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Van Von Hunter?

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Peter Ahlstrom:
Has anyone here read Van Von Hunter? It just went through this Harry Potter parody sidestory that was pretty funny, starting the strip after this one.

I think these guys' humor works better in the strip format than it does in the book format.

That looks pretty good, I'll have to read more.

I'm reading it right now from the beginning, and it's pretty funny.

I agree about the humor, though--it's funny on a strip by strip basis, but I'm not sure how it would work in the book format. Maybe I'll have to check out a book copy and compare. Since it's published by Tokyopop, have you already read the book?

Peter Ahlstrom:
I've read all three books. They take place 3 years after the webcomic. There's also a version currently running in some Sunday newspapers that takes place before the webcomic.

The books definitely have their good moments, but sometimes the jokes just come off as trying too hard.

Aside: I just noticed the new name, Spoookla, and I think it's AWESOME. I vote it best forum holiday name of all time.


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