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Messages - Mr_Pleasington

Pages: 1 ... 120 121 [122] 123 124 ... 126
Movies and TV / Re: Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
« on: November 18, 2002, 06:33:19 PM »
I completely agree, Slant.  Kenneth Branagh was absolutely delightful and I doubt they could have cast anyone more fitting for the role.

Also, I'm really starting to dig the "bad guys."  The Slytherin folks were always pretty cool (in and evil way) in the books, but I love how they're being potrayed on screen.  Alan Rickman as Snape was a highlight in the first film and I think that other than Branagh, he and Lucius Malfoy stole the show.   They're just so dang slick!

Anyone have any idea how they're going to film the next 2 books?  With the first two books being by far the shortest and their films approaching 3 hours I don't know how they're going to do three of four.  Four especially.  They may have to make two movies for that one!

Movies and TV / Re: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
« on: November 18, 2002, 06:28:48 PM »
I go waaay back with Wilco...I was a fan when they were part of Uncle Tupelo.  They're from a town not far from my hometown so I've always hoped they'd do well.

Consequently, the concerts they put on here in St. Louis are always a blast as they have friends, family, and fans from waaaaaay back around here.  Their encores go on for over an hour usually.

Movies and TV / I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
« on: November 18, 2002, 02:03:34 PM »
Excellent review.  Wilco has been one of my favorite bands for years and the documentary was absolutely wonderful.  

Glad to know I wasn't the only one who saw the film.

Role-Playing Games / Re: So what is everybody playing?
« on: November 13, 2002, 10:35:26 PM »
Ah, so it does suffer the same fate as Earthdawn.

I ran a one-shot Earthdawn-esque game using Wheel of Time d20 rules a while back.  It went quite well...might have to think about following it up sometime.

Movies and TV / Re: Lord of the Rings Special DVD
« on: November 13, 2002, 10:30:03 PM »
Well if someone watches the commentaries could they post here to tell us which ones were good.  After watching many commentaries and finding them quite boring (ever listen to Mel Gibson on the Braveheart DVD) I stopped wasting my time watching them.

The only commentary I ever really enjoyed was on Spinal Tap, which was as funny as the movie itself.  

Role-Playing Games / Re: So what is everybody playing?
« on: November 13, 2002, 10:11:59 PM »
Shadowrun is one of the (seemingly) few major RPGs I don't own and have never really gotten into.  Had a great concept though.  Maybe someday I'll pick up the core book.

How's the system though. Earthdawn was a wonderful setting with one of the most complicated dice mechanics I've seen.  Is Shadworun the same system (since they were set in the same universe, just many centuries apart)?

Movies and TV / Re: Lord of the Rings Special DVD
« on: November 13, 2002, 04:37:24 PM »
Heck, Entropy, you could do that now with the animated versions (and throw in the Hobbit to boot!)  ;)

Suggestions Box / Re: New Topics?
« on: November 13, 2002, 04:32:15 PM »
Sure, soccer moves fast, but with so little scoring there's little shift in strategy or's kind of like basketball for me:  The only part that I feel I need to watch is the last four mintues.  The rest of it just bores me.

I understand that not everyone likes football, but once you get into the depth of the calling, formations,'s really a great thrill to watch.  I'm sure you all feel that way about other sports (like soccer).  To each his own :)

Books / Re: So...what's everyone reading?
« on: November 13, 2002, 12:14:44 PM »
I reread the entire LOTR trilogy (for about the 10th time) the summer before Fellowship came out.  I don't want to read any of them too close to a movie release date because then I'll pick up on all the subtle (and blatant) changes, and that would bug me.

Suggestions Box / Re: New Topics?
« on: November 13, 2002, 12:12:42 PM »
Gold and baseball are actually both classified as games, not sports, officially.

Rugby is okay to watch, but I just can't do soccer.  Waaaaaay to slow paced for me.

I would have to argue about the conditioning and skill of American Football players.  Speaking as someone who played the game extensively in high school (I was captain of the team), it takes a great deal of both.  

I do agree that most NFL players don't have the best attitude, but at least they're not as bad as pro baseball or basketball players.

Movies and TV / Re: Lord of the Rings Special DVD
« on: November 13, 2002, 12:07:22 PM »
Unless they release some ultra-special edition when all three movies are out, I think that the extended edition and the collector's set are the last versions to be released.

Suggestions Box / Re: New Topics?
« on: November 13, 2002, 12:52:15 AM »
WHAT!!!! *Gasp* *Choke*  
*Wheeze* *Sputter*

American football is quite possible the most entertaining sport on the planet.  This is not an opinion, this is fact  ;D

Movies and TV / Re: Lord of the Rings Special DVD
« on: November 13, 2002, 12:46:31 AM »
Slant:  At least they announced that there were going to be multiple editions of LOTR before they even released the initial version.  If I hadn't known that I would have been very upset because I would have bought the first version and then had this new one sprung on me.  Even with the warning, it took and immense amount of willpower to not buy it when it first came out.

Consequenltly, today's PVP covered this very same subject matter.

I wholeheartedly agree that the new version is worth it.  I haven't looked at any special features yet, but the extra footage is a really nice addition.  While there are only about 4 new scenes, virtually every scene gets some new dialogue or shots added.  Celeborn actually has more than one line now and Gimli finally gets his moment of character development in the gift giving scene.


Well, it looks like we most certainly won't be seeing the Scouring of the Shire as Sam only recieves the rope as a gift, now box of earth.  

Role-Playing Games / Re: So what is everybody playing?
« on: November 13, 2002, 12:40:37 AM »
Hoody Hoo!   Basic D&D rocks!  Nothing like having elves and dwarves as classes.

Currently I am playing in a Hackmaster campaign where our adventureing party, The Iron Trifecta +1, is currently clearing out the Mines of Chaos in B1: Little Keep on the Borderlands.  Our GM is awesome and the players are really experienced.  We tend to spend the majority of every session just role playing in the Keep and it is only in the last session that we got into some real dungeon hijinks.  I'm having an absolute blast.

I also run a D&D 3E game that is kind of on hold (I think my profile has a link to the campaign site I put up).  My group for that game has been together for over 6 years.  We just finished up a year long campaign and have started this new one...which is not going very quickly.

In addition to that, I'm currently trying to modify AD&D 1E with some of the rules from Hackmaster and from 3E.  Not a huge makeover, but a few rules to smooth out gameplay (spontaneous cures for clerics, HM initiative and skill system).

As for the best game I've ever played in...that's actually hard to pick as I don't play all that often.  The best game I ever ran was a Deadlands (my favorite RPG) one-shot that literally gave people nightmares and everyone had fun...that's my high-water mark.  
This post has made me think of what a huge rpg collection I have and how few of the games I've actually played....  It might be time to clean out the closet  :-[

Video Games / Re: Timesplitters 2 Mini-Review
« on: November 12, 2002, 06:42:01 PM »
I've played a little bit of Halo a while back. Good game, but I feel that Timesplitters 2 has graphics that are more my style.  I found Halo's textures very subdued...but then again I only played it once.

T2's graphics are really well done...the models are kind of cartoony, but that's something I like.  I'll have to go see what these folks are complaining about.

Something to note that I didn't mention in the review is the sound.  Normally I don't really notice the sound in a game...but I took note here.  The soundtrack is ambient and themed to each story level and very well done.  I wish I had the Neotokyo theme on CD.

Thanks for the comments all.  As of some recent developments, I believe you'll be seeing quite a few more GC reviews from me.

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