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Messages - Chimera

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A little while ago I received the Hugo Nomination Ballot for Nippon 2007. Apparently I get to vote, even though it's doubtful I'm going, because I was a supporting member for the 2006 Worldcon. I know I'm not alone in this, so other people must have received these ballots.

I'm happy to vote for Brandon Sanderson where I can. For best novel in 2006, I'm definitely putting Mistborn as one of the choices, because it's awesome. Now, can I vote for any other sf/fan book in that category--even YA? Or does it have to be adult sf/fan? Is it better not to vote for other choices, because that gives EUOL a better chance?

For the Campbell award, I wondered if I can again vote for Brandon Sanderson, because it is an author whose work appeared first in 2005 and 2006. Since Elantris was published in 2005, that should work. Except I'm not sure what they mean by "a professional publication." Does that mean it has to be a magazine, or a book? Let me know if I can vote for you there or not, EUOL!

The rest of the stuff, I'm not sure. If you people have suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. I'd like to look at the stuff myself, if possible, so I can feel good about voting for it. However, since I don't have any strong opinions, I don't mind considering helping someone who does to get their thing noticed.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Advice
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:31:18 PM »
Illustrious Dr. SE,

I have a pounding headache over my right temple. It feels like my brain is expanding and wants to get out, and thus keeps banging on the door every 2 seconds. This is very uncomfortable, and has me wishing to remove my brain entirely.

As I am not one of these stupid people previously mentioned, that would be a tragedy. Do you have any less invasive or violent solutions?

Head banger

Suggestions Box / Re: Poll 01\18\07
« on: January 19, 2007, 06:56:34 AM »
The only issue I see is that I wasn't included on Tage's secret wish list. Obviously, his true secret desire is to spend more time basking in my presence.

Though, I guess Rainbows and Unicorns might be slightly cooler.  ;)

Rants and Stuff / Re: Exercise Booster Club
« on: January 19, 2007, 06:52:21 AM »
Oo oo! Me too!  ;D

As far as exercise, though, I have good news. I dog-sat for friends recently. While I was there, I walked the dog and played with him everyday--good for him and good for me. Well, the dog loved me so much and has become extremely lonely (all the kids have recently moved out of the house) that the owners hired me to walk him each week. I can do it as much or as little as I want, depending on my health--a real no-pressure deal. I'm happy to do it. And it will get me out and exercising, which is good since I'm increasing my medication and it seems to be putting a few extra pounds on me.  :P

Plus, money is good. It won't be much, but when you got nothing, every little bit counts. So, yay for exercise!

Writing Group / Re: writing theme music
« on: January 19, 2007, 04:06:53 AM »
You're probably right. I keep fogetting that "geek" and "nerd" are good things on here. Thus my complex and in-the-closet-nerdiness.  ;)

Writing Group / Re: writing theme music
« on: January 18, 2007, 09:42:13 PM »
I figured all you nerdy writers would want to have some theme music as you sat down to do your thing. Well, you can't beat this:

DISCLAIMER: I don't know who or what this is, only that it was described to me as "epic fantasy metal." And no, it's not a joke, they're really serious about it.

Oh My Gosh. I can't help laughing hysterically. LOL!  ;D

This is one of my younger brother's favorite songs. He plays it for me all the time. Do you WoW people listen to the same music? Was that who lead you to this?

By the way, who you calling a nerdy writer? I wasn't the one lining up at midnight to buy the WoW expansion pack with all the other WoW geeks.  Even my brother waited until the next day. ;) 

Books / Re: Graphic Novels for kids
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:52:21 PM »
I'm reviving this thread because there is a new community that features webcomics that are "all-ages friendly." One that I read regularly is Astronaut Elementary, which I enjoy very much. I'll have to check out the others as well. I thought you might be interested, Skar, and anyone else who is into children's/young adult literature and/or comics.

Here's the livejournal entry where I found out about it and the link to the actual site: Lunchbox Funnies.

Everything Else / Re: Best Quote Lately Reincarnated
« on: January 17, 2007, 04:36:06 AM »
Gus: What is it?
Lady: Someone's here to see you. A Lieutenant Crunch?
Shawn: (in a civil war re-enactment uniform) Actually, I've been promoted. It's Captain Crunch.

From Psych, my new favorite TV Show.  :D

Movies and TV / Re: Avatar Movie by Shyamalan
« on: January 13, 2007, 08:43:46 AM »
Oh, right. The link is courtesy of Oldie Locks! She's the genius who found it!

*Chimera bows in humble apology*

Rants and Stuff / Re: Revenge of Grumpy Bear
« on: January 13, 2007, 12:40:53 AM »
I spent valuable time yesterday *cough cough* arranging my favorites in Internet Explorer, only to find today that many of them have migrated to new and unusual spots on the list. What is up? Why didn't they stay where I put them? If I rearrange them, are they just going to move again?

Or is someone messing with my computer?!?

Movies and TV / Re: Avatar Movie by Shyamalan
« on: January 13, 2007, 12:38:55 AM »
This gave us a good laugh over in lj land, so I thought I'd share it here too. (Note: Avoid reading the comments if you're sensitive to language.)

The Avatar Live-Action Movie Cast List


Books / Re: review: The Thirteenth Tale
« on: January 13, 2007, 12:32:38 AM »
Link no worky for me.  :'(

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: January 13, 2007, 12:30:38 AM »
Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. I really loved her stand-alone Can You Keep a Secret?, which was LOL funny. This is good, too, but similar and not as humorous. I guess it was written first, so Secret probably resembles it.

I've just started it, though, so we'll see. It is totally guilty pleasure, like chocolate.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: for Brandon - What is your proccess?
« on: January 13, 2007, 12:27:50 AM »
I know CtrlZed has some sort of organizing program that he uses for outlining that he just loves. He raved to me about it one time on the phone. I wrote it on a post it note, then promptly lost it and forgot its name. I'll try to get his attention and have him tell you about it.

*Chimera tries to flag CtrlZed down*

Writing Group / Re: What not to do
« on: January 11, 2007, 10:19:03 PM »
I know, but it still is worse than my writing, which is trying to be good.

It makes me feel better, and that's all that matters.  ;)

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