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Rifftrax October 2008 - Halloween Party

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And, right on cue, our trip to Anime Banzai got cancelled. So no worries.

I will be providing drinks and will probably get a party sub sandwich if people want to bring other food/treats.

Also, FYE didn't have a copy of it. I'll keep looking or rent a copy, but it would be nice to have a backup....Anyone own a copy already?

--- Quote from: Fellfrosch on October 13, 2008, 05:47:39 PM ---I'm pretty sure that works for me, and X-Files is a great choice.

--- End quote ---

Are Dawn and the kidlets coming? What about Skar? (he hasn't been in a while)

--- Quote from: The Jade Knight on October 20, 2008, 08:42:37 PM ---I was in Utah this weekend, but won't be there next.  This makes me sad.

I might be up for Thanksgiving, though.  Anything in the works for then?

--- End quote ---

Well. Usually I have them about 3 times a year, in the fall/late winter/summer. More than that and people are Rifftrax-ed out. You are always welcome to borrow my Eragon DVD/riff because, IMO, that one is my most favorite and most hilarious.

A few people have asked if this is an 'open' party. The answer is yes. Anyone from TWG is invited to come. Just PM me for my address.

Oh. And people can dress up in their Halloween duds if they want to. I probably will (not really fancy, but still....)

Who all's invited to this? I just want to make sure it's not just an administrator party before I ask if I can come. :)

Yes, Qarlin, you can come. PM me for directions to my house.


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