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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
Ok, so it's probably not my place to announce it, but imagine my surprise when Mad Dr. Jeffe (who has now proven to me his madness) calls me up and tell me that he got married last night. WHAT?!  :o


I'll let him post more details when he gets back. But if you have a cake at all punk, you damn well better save me a slice...

Congratulations, Jeffe! Is this as sudden as Saint makes it out to be?

Does this mean we are gonna have a Mad Mrs Jeffe on the forum? ;)

Oh, and congrats at signing away your freedom getting happily married.

Mad Dr Jeffe:
Not really Asrid and I were going to get marrried months ago, but there was an illness and it couldnt happen. So we decided to not go through the stress of having a big wedding again and eloped.

Mad Dr Jeffe:
and the cakes in the freezer!!!

thanks for stealing my thunder Eric.....


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