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Messages - Akeyata

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Rants and Stuff / Re: What won't you eat?
« on: February 20, 2006, 10:41:59 PM »
mock my husband all you want but I would like to see anyone be pregnant with morning sickness and NOT come out of it with some kind of food aversion.  

but really, mock my husband all you want.

a little more...

Rants and Stuff / Re: What won't you eat?
« on: February 20, 2006, 01:39:54 PM »
When I was pregnant with my first child we were living around the corner from my mom, and since we didn't have any money, we'd always go over to her house for dinner.  I had morning sickness every minute of every day up until the day I delivered--and so most of what I ate then I can't eat now, but the worst is Stouffer's Lasagna.  My mom made it about every other day because it was easy and big to feed all the extra people.  I still can't eat it, and I have to pass that part of the frozen food aisle really quickly or just the thought of it gags me.  

My husband won't eat yogurt because he can "feel the little things moving around in his mouth"  he won't eat mushrooms because he pictures eating athlete's foot, he won't eat unmelted cheese because he pictures it growing as he eats it.  He also won't eat sour cream or cottage cheese because he can "feel it curdle in his mouth"  He refuses to eat at any ethnic restaurant he has not eaten at previously because he just knows he'll get sick, thusly he always gets sick.

I knew someone once who wouldn't eat corn nuts because she was eating them once when her brother crashed the car she was in and she was spitting them out in the ambulance.

I refuse to eat at certain restaurants, like the Mayan--I've seen the kitchens, and I know what goes on in the back rooms.  If you want specifics I'll tell you, but I don't want to just post it out here, or some people will have to undergo therapy to eat at any restaurant again.  

Everything Else / Re: article: Little Girls
« on: February 20, 2006, 12:59:56 PM »
I would love to be treated as a woman by the members in my ward--I've been married longer than most of them (5 years) and have 2 kids.  And yet when I get sick they call my mother instead of my husband.  Go figure.

I think by the time my parents realized what they had in my brothers (fell and house of mustard), they were scared to death at any interest I showed in things like hobbits.  I was not allowed to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy on my own, only if my dad read it to me.  Meaning that I've only gotten through half of it and I'm not likely to get any farther.  I was encouraged to like dragons and things, but only in the PERN sense of them.  They pushed me into tap and ballet and taught me to sew, but I showed them all when I switched to modern dance and (shudder) drama.  

I suppose this means that I was predisposed to like these things no matter what my parents tried.  Unfortunately this has left me in a strange middle ground between my brothers and my mother.  My dad started coming around when I was in high school though, when he started bringing home specs for new weapons the military was coming out with.  My mother was less than pleased.  

Role-Playing Games / Re: column: Geek Girl #7
« on: February 07, 2006, 09:50:50 PM »
yeah, I must admit I am surprised that these particular people turned out to be twg readers, but I swear it's true.  

They are, actually, some of the coolest "in" people in the department.  (I might add that neither of them watched the superbowl either. so all in all it was a very surprising conversation)

But it warmed my little sisterish heart to know that my very own big brother's site has reached the strange and twisted brains that study music all day long and tell music theory jokes in latin.

Although it wasn't HIS article they were quoting...

Movies and TV / Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
« on: August 06, 2005, 08:29:12 AM »
I finally saw this movie.  Wow.  It was the best movie I have ever seen in my life.  It did change the ending, but the ending THIS version chose was still consistant with the tone and point of the book.  And if you think the Wonka of the book wasn't dark, maybe you need to read it again.  THis was the truest movie-from-book I have ever seen, except perhaps Harry Potter. (because of the added ending).  

Books / Re: Half-blood Prince Spoilers!
« on: July 25, 2005, 02:35:29 PM »
okay, I'm confused.  Why is everyone so obsessed with Snape being ultimately good?  He'll probably end up being good, but just because Dumbledore trusted him so much doesn't necessarily mean he was right.  He said that he's usually right but when he's wrong he's spectacularly wrong.  
My mom brought up that this isn't really a kids book, but then it doesn't have to be.  who's reading this book?  children yes, but they didn't start with book 6 did they?  these are long books and the kids would probably be 10 or 11 before they start the series and it would take them a while to get to this one.  So yeah, it's a little old for an elementary school-aged kid, but unless they're reading them out of order, they're not the ones reading them.  
And I have no idea what she's going to do about anything in the next book--after this one, I don't really know what to expect.  I wouldn't have thought she would kill Harry, but you never know.  Hermione might figure a way out of it, but we could all be wrong and he's not a horcrux after all.  I'm completely stymied.

Movies and TV / Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
« on: July 18, 2005, 06:35:56 PM »
he likes the wonder that he sees in SOME children (charlie for example), that he never sees in adults.  But most children have already lost their awe of life and act like adults in too many ways.  So while he prefers children to adults, he doesn't like children, he likes child-like qualities.

Movies and TV / Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
« on: July 18, 2005, 05:45:20 PM »
I don't really think any movie about this book is for kids, as far as that goes.  It's a great book for kids, who can use their imagination and not creep themselves out--but when it's visualized for them, it's a bit much, however you do it.  

Movies and TV / Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
« on: July 18, 2005, 05:43:25 PM »
Depp is an excellent choice for Wonka because Dahl made it that way.  That is EXACTLY the feeling you get when you read the book....or I suppose exactly the feeling I got when I read the book.  If Wonka really like kids all that much, he wouldn't be so grossed out and disgusted at what the other ones do.  He doesn't like or understand kids, he loves and worships the art of candy.

Movies and TV / Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
« on: July 16, 2005, 05:00:06 PM »
It had nothing to do with the styling, thank you.  I hated it because it destroyed the whole point of the book--charlie and his grandpa were supposed to be the only good and respectful people in the tour, and the movie ruined that, and therefore screwed the whole ending.

Movies and TV / Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
« on: July 16, 2005, 12:02:01 PM »
I love Gene Wilder, I think he's a genius.  But I HATED LOATHED, and DESPISED his version.  It was a horrible movie, it ruined the whole point of the book.

I am so excited to see this movie!

Movies and TV / Re: review: War of the Worlds (no spoilers)
« on: July 05, 2005, 12:56:05 AM »
I'm sorry, but I will never EVER see another movie with Tom Cruise in it ever again.  He doesn't deserve my patronage, nor anyone else's.  This may keep me from seeing a few good movies (hee hee), but I can live with that.  I could not live with contributing to that idiot's way of life.

Books / Re: review: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
« on: June 30, 2005, 10:03:55 AM »
fell was going to be named Caryn if he was a girl.  hee hee

Books / Re: review: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
« on: June 29, 2005, 05:51:43 PM »
well, he's certainly not cryogenically frozen ;)

Books / Re: review: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
« on: June 29, 2005, 03:40:21 PM »
I just find it interesting that someone who was so totally against technology just had his books turned into three incredibly special-effect heavy movies.  

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