Author Topic: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*  (Read 20047 times)


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Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« on: December 16, 2008, 10:27:51 PM »
I just thought I'd post a separate topic for this, rather than having anything related to it on the MB3 Spoiler thread.

(Though I did mark this spoilers, just in case)

I haven't found any typos in it thus far, but I do have one suggestion about the God Metals: Perhaps the position of the Atium/Larasium symbol should be switched? If Larasium's alloys provide expanded Physical and Enhancement effects, shouldn't it's symbol be below that half of the chart (I'm talking about the symbol next to the "Mistborn" text at the bottom). I think that would make it more intuitive if the atium and larasium were switched like that.

Another thing on the atium/Larasium descriptions: "Larasium", in the description, is capitalized, whereas no other metal's name is capitalized. It just seems slightly inconsistent to me, but then again Larasium is pretty special.

And perhaps on the tin description, instead of "All must be increased at the same time", it could be "All will be increased at the same time." The way it's phrased now, it sounds like the Allomancer needs to work to increase all of the senses at the same time, whereas in reality he or she doesn't really have a choice in the matter.

Finally, on the Key for External and Internal Metals, it isn't exactly clear on first glance that the text "Internal Metals" is referring to the inner circle there.

In addition, I hope a wallpaper of 1400x900 is one of those "standard sizes" :D
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 10:31:34 PM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 02:42:55 AM »
Okay, since my brief check didn't see this question anywhere else, I'm going to assume it hasn't been asked yet.

Atium and Larasium both say that in alloy form, they produce "various expanded effects." Does this depend on the metal it is alloyed with? The only alloy we've seen, that I can tell is Malatium, and that was Atium, alloyed with gold, correct? And the effect it produced was very similar to gold. So, what effects would it produce if it were alloyed with, say... Bronze? Also, since the effects are mental and temporal, will it only alloy with the mental/temporal metals?


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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 03:25:47 AM »
I liked how he included the actual metals, and how aluminum and duralumin mistings are called gnats, because they can't really do anything.
There is no mention of coppers ability to shield one from emotional allomancy, which is my suggestion.  Also, perhaps it would be wise to mention the mindcontrol aspect of brass and zinc.
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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2008, 08:12:46 AM »
Hey guys - long time forum lurker - I hardly ever post on any forums but I had to point this out.  Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a copper bruning Misting called a Smoker?  Not a Coppercloud?


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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2008, 10:55:46 AM »
You're right. The coppercloud is the area made by the smoker where allomancy can't be detected.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 01:28:13 PM by CptSqweky »


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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2008, 12:52:15 PM »
Actually, I think they can be called either. Smoker is just more common.


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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2008, 03:16:06 PM »
If you look on Brandon's LiveJournal, he has answered some of those questions and remarks. 

From that, apparently this table is made 300? maybe 400? (I don't remember the exact number) years from the trilogy from the perspective of scholars.  Therefore all that is mentioned is based on what they know.  So the explanations are limited to that.  So since (supposedly) Atium will be non-existent, they cannot expand on the alloys, and what they would do. 

And Coppercloud is the 'scholar' term for Smokers, but like Pewter Arm is the term for Thug.  I believe Brandon responded saying they would include that in parenthesis in the final version of the poster.


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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2009, 11:07:54 PM »
Hi all, I'm also a long time lurker, I thought I'd add my first post here since I'm really into all the Allomancy metal theories.

I'm in agreement with Chaos2651 about which side of the chart the "Larasium" and "Atium" symbols should be on (they should be switched), which would mean that the text in the God Metal box would also need switching around.

Atium and Larasium both say that in alloy form, they produce "various expanded effects." Does this depend on the metal it is alloyed with? The only alloy we've seen, that I can tell is Malatium, and that was Atium, alloyed with gold, correct? And the effect it produced was very similar to gold. So, what effects would it produce if it were alloyed with, say... Bronze? Also, since the effects are mental and temporal, will it only alloy with the mental/temporal metals?

I've seen that someone has updated wikipedia on this. I'm a little unsure about this myself  since it has said that when you combine "Larasium" with one of the other metals you can create a Misting of the alloy you mixed it with, but it doesn't say that you can only mix it with Physical and Enhancement metals, otherwise you wouldn't be able to make Rioters, Smokers, etc.  We already know that there are "Atium" Mistings (Larasium mixed with Atium I'd imagine).

It would kind of make sense that you would be able to mix "Atium" with the other 16 metals as you can with "Larasium".
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 11:30:09 PM by Necronoman »
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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2009, 08:46:17 PM »
I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this. In Hero of Ages, it's discovered that the mists are Snapping people--exactly 16 out of a hundred, meaning that 1 in every 100 people is made a misting of each of the 16 metals. One in sixteen of the people who fall ill become Atium mistings and are sick much longer. Until the people discovered why the mists made people sick, the Atium mistings were called Mistfallen.

Here's my question: if Atium is a God metal, not truly one of the sixteen allomantic metals, why did anyone become an Atium misting through the mist sickness? Does that mean that one of the other metals was not included in the mist-snapping?

If Preservation just switched out, say, aluminum or duralumin snapping for Atium snapping, then that was a brilliant, brilliant move on his part. The Atium mistings were the final blow to Ruin when they burned the massive Atium stores of the Lord Ruler.

Has Brandon said anything about this? Or did I miss something in the books?

Edit: Here's another question: duralumin never really "burns" away, nor does aluminum, as far as we know. It's like a catalyst. I'm curious whether Nicrosil and Chromium burn away... Could a chromium misting affect a nicrosil misting? And vice-versa?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 09:35:24 PM by Eleaneth »
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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2009, 09:34:33 PM »
Here's a quote from page 48 from the MB3 Spoiler thread that applies, Eleaneth.

I saw Brandon at a book signing back in mid-December, and I asked him about the 16 percent deal. He said that Preservation replaced the real External Temporal Metals with Atium and Malatium (at least I'm assuming Malatium, but he didn't mention that specifically. He only said Atium). So not-Cerrobend and Cadmium weren't counted in the 16%. Nicrosil and Chromium, on the other hand, were. So there are Chromium and Nicrosil mistings running around, not knowing that they're mistings.

When he was answering this, I thought he made it pretty clear that Preservation, with the 16%, was just making Mistings. Not Mistborn. I'm not sure about the people who died. I think maybe those who died from the Mists were Mistborn, but as far as I know, Brandon hasn't confirmed or denied this theory. Nor has he confirmed or denied anything regarding the Atium Mistings created by the mists/Preservation. Maybe they are Mistborn. Maybe they can burn Atium alloys. I'm betting not. I'm betting they're simply Atium Mistings, and that's it. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2009, 09:38:11 PM »
Cool! Thanks. I missed that. So Preservation was that clever. :)

And I don't think the people who died were mistborn... I think they were just too weak to withstand the Snapping, since they didn't happen in specific amounts; it was mostly the very old and very young.
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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2009, 12:50:05 AM »
Cool! Thanks. I missed that. So Preservation was that clever. :)

And I don't think the people who died were mistborn... I think they were just too weak to withstand the Snapping, since they didn't happen in specific amounts; it was mostly the very old and very young.

And there was nothing special about how many old and young people died.

BTW, I'm pretty sure the shards can see parts of the future.  It seems to me, the more I think about it, that Ruin and Preservation were playing extremely complex strategies against each other, which would presumably interfere with the fortune-telling, but what they could see, they used.  How else can we explain Preservation's enormous insight, not to mention ridiculously detailed prophecies, some of which even survived?

I'm not just using Mistborn for this.  I'm also thinking of Lightsong's experience in Warbreaker.  There seems to be both the ability to see the future and the ability to change the future.
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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2009, 01:23:47 AM »
And don't forget what happened to Elend when he used Atium with Duralumin. I think most of us guess that he saw some part of the future the way the Shards perceive it.
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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2009, 05:02:24 PM »
And don't forget what happened to Elend when he used Atium with Duralumin. I think most of us guess that he saw some part of the future the way the Shards perceive it.

You're right.  And we got RAFOed on it, as well.  There is more here than meets the eye.
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Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2009, 06:54:25 AM »
I'm also curious on Lerasium. The Allomantic chart hints that its alloys could have other abilities than just creating Mistings.
In alloy form, it produces various expanded Physical and Enhancement effects (including the creation of Mistings).

I guess we'll have to RAFO if/when he returns to Mistborn to make a later series...
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