Author Topic: National Novel Writing Month 2008  (Read 37045 times)

Dount Cooku

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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #135 on: November 30, 2008, 05:01:40 AM »
I made it!  I finished enough to reach the goal this morning, and was able to confirm it on the NaNo site tonight.  51,637 is my official word count, and that may go slightly higher if I actually complete the novel tonight or tomorrow (I've still got two or three chapters left).

Good luck to everyone else that is working overtime to finish up.  You can do it!


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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #136 on: November 30, 2008, 06:03:11 AM »


At this point, I think I've just resigned myself to enjoying success vicariously, through everyone else.

That doesn't mean I'm not still writing. Only 27695 words to go!


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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #137 on: November 30, 2008, 06:17:05 AM »
Only 27695 words to go!

Sweet! You're almost halfway there!....And that "enjoying success vicariously" won't be experienced for me, I'm afraid....I'm sorry. If I'd known you were going to depend on vicarious success, I might've tried a bit harder to complete NaNo.  Now I kind of feel bad (not really). :P
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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #138 on: November 30, 2008, 07:19:52 AM »
You should be sorry! You should have tried harder! *waves fist*

The halfway point creeps ever closer. I've only 26231 words left to meet the deadline.

This is so encouraging. ::)

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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #139 on: November 30, 2008, 07:33:37 AM »
Really? You wrote over 1,000 words just in the last hour?...Man.....That disappoints me (simply because I can't focus long enough to write that much--it's horrible), but good job! Way to stay focused! If only I could do that.....I swear, when I'm on my computer, I'm ADD or something....
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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #140 on: November 30, 2008, 07:39:07 AM »
I usually am too! Today's actually the first time I've ever really tried writing massive amounts on a screen (I've probably written about 8000 words today if you count the "2am before I went to bed stuff, which for me is pretty massive) because I'm HORRIBLY ADD when computers are around. (I mean, I'm here, aren't I?)

This is actually fun though. I'm enjoying this retardedly fast-paced clip. If I can just figure out what to write next I might still hit the halfway point by midnight!!

Stupid plot holes. *waves fist*

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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #141 on: November 30, 2008, 07:45:39 AM »
Wait. There's still another day of writing, isn't there? It's not officially over until tomorrow, I thought.....Not that it really matters for me. There's absolutely no way I'm hitting even 25k by tomorrow, but I might try to hit at least 12k....maybe 15. I think 15 might be do-able....

And I know! The internet is addicting. This site is addicting. It deserves it's name. It's a huge time-waster, yet I can't seem to tear myself away from it. I'm supposed to be reading The Count of Monte Cristo, because I need to have it completely read by Thursday  for one of my classes, and I'm only on page 25. I actually think it's good so far, yet I can't stay focused on reading it, because I keep coming back here. It's bad. It's really, really bad!
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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #142 on: November 30, 2008, 07:49:13 AM »
Yup, midnight tomorrow. You should totally go for the 15k! Every word you write for NaNo is one you wouldn't have written otherwise. I think this sorta thing is very valuable even if you don't "win". (She says, trying to console herself.)

Haha, I have that problem with Internet forums too. (At least the interesting ones.) It's why I never posted here after I signed up  - I really didn't need another time waster. I blame RE for drawing me in. ::)

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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #143 on: November 30, 2008, 07:58:32 AM »
Haha. Yeah....I know I don't need any more time-wasters (facebook is enough, yet i still find more...), yet I signed up here, anyway. And I've been posting on here pretty much non-stop since then. I mean, I registered on the 13th. And I've already posted over 100 times....I need a life. And RE's just going to make it worse. Especially since I've got submission on Monday (speaking of which, I REALLY need to go back and finish editing my chapter 1...).

I think that editing (I'm adding a scene) will probably take up a bit of those words I'll write tomorrow. Probably won't even be 700, but still....If I do hit 15k, I'll at least be finished with Chapter 4. Maybe even 5, too, depending on how much I write....That would be sweet. Maybe that will give me the push I need to get back into writing this story...

...I actually wanted to win. Kind of. Obviously I didn't really want to win a whole lot, because if I did, I would've written more.... ::)
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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #144 on: November 30, 2008, 08:04:54 AM »
Facebook at least is not among my time-wasters. Well, it sort of is - I have an account because I wanted to put up a page for the swing band I play in - but I can't stand facebook and therefore ignore it most of the time. I seem to do pretty okay on time-wasters anyway.

Haha. I wanted to win, too. I want to win more now, which is sad 'cause I don't actually think it's going to happen. We'll see, I guess...

26k words in 24 hours? I'm all over that!

(Actually more like 20 hours, since I have to go to work Sunday night... damn...)

And don't worry. If writing itself doesn't give you the push you need to get back into the story, your caring fellows down at Reading Excuses will. ;)

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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #145 on: November 30, 2008, 08:12:23 AM »
Well, Facebook wasn't originally one of them...and even now it's not my only one. I think imdb's coming back into being a time-waster....that site goes on and off for me. And at the moment I can't remember the other major ones, even though I know there's a bunch. Myspace used to be a huge one, but now I hardly even go there....I think it's more watching things online--whether that's movies, or tv shows, either one takes up a LOT of time....

And I'm sure it's possible to write 26k words in 24'd just have to be on roll....and have a lot of caffeine, or something to keep you awake....

And sweet. I'm actually really looking forward to submitting, and seeing the other people's submissions. I love reading other stories. It's so much fun!
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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #146 on: November 30, 2008, 09:11:31 AM »
Haha. I can't honestly say I even know what imdb, and I never really got into the social networking sites like myspace, facebook and the like. My Internet time wasting is mostly forums (two general, one RP), webcomics, and author/publishing blogs. And designing my own websites.

I just broke the halfway point. Only 24960 to go. Waugh!


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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #147 on: December 01, 2008, 04:09:33 AM »
Finally finished yesterday.  Nowhere done with the story, but whatever.  That's what december is for  ;D
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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #148 on: December 01, 2008, 04:16:08 AM »
Congrats!  I'm in the same boat, but I fear Jan or Feb will be when I finish mine.  I let things back up in Nov so I won't be able to slack on them in the coming Holiday Season. :P
I don't suffer from insanity...  I enjoy every minuet of it!

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Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« Reply #149 on: December 01, 2008, 04:48:07 AM »
Congrats!  I am now finding that the issue now is staying focused so I continue to write... I'm starting to fall back into bad habits.
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