General > Rants and Stuff

Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours

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Heh. Is coffee like football in that it's inconceivable for most people that someone somewhere might not like it?

Even though I've never had coffee (grew up Mormon), I'm not sure I'd like it anyway. The smell has always made me feel nauseous. I had several teachers growing up who'd tote around a thermos of coffee, and I'd always leave their classes feeling faintly ill.

I also don't know what the big deal is with caffeine. Drinking large amounts of Dr. Pepper has never had any noticeable effect on me, the way people say caffeine is supposed to. I'm weird.  :-\

I like neither coffee nor football. Which surprises people who are familiar with my sleep schedule.

Current source of grumpiness: After spending all semester having to use this one computer lab on campus (which is a 40 minute drive from where I live) because my computer at home wouldn't run Neverwinter Nights (yes, this was actually for a class), now, NOW that I don't need to use NWN for assignments any more, I've got it working at home. ::)

Also: Plot holes.

little wilson:
Ryos-- maybe you've just become desensitized to caffeine. Maybe it's like me and sugar. I no longer get any kind of a sugar rush at all when I eat a bunch of chocolate....or whatever. What would make another person bounce off the walls does absolutely nothing to me.

And I feel the same way about coffee. I have tasted it. Not the drink but the flavor, and I don't care for it one iota....

And grumpiness. I can't breathe. And it's not because of my bronchitis. My congestion moved from my nose to my throat. I hate phlegm.

The Jade Knight:
I'm the same way as sugar, but I avoid caffeine in general (not a big fan of any kind of drug).

Grumpiness:  Must sleep soon so I can work tomorrow.  Alack.

Patriotic Kaz:
Caffeine gives me nasty mood-swings makes me act all female and's freaky...anyways I've heard someone say how can something smell so good and taste so bad and i heartily agree!


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