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Messages - ryos

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54] 55
Howard Tayler / Re: Schlock eavesdropping?
« on: March 16, 2009, 02:46:31 AM »
Interesting - I didn't pick up on the fact that Schlock's presence in the foreground means that he's eavesdropping. However, I would like to point out that Schlock has a long history of listening in on Tagon's private conversations (like this, for example), so it may not be anything sinister or serious. It's just who he is.

Movies and TV / Re: Best Adam Sandler Movie
« on: March 15, 2009, 09:51:00 AM »
This poll fails.
According to you. Which, because only you said it, means practically nothing to others.

Those are your favorite Sandler movies. Not everyone elses. So you can't say that the poll fails in general; it just fails for you. So if you don't like the poll options, don't post.

No, really, my opinion is the only one that matters. Didn't you get the memo?  ;D

My post was meant to be lighthearted. Sorry you took it the wrong way.

Dan Wells / Re: Buy Dan Bacon?
« on: March 15, 2009, 07:08:27 AM »

Dan Wells / Re: Now's your time, Dan...
« on: March 15, 2009, 06:45:05 AM »
Wait...Austen wasn't already a horror writer? Her works sure fill me with dread...

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: March 14, 2009, 08:17:53 AM »
I'll have been with them for a year next month. As for reliability, their database servers went down for about an hour once in September. That's the only downtime I've noticed. They seem to take reliability and performance pretty seriously. Their servers aren't the fastest I've used, but they're not what I'd call slow. I've got an installation of MediaWiki set up for the Aquaria modding community; you can load that up to get a feel for how things perform on a PHP/DB-heavy site.

Music / Great bands you've never heard of
« on: March 14, 2009, 02:44:44 AM »
OK. I listen to a bunch of stuff that nobody I come in contact with ever knows about before they met me. And a lot of it is great.

How much great stuff am I missing, because I've never heard of it?

So, let's try this. What obscure bands/albums do you love? Crap you're sure nobody listens to but you?

I'll go first: J Minus. Download the free songs off their (sadly, entirely flash-based) web site. Be happy. :)

Movies and TV / Re: Best Adam Sandler Movie
« on: March 14, 2009, 01:43:32 AM »
This poll fails. :D

1. The Waterboy
2. Happy Gilmore
3. Mr. Deeds
4. 50 First Dates
5. The Longest Yard
6. Big Daddy

How many of those are one your poll? TWO. Of SIX.  :P

(50 First Dates should be at the top of my list, but it just doesn't quite make it. The core of the movie was great, but it fell victim to all the irrelevant tangents it indulged in, like the kid on 'roids, or Sandler's idiot friend making dirty jokes. They didn't make the movie funnier, they brought it down. Sandler needs to realize (like Pratchett quickly did) that you can tell a serious story and still make it funny, and that will be stronger than one composed of pure silliness.)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: March 13, 2009, 08:42:43 PM »
Also, I envy you your domain and webhost. Free servers tend to give you exactly what you pay for.

I use They charge only for what you use, so if you don't use any resources, you don't get charged. Domain registration with privacy costs about $12 a year if you go through them, and email forwarding (you need an actual inbox to forward to, but you get as many aliases as you want) is a penny per day. Even a poor college student like me can afford that. ;)

Reading Excuses / Re: The tragedy of me!~
« on: March 13, 2009, 09:18:09 AM »
Keeping everything in one place is just asking for trouble. Keeping it all on a single USB flash drive is BEGGING for it.

Please, the heathen gods of Nerdhood implore you to back up your stuff.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: March 13, 2009, 09:13:07 AM »
So, can I get in on this? I'm working on something and should have enough for a submission soon. My email (well, one of the ones that I post in public places - you know, gotta keep ahead of the spambots) is nospamplease +at+ ryanballantyne dot name. (One of the nice things about having your own domain and web host is you get to make as many email addresses as you like.)

I'll be happy to read and crit anyone's stuff - time allowing, of course. In fact, I think I'll be more active as a reader than a writer, but I *am* joining because I want to submit something.

Is JoseB still around? I saw he was looking for Spanish-language readers. I speak Spanish pretty well (served an LDS mission to Nicaragua), and would love to read his stuff. I may not be the best at critiquing mechanics, but those are (so I'm told) the easiest parts of writing to fix.

Edit: Actually, I've got around 1700 words I could submit. That seems like a good size. Is there room for me to submit on Monday?

The problem with the talent breaking him is that it seems to like him alive and whole. It sure seems to go out of its way to protect him from direct aggression.

It could, however, break and twist everything he loves. It could also very well be capable of destroying the world. At least, that's what I get out of the foreshadowing in the first and second books.

So yeah, I just read this book in one sitting. Instead of finishing the big project I'm supposed to have done tomorrow. In my defense, I've been working on it practically every waking moment for the past five or six days, and I needed a break, even if it meant me not making the deadline.

I loved how downright benign the Curators turned out to be. The Library of Alexandria was built up as this horrible place, but really, it's probably the safest library they could have chosen to infiltrate. Besides, you know, the drastic consequences of accidentally disturbing a book. I have this mental image of them looking like Xykon (google it if you don't already know), only without all the nastiness.

The cover is, sadly, atrocious. Yeah, I went there. Sure, the glass dragon is beautifully rendered, but the proportions of the people are off just enough to give me a tingling feeling of wrongness whenever I look at it (rather like Alcatraz sensing a blood-lens being used). Alcatraz is way too big - if he were inside the dragon, he'd scarcely be able to stand. Bastille is, comparatively, too small. I know he's supposed to be the focus of the cover, but as rendered it's just too disturbing.

I love the possibilities of Alcatraz's gift. When focused and controlled, it becomes more than just breaking things - it's the power to change things, in whatever way you wish. Could Alcatraz use it to fix things that are already broken? I don't see why not. After all, you could make a case that fixing something is really just breaking its brokenness.

Then again, there are all the dire warnings about it twisting things and being an unstoppable force of destruction and all that. Kind of like Sauron in Lord of the Rings: poor guy couldn't create, only twist and break.

Edit: I also love all the poking fun at other books. Like the dig at Harry Potter at the end of the first. The Scrivener's hybrid fighter plane seems like another subtle jab at Harry Potter - one thing that left me unsatisfied about those books was the largely unfulfilled crossover potential between wizard's magic and Muggle technology. You think Voldemort is evil when you hand him a wand? What do you think he'd do if he ever found out about the atomic bomb?

Howard Tayler / Re: RIP Brad
« on: March 09, 2009, 06:52:05 PM »
Okay, I've read through them again, and you could be right. If so, though, I still don't understand why they used the nannies to alter their memories instead of a more targeted method.

In my view, the simplest reason is that they have no other method. I can't think of another in-world technology that would do the trick. (Note I'm not sure none exists, just that I don't recall reading about one in the strip.)

Thanks, everyone!

Yeah, the list of issues goes on and on. Perspective is hugely off. Vin's proportions are off and the pose is stiff and kind of flat.

Ideally I would spend more time on my art. But I'm lucky if I get 5 hours of free time per week to paint.  And if I have the time, sometimes I don't have the energy to focus. If I let myself, I think I could work on these for months and never finish. I've got a lot of other things that I want to make progress on, so I sacrifice some quality in order to do so.  The artist in me cringes.  The pragmatist in me says to keep moving forward and do better next time.

"I think making art is always about setting up boundaries for yourself. If you paint a picture, you decide, 'I'm not going to paint anything outside of these four edges.' If you make a song you can decide a few basic things...and in every artistic situation you have to figure out the bounds between a freedom to explore and create without criticism and then you're going to have to figure out the other side, which is reality. How long am I going to take to do this? I can't work on the record for ten years; I'm not going to work on a painting for 50 years. I mean, some people do, but they only have one painting at the end of their lives."  --Isaac Slade of The Fray

Video Games / Re: Return to Dark Castle
« on: March 08, 2009, 08:39:07 AM »
I'm not hardcore enough for this game anymore. When I was a little kid I used to play it all the time. I remember thinking it was really hard, but I'd keep at it. I figured that now that I'm grown I should be able to do better, right? Huh, WRONG. I suck worse than ever. :p

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