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Messages - Survivors Apostale

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn RP
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:17:35 PM »
I have done this and enjoy it as well. My first char was an atium burner which was tons of fun. Then I moved on to a lurcher, and finally a mistborn who was disguised as a coinshot from everybody.

It's always fun.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory on why Vin is so powerful *spoilers*
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:15:39 PM »
I just want to see Elends morale strugle on when/where to use his new found powers of emotion control. He is the one that is alway's talking about freedom and a person's right, but with the ability to control there emotions he will be put to the test of my all time favorite; Hypocricy.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Question about Zane at the end of tWoA [spoilers]
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:12:19 PM »
Sadly I will assume for the moment he is dead. The body thing is easly dismissable, as Vin kills people all the time and they never BranSand never tells us where they go. In fact if they did tell us what happened to the body I might be suspicious (Sp?).

You are right however that Zane was one of the best antaganist I've seen in a very long time. The insane twist (yes he really wasn't insane) was awesome, and I'm thinking about using it for one of my RP characters in the future. I'm sure we will here more about him the future but in a looking back type seen, you know descusing what is youth was like.

Of course I could be completely wrong and his pewter inhanced self crawled to the nearest medavac centers.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Poll Time!
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:07:27 PM »
I knew cloaker wasn't right, but I was to lazy to go and look in my book. If where going with one of the eight basic metals then I'd have to go with coinshot, not only for the cool artilery effect, but in an emergancy I think I could get out of a situation pretty fast. Besides, Mistborn usually only use steel to fly around anyways, just burning iron when they have to redirect, and pewter if they mess up. If you only had the abiility to burn steel then you would learn quiet fast how to be good with just it. If anything, your like a portable elevater. Also if where going off of physical attributes, then I would still have to say Coinshot, for the same reason I would say tineye. I'm not a natural brawler, and perfer the entracit, and brain teasing trajectories of the coinshot to the brute force of a pewterarm.

No one wanted to go outside the realm of the eight basic metals? If you did what could/ would you choose? I know it's not cannon, but I'm sure we will have a few gold and atium mistings before the end.

And of Course if I could choose beyond the eight basics I would choose atium, and then learn how to be a really good knife fighter  ;D.

Brandon Sanderson / Poll Time!
« on: February 13, 2008, 02:54:44 AM »
Poll Time, since we don't have any actual poll postings we'll have to do this the old fashion way. What would be your type of misting (i.e. lurcher, soother, rioter, coinshot, seeker, cloaker, tineye, and no mistborn)?

I would have to go with a Coinshot or atium burner (Seerer?).

Give it up to the most origanol magic system in the past decade, *clapclapclap -whistlewolfwhistle-* and I'm spent.

But yes, I forsee the spikes, vin's mother, zane *obviously*, the afterlife, inquisitor fights and flights, mistings that burn past the eight basics, and much more.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory on why Vin is so powerful *spoilers*
« on: February 13, 2008, 01:17:02 AM »
I like the theroy alot, and mostly agree with it as being a very, very good plot twist if ever there comes one. The earring and mother sob story will come back by the end no matter what...

.. But for arguments sake, hows this. It was touched apon in the first book and again in the second book when Vin is talking to TenSoon about how to control Kandra. He say's somthing to the effect that her powers are so strong because of her none diluted blood line, which stemmed from the high prelen, who would have been breed for the position. That with durilum (spelled incorectly of course) made her able to push through the years, to back were allomancy was more pure. Unlike with Keslier who just got very lucky with his heritage, and through a couple of years of practice and dedication manifested his power through force of will and skill, not brute force. Because, while you may say Vin was more powerful, Keslier had the fienesse (Spelled wrong as well) that one could only dream of having.

Again, I think I like your theroy better. But the Idea that Vin has the power because she is been singled out doesn't sit well with me. I like the idea that others could be as strong as her, but are just as rare because of the delution in the blood lines.

ps. Elend will be the strongest of all if my theroy holds true, for the strongest allomanceirs would have been the ones created directly from the source (the Well) and that would make Elend one of those. As I said if my theroy holds true then he will be the most powerful Allomancer to walk The Final Empire.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Cover (Slight Spoilers for Mistborn 2)
« on: February 13, 2008, 01:00:58 AM »
So it sounds like everybodies dead set on this being Vin pulling up on a tower of kerdik shaw, with a bunch of inquisitors aroudn her. But how can we be sure? I see no spikes, and usually the cover doesn't miss much detail on the surroundings, even if they are vague in some places.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium question
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:52:32 AM »
Yes, I agree, it is said by keslier in the first mistborn book that mistings are allomanciers that can only burn one of the eight basic metals, but he never goes on to elaberate on the others. I had an actual short story on a mistings who could burn atium, and it turned out to be rather fun to RP with, because not only did he see into the future a little bit but at a very slow burn it helped him become some what of a genius, as atium naterually increase the brains ability to intakce information.

I myself am curious, and would hope that it is true. In fact (SPOILER FOR WELL OF ACENSION AHEAD) up to the very last page of MB2 I thought for sure Elend would be one of the lucky few mistings that could burn atium, but was never discovered because atium was so rare it never would have acidently shown up in his stomach some how.

Few, I'm ranting, any who, back to the subject matter. I am pretty intrested in what others thought on this, though it seem that fellow forum members got sidetracked with the HP7 descusion.

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