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Messages - platypuschutney

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Lightsong (Blog Post Reference)
« on: June 13, 2008, 09:27:24 PM »
I actually thought he was balanced quite well, and he was one of my favorite characters in the book. He was a very unique and fun lens through which to reveal the society you had built for this story. I'm personally a bit ambivalent about changing him significantly. 

On the one hand, adding depth or content to his character could be very nice. (I generally feel that the longer/richer a book, the better.) He was fun in that even the reader was never sure about his "real" view on anything, or whether Lightsong even knew his own views. He was a wildcard that nonetheless pushed the story along and played out beautifully in the end. On the other hand, the danger in expanding his narrative (or weighing it more toward certain behaviors like rebelliousness, petulance, etc.) is that the lush uncertainty of his character will diminish.

In short: Just don't make him predictable or too one-sided.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker Feedback
« on: December 28, 2007, 03:42:08 PM »
Great book overall! Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I had one issue I wanted to point out:

The terms "BioChroma" and "BioChromatic" were jarring to me and knocked me a little bit out of the fantasy world that the book otherwise submerged me into. In particular, the double capitalization evokes a science fiction or clandestine military feel, which is definitely not where this book is going. Even the prefix "bio" is a little bit modern/sci-fi.

I'd at least use "biochroma" instead. If the capitalization was to keep the elements of the term clear (huh? bioc-hroma? biochro-ma?), then you could maybe use another more classical-era prefix like poly- or omni-.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:55:57 PM »

I was very excited to hear this news. I've treasured the WoT series for years and it was such a tragedy when Mr. Jordan passed away.

I read your books recently and was very impressed by your character creation, pacing, and overall style and storytelling. (Plus, Robin Hobb likes you so we really know that "you have arrived."  ;) ) I totally know that you can do this, and do it well. A wave of contentment actually washed over me when I read that you would be on this project. Don't psych yourself out - just keep doing what you've been doing. We know you're not RJ himself, but I really think your style will complement the series extremely well.  I think Harriet made a great choice, and a lot of people will be cheering you on in the next year.

Best regards,
   - Alex

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