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Departments => Movies and TV => Topic started by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on March 28, 2003, 04:15:35 PM

Title: Dreamcather AND Spirited Away
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on March 28, 2003, 04:15:35 PM
Well I know I'm going to see Dreamcatcher tonight, and I'm also quite possibly going to see Spirited away as well. So if at all possible I'll be back around tonight to give you the "low-down" on either one of these films. Unless of course I'm too late and someone's done this....or something.
Title: Re: Dreamcather AND Spirited Away
Post by: Tage on March 28, 2003, 05:11:26 PM
We've already discussed Spirited Away a great deal, and I, for one, am very excited about the DVD release in a couple weeks.

I haven't heard of the other one, though.
Title: Re: Dreamcather AND Spirited Away
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 28, 2003, 07:03:10 PM
I heard a rumor that Spirited Away was getting a re-release into theaters thanks to its Oscar. Is this true? I still need to see it.
Title: Re: Dreamcather AND Spirited Away
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on March 28, 2003, 07:26:58 PM
It's definitely true. Watched a commercial for it in my car during lunch (I tend to hide in there during lunch, otherwise, my jerk supervisor thinks she can come ask me to do things while I'm on my break. This way, I can catch up on Sabrina the Teenage Witch instead of watching Wolf Blitzer, who (while he has the coolest name in existence) has gotten on my nerves since he doesn't have anything new to say. Yes, that's how bored/annoyed I am with this war: I would rather sit in my cramped car and watch SABRINA (and not even the cartoon, the live action one) on an 6" screen than CNN.

Anyway, I saw a commercial for theatrical presentations of Spirited Away. Go to. I'm hoping to do so as well.
Title: Re: Dreamcather AND Spirited Away
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on March 29, 2003, 02:55:52 AM
Ok, so I've no reason to key in the now 'traditional' "Let's not make a plot with sense Anime movie." And yes Fell, it is has been re-released into theaters nation-wide now. So onto Dreamcatcher.

Ok, movie starts. Commercials. Previews. More Commercials. Then that Matrix prequel thingy. Eh, it was alright. Didn't really see the "bigger" picture surrounding that thing. Then about 30 minutes after all of this my $8.00 finally started to get its use.

******Spoilers Ahead?********

Simple story. And by simple story I, of course, mean Steven King story. So it begins with some psychiatrist talking to his patient, reading his mind, and all the sooner making his patient hate himself for thinking he killed his mother. It is then learned later that the patient killed himself by eating himself to death.

There is a group of four friends, who, when they were younger incidentily when they were looking for some pornographic picture in an abandoned building found a retarded kid being bullied into eating a piece of dog feces by 3 older gentlemen. Then 20 years after that incident they found one of their friends compelled to walk into the street and was then hit by a car. Six months after that they find themselves (minus the 5th one) in Maine somewhere hunting. Some random hunter finds himself lost for about 2 days in the woods, finds their cabin, squirts blood and other viral infections about the cabin, has "Beaver" killed after some worm-type creature flew out of his ass and into the toilet.

Military group comes out and quarantines the area, Morgan Freeman plays the insane leader whom later ends up dying an awful death (well it was actually well done). Said military group is then taken over by the real army. Unto which 2 out of the four friends end up dying, and the other 2 end up saving the world. Their retarded friend turns out to be an alien and saves them from some badass alien named Mister Grey. And from then on Steven King will hopefully continue to let his books be made into movies so that we can learn something new about nothings-ville.

Well there's my speel. I know I don't mention many actors or their characters counterpart names. I'm a rather forgetful person when it comes to names. Hope it was informful.
Title: Re: Dreamcather AND Spirited Away
Post by: Mr_Pleasington on March 29, 2003, 04:16:18 AM
I saw Dreamcatcher a little while back and was disappointed.  I'm a huge SK fan and I think he is at his best when telling the stories of youthful friendship and overcoming adversity (IT, Dreamcatcher, many short stories).  

Dreamcatcher is a lot different than the book and a big disappointment.  If it just would have concentrated on the four friends (and they wouldn't have dies so stupidly) it would have been much better.  The whole military plot is there for one reason: to let you know the backstory.  Sadly, it sticks around long after that and really drags down the picture.  Morgan Freeman and Tom Sizemore are compltely wasted...and don't even get me started on the helicopter vs. machine gun battle.  And what's with hiring Donny Walhberg anytime you need a sick or handicapped person (a al Sixth Sense).

Anyway, this movie could have been so much more.  Read the book.  

That's my addition.

Title: Re: Dreamcather AND Spirited Away
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on March 29, 2003, 09:51:15 AM
The book, yes. I'll definately have to get it. I've never read a SK novel. But this one I will.