from NaNo as well.  I'm working to get it done by Nov. so I can start fresh on a new project.  Look forward to reading you work,  ;D.
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #248 on: March 18, 2009, 05:34:07 AM »
Welcome, Raven.

It seems the people working on the ISwearItWillBeDoneSomeday NaNo novel are legion. One of the books I'm working on is in that category, too.

(Yes, I'm working on more than one right now, and yes, this was a dumb idea.)

Looking forward to reading some of your work... Eventually. Because I'm a bad moderator and just all-around bad person (or so I've been told), I'm on a bit of a critique hiatus until, well, probably the end of April. But yeah... welcome.


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #249 on: March 18, 2009, 06:02:32 AM »
Welcome to the Ravenstar. I have the spades. ♠

Umm, my NaNo work was a crossover Sci-Fantasy, but so horrible that none shall ever see it. I'm in the plotting stages for the rewrite, which will have even more Sci-Fi. 8) One of these days I'll get brave enough to submit. :-\

I look forward to reading your work.
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #250 on: March 18, 2009, 10:24:07 AM »
Ooh, sci-fi! Feel free to ask me if you want to make it harder (i.e. "more hard sf-y"), I've spent way too much time reading about mass accelerators, particle beams and warp drives on the internets. So while I'm (definitely) no expert, I do know what happens when you switch on your headlights while travelling at light speed, if only because I've read "The Physics of Star Trek". ::)

What's this I hear about me being supposed to hand in a term paper a week from now? I guess I should start writing that then...


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #251 on: March 22, 2009, 10:33:16 PM »
I'm an elementary school teacher, having taught 4th grade for the last 2 years. I love to read, which is an excellent thing, considering that is what I teach! I have always wanted to be a writer but just recently started to actually take steps towards that goal. I keep pretty busy and am in the process of working my writing time into my schedule.
Writing wise, I like to write primarily fantasy but also love to write poetry.


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #252 on: March 22, 2009, 11:37:26 PM »
Oooh, poetry! I've heard a lot of great things about poetry and how it will improve your prose from Dan.
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #253 on: March 23, 2009, 12:05:59 AM »
I admire those who can actually write poetry and make it work. Me, I like reading it just fine, but I am never going to write it again. >>;


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #254 on: March 23, 2009, 03:13:20 AM »
Yeah I wrote a poem once…and it came out kinda frightening, so I stick to regular writing now. It's safer.
The Shag Dog Has Spoken


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