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The poll and why I don't think it should be D20

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Mad Dr Jeffe:
Or GURPS or TWERPS. .... well maybe not TWERPS. Those games are just a little too generic and I want my life to be more cinematic than that. D20 is a good roleplaying system, but not for my life. My life should be more of a butt kicking, kung fu wielding, gun using world of Magic and excitement. I dont need to worry about attacks of opportunity or falling damage from a height of ten feet. I could care less about the difference between a Bec de Corbin and a Falchard.

If I had to have a game system define my life I'd have to go with the movie stylings of Feng Shui. The rules are the most advantageous to the player, the stunts are cooler and easier to pull off and hey everyone speaks cantonese.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I voted for Hackmaster because it's the most unrealistic of the group.

and I think reality is that unreal and harsh

I didn't take it as a popularity or a fantasy question. but "Dear Sir, You may be right." (H.L. Mencken's response to most all correspondence, good or bad, he received).

I voted for FFX.

Because I'm a fanboy.

House of Mustard:
I voted for Inquisitor for two reasons:

1) It's only an RPG half the time and I only have a life half the time.

2) The unlikeliness that you'll get to actually use all of your actions is similar to the unlikeliness that I'll ever get anything done.

I have to assume that people are voting for d20 because it allows them to rules-lawyer their way out of all of life's problems.


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