Games > Role-Playing Games


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I agree with the damage system; the more skilled the character is with a weapon, the more damage he can inflict with it.  I never understood why a first level mage and a twentieth level fighter both did the exact same damage with a dagger in AD&D.  Some other things I would include:

RACES: Make all the races brand new.  No elves, dwarves OR HUMANS.  And no anthropomorphic derivatives.  IE: no cat-people, wolf-people, etc.

BALANCE: Make sure that the characters who can work magic don't become all-powerful and dwarf the other players.  All characters should be roughly equal on a level-per-level basis.

COMBAT: It should be fast and furious.  one die roll determines if you hit, how well you hit, and what bonuses if any you get.  Thirty seconds of game-time combat should only last two minutes or so, not four hours.

GENRE: There's nothing wrong with doing fantasy, just remember that 'fantasy' entails a whole lot more than just sword-&-sorcery.  You can do fantasy set in space, or even in a more gothic setting similar to a Cthulian storyline.  You can even mix genres and do something like "Vampiric Demon Hunters in the Victorian Age of the 31st Century."

I'd be leery of any game that doesn't include humans; most that I've seen are too esoteric to get into, simply because there's no common basis to wrap your mind around. In some cases it can work if the world has humans in it but you can't play as one--After the Bomb is a good example. I support innovation, but not the point that the players get disconnected from the world of the game.

EUOL's got some intresting concepts he explained to me last week and I hope he posts somemore of them soon.  Like the leveling system we were talking about.  Were you don't just level up a character but a spirt essence that is you the player so that all your new chacaters have a slight bouns when you make them.

So, any new word on development of the game?

I am curious about this whole thing.  Let us know ASAP.


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