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Messages - BurnPewter

Pages: [1]
Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: September 10, 2008, 01:31:26 AM »
Oh come on, another alpha reader on the forum. Sweet all we need is another Ook running around stirring the pot and messing with our heads. Although I would miss Ook if he left, come on really?

Technically I"m not an alpha reader.  I just fortunate fan who recently was given a copy to read.  There are a few of them floating around out there :)

Don't worry, I won't be another Ook, cruelly dangling things in front of your face.  I do enjoy those threads though :)

Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: September 10, 2008, 01:00:26 AM »
I'd have to say the Hero of Ages.

Never in my life have I experienced anything like this book.  Nothing compares.  Not even Harry Potter 7, which had years of anticipation building.   The emotional impact that HoA had on me is indescribable, which is probably good, because if I could describe it, it might imply some small spoilers :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« on: September 10, 2008, 12:58:04 AM »
I think any reader who enjoys Brandon will enjoy the works of Scott Lynch (Lies of Locke Lamora) and Pattrick Rothfuss (The Name of the Wind).   If you haven't read them yet, I'd say bump them up to the top of your list.

The last few books I read were:

- Robin Hobbs Assassin trilogy (starting with Assassin's Apprentice) - The first two are great, the third is worth reading.
- MB:HoA - Amazing.  I'm as much of a super fan as many of the other people here, and this won't disappoint.
- The Eye of the World - I just started this, about 1/2 way through and enjoying it so far. 

I think my next book is going to be Brisinger when it's released in a few days.  I know the Eragon series get's a lot of criticism, but I found the other two entertaining enough to read twice.   After that I'll probably continue with the Wheel of Time.

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