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Messages - Drazhar

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Anime
« on: March 16, 2010, 08:28:34 PM »
Eerongal, thanks i didnt realize that all the shows on TV are just what you said. I don't really watch TV  but I remember the classics. And as for Cowboy I totally forgot about it I'm so ashamed.

I dunno I guess its all just pure and simply a matter of opinion and I like anime a lot and I think it mixes well with fantasy if you do it right, take record of lodoss war for example.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Anime
« on: March 14, 2010, 03:09:26 AM »
Kung Fu Panda is a CGI it isn't a cartoon, my argument i suppose isn't very good anyways because in the right hands anything can be made. Mistborn could be and amazing live action, CGI, comic, anime or what ever as long as the right people make it.

I'm just saying that if given the opportunity Mistborn could make an excellent anime and just like Doug said the text: plot, battles, everything, are already written it just has to be produced in the anime format.

It would still be "original Mistborn" and its own style, it would simply be in a different representation.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Anime
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:12:44 AM »
I think you aren't giving anime enough credit however you did agree that fullmetal was good and so do i but American cartoons don't have the style or finesse to pull off the stunning visuals of mistborn. American cartoons are too bland.

If you can name one cartoon that pulls off amazing visuals or great leaps and stunning martial arts i would like to see it.

look at fullmetal the action scenes and dialog and just the style of the animation is perfect for such a fantastic thing as Mistborn. If they made it an anime why couldn't they make it like that? Why would it have to be like a bad anime?

Maybe I'm not being clear I'm not arguing that mistborn could only be an anime or that anime is the best but just that anime style is a perfect fit. When you watch a Japanese anime of a ninja running through a dark street unrealistically fast and throw a shuriken into a hidden ninja then jump ridiculously high and land on a roof; is it that different from Vin running down a a misty street with pewter and coin shooting a hidden allomancer she detected using bronze then pushing her way onto a rooftop? If anything the "ridiculous" or "caricaturistic" fight scenes of anime are the same as mistborn.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn as a Video Game
« on: March 12, 2010, 07:58:21 AM »
I definitely think the game would make better use of the magic/combat system if it were a third person.

rpg seems to slow for the quick Pace of combat that allomancy generates and a first person seems to hard or it would lake the fullness out of steel and iron.

Brandon Sanderson / Mistborn Anime
« on: March 12, 2010, 07:53:07 AM »
I don't know about other people but I'm a huge fantasy fan but i like it in all forms... including anime.

People have been talking about making Mistborn a movie and a game which i think is great but i haven't read anyone talk about anime although I could have mist it (bad pun i know). I think it has great potential for anime because it involves a lot of assassin/shadow/ninja elements, along with a great original magic system and storyline. When i read mistborn all i could think of in the action scenes was animes like Basilisk. The quick movements, trickery and "powers" or "abilities" scream anime ninja stuff.

I dunno maybe I'm wrong but i think it would make a great manga or anime.

P.S. The video game thing everyone has been saying it would make a good fps or rpg but i think a third person action would be better like god of war or bayonetta.

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